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Proposal Template - 10,000 Proposals Submitted

Yes, I have submitted 10,000 Proposals in the last 12 Years...


Hey Everyone, I have been doing my best to help as many people as I can,


I see a common trend, when you have your profile in a good place, the next big things which you need to do are: 


1. Search Upwork for the job types which are relevant to you. for example, my keywords are: 


  • Google ads
  • Google adwords
  • PPC
  • Pay Per Click
  • Adwords

Note - I have a lot more that I can search for but the above are my "core keywords".


2. From there, you need to have a good proposal template, this is super important, BUT... Let me tell you.


  • Read the job post quickly
  • Address the client by name if possible (in the intro)
  • Tell the client how you can help them, mention their challenge / project / issue and how you can help
  • Put any other additional details about the job here (do not get to wordy or make it to long, that does not work)
  • Any additional details you think are needed, keep it short
  • Than ask for the call, ask for the meeting. This is KEY and what most people fail to do!

From there, the rest of your proposal can be a template:


  • Your accomplishments
  • Your skill set
  • Your history / feedback
  • Additional details

Quick Example of how to keep it simple: 


Hey Bob,


My name is Samer Bazzi and I had a quick look at your project, I can see you have been struggling to scale up your PPC account with Google. Good news, I have been working with Google Ads for the past 16+ Years. I have worked with dozens of clients who had the same issue and I was able to help the majority of them scale, and not only scale, but I also helped make the profitable! I would love to get on a Zoom call here on Upwork to go through your requirement, excited to connect : )


Now, you will go on and past your template details which I listed above.


I have a question for most of you, If I created a small course about this (for free), would it be helpful for you all?


Feel free to put your proposal template here and I can give you feedback,


I hope this will help everyone!


I replied above.

Hey Sherdil,


I hope all is well on your end. How is the proposal template going?

Community Member

Feel free to add your porposals and I will have a lool at those.

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If you have any proposals you want me to review / check. Please put them in this thread and I will do my best to help.

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The recording to the webinar is now online if anyone is interested:


Community Member

Thank you for your help Samer. I am really struggling with getting clients and I've spent too many connects. This is the proposal I often send (with some minor modifications depending on the client's task):


Hello dear client, my name is Alison and I would love to edit and proofread your work for you. I am a Top Rated Upwork freelancer with native English fluency and experience in writing a variety of topics.


While editing, I ensure:

- Proper grammar, spelling, and structural flow.

- Consistency of point-of-view and characterizations.

- Rewording superfluous and overdramatic text to sound more cohesive and stream-lined while maintaining the same emotional tone.

- Rephrasing passive voice into active voice.


Please see attached for examples of previous editing projects with raw unedited examples from the client for comparison. You can also see more examples of editing on my profile. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing back from you! 



Hey Alison,


Did you get a chance to watch the webinar? I just added you to my network

I'll take a look now, thank you! I've accepted the network request.

Hey Alison,


I hope all is well on your end. I wanted to check up. How are things going on your end.

Community Member

Awesome. Let us connect in the new year and get on a call, we will see how much I can help!

I truly appreciate it! Happy holidays.

Pleasure. same to you. Enjoy your Holiday week end!

Thank you

My Pleasure

Community Member

Does anyone need me to help look at thier proposal? Put it here and I will do my best to help!

Community Member

Hey Samer,


Hope you are well. can you please help me in proposal , i am graphic designer. usually i am sending these proposals (after changing according to proposal).



Hope you are well. I would like to take the initiative to create _________ design for your project. I will make sure this visually looks good. Professional and most importantly meet your brand guideline (if any).


Process is very simple.

1 – Send me your content, I will create the Some samples with 2 different themes as per your requirements.

2 – Once approved, I will continue and deliver the final product. After which we can do any discussion if required.


I am attaching my previous work samples for you to review. To make sure the Desigining look similar overall. I would like to know your target audience(in some proposals audience is not mentioned),  so I can get some good ideas about your requirement?


Looking forward to your response.


Let me know any other questions

My Pleasure

Community Member

Hey Asim,


I hope all is well, when I send out proposals, I usually like to do the following:


1. address the client by name if possible, if you do not see the name, check the old reviews on the profile to see if someone mentioned the name of the client, at times, you may see something like "It was great working with Joe".


2. From there, I like to address the project need. For example, if a client says "I need help lowering my Return on AD Spend", I would go in and say, "Joe, from what I understand, your ROAS is now 2.1X, I am a Facebook ADS expert and can definetly help with this"


3. From there, you want to tell the client about past experience with this type of problem / improvemnet. "I have worked with a few clients in the last couple months and I have been able to improve the ROAS by atleast 50% in most cases"


4. I than ask the client if we can get on a 15 min zoom call to talk in person.


You can also include additional items like your history, feedback, and other detailed, this can be templated.

Community Member

I have content writing and copy write 

Community Member

Thank you for your sacrificial effort.

Here is my proposal, sir.


Dear Sir.

I really hope this message finds you well.

I am writing in response to your job posting for an engineer fluent in Typescript to assist with your startup project.

I have 6+ years of experience with Typescript so I can effectively contribute to the development of your project.

As a dedicated professional, I understand the importance of flexibility and adaptability.

I am more than willing to adjust my work hours to align with your schedule and ensure seamless collaboration.


I am excited about the opportunity to join your startup and contribute to its success.

Thank you for considering my application.

I would welcome the chance to discuss your project in more detail and demonstrate how I can add value to your team.


Best Regards,



Sir, please check my proposal and give me your great advice.

I will have a look

Dmytro, Samer seems to still be busy, so here's what I think:


You have to keep in mind that what the client sees (unless he/she bothers to click on your offer) are the 2 first lines. So don't bother to have a long polite opening sentence.

Then it's useless to tell the client you're writing in response to his job posting, he/she knows you are.

Get into the 6+ years of experience part right away and tell the client how you can help.



Hey Luce,


Great advice. I appreciate you stepping in.

I appreciate you helping on this.

Community Member

Samer, your information is very interesting, however it doesn't apply to everyone. Take me, for example. Mainly I'm a translator. I cannot tell clients "I can see you have been struggling to scale up your translation", that would not make any sense.

However, when I see that a lot of people have already made offers for a job that I think interesting, I'm getting a bit cynical and I'm pointing out that I can see they have received many offers from people who are not a good fit (to say the least, I mean the freelancers who just love to throw connects away without even reading the offer). Guess what, that often works 😉 too!

Great strategy!

Community Member

I am always here to help, feel free to ask any questions!

Samer, you probably mean well, but I would not dream of putting my "special potion" online. It's probably not the best but it gets me jobs rather frequently. I must say one of my favourite sports is to get a job that has already received from 20 to 50 offers, some of them boosted till their about to burst!


I can only imagine a crowd of freelancers copying and pasting my creation until it becomes so banal it will stop working.

I never really worry about what other freelancers do. I try to help them as much as I can.

Well Samer, let's be honnest. I'm not really talking about real freelancers, just about those who believe that trying Upwork without knowing the rules is to bring them instant wealth.

I agree. This is definetly not a get rich quick scheme. Freelancing is very hard work.

Community Member

I'm [Your Name], and I've taken a quick look at your project. It seems you're facing challenges with scaling up your Google Ads PPC account. The good news is that I've been working with Google Ads for over 16 years. I've helped numerous clients with similar issues, not only scaling their accounts but also making them profitable.

I'd be thrilled to set up a Zoom call here on Upwork to discuss your requirements further. Looking forward to connecting!

Best regards, [Your Name]

I will have a look and get back to you.

Community Member

Hey Everyone, I have been doing my best to help as many people as I can

Rihanna, keep working hard, you will get there!

Community Member

Hi Samer...can you review my proposal?




I'm writer, researcher and author of an Ebook.My work has been published on platforms like Global Educational Review Studies and Draft2digital. I have been blogging for past two years. 


Your post caught my attention about the Car Accident Injury. I appreciate someone is addressing a rare niche. Could you provide more details about the project? Being a marketing team what do you aim to promote specifically?



Looking forward to your humble response

Hey Afifa,


I had a quick look. Can you fill in the rest of the fields and than I can have a look here.

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100 X 16 = 1,600 at .15 each. that would be $240. Yes, expensive but its the name of the game. Pay to Play

Community Member

Hey Arslan, I will have a look at this

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