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Recent Difficulty Landing Work / 100% JSS and Top Rated Plus

Hello Upwork Community, please tell me if you are experiencing similar issues. Or if I'm crazy or doing something wrong, please tell me straight up. Also let me preface this by saying that I realize I'm not the best designer in the world. Always room to grow, I get that. But I do stand by my work and the vast majority of my clients are pleased with my work as well. 

I've been top rated plus 100% jss (graphic designer) since way before Upwork implemented these ridiculous changes. Connect boosts, 10 free connects a month (oh how generous - let's push the freelancers to boost their proposal so they'll run out of connects sooner and have to buy more), consultations, project catalogs... my work is in my profile! CLIENTS CAN VIEW MY WORK IN MY PROFILE. Not only that, if they search my name in Google, they will find my actual portfolio website. This leads my to my first concern listed below. 

Project Catalogs: If a client wants a fixed price pitch deck, they can find me and invite me to interview and discuss it with them in detail. Not all graphic design projects are alike. Some require more effort, some require minimal effort. Three tiers for a project just doesn't cover it. It is a nuanced discipline. It's more work for us trying to comply with Upwork's new standards and less money coming our way. Looking at it from a client perspective, it seems like they would think of us freelancers as unflexible, rigid, unwilling to budge, too complicated, and then just give up on the platform. I had to wait about 15-20 days and multiple fixes to get my first Project Catalog to go through. You know what Upwork said when I asked them what was taking so long? They are having trouble getting through the influx of similar concerns. I mean, that's a red flag right there. 

Consultations: Clients aren't dumb, they might need direction or need advice and might not know exactly what they are looking for, but they aren't dumb. Why are clients going to pay for a consultation when they can just message me through Upwork by inviting me to a job - even if they are unsure they'll even want to hire for the job? If the project looks good, my type of client, or design style, I'll respond, for free - because I potentailly want that specific work. What does Upwork think they are getting out of this? I'm not a lawfirm, consultations... I just don't get it. 


I haven't been receiveing invitations or landing jobs like I used to. I started noticing it about 3-4 months ago. It used to be like I'd snap my fingers and there was a good job at hand (even when I wasn't top rated plus!). Now it's nothing. I've been complaining to Upwork support about this for about a month, but I'm to be assured, these changes are working and are great for freelancers! I'm just not seeing it and I can't be the only freelancer not getting the same amount of work they used to get, not even close. I can't be alone in this, maybe I am, but intuition and years of experience tells me I'm not. 

Let me know if any of you fellow freelancers, especially graphic designers, if you're experiencing similar things or feel the same way or if you have a different opinion. I'm just trying to understand what is going on. I used to be able to make a living straight through Upwork. I've always respected Upwork so much that I'd route clients who reached out to me through my website back to Upwork, those who found me through Behance, or Dribbble, etc. Currently, it's almost impossible though. I've been using Upwork since about 2015-2016 or back when it was Freelancer. I've never had such a hard time getting work while being top rated plus at 100% jss. Something is amiss and it has to be these recent (within the last 9 months) changes to the platform. 

At this point I'm just frustrated. I put in so much work and so much effort to increase my jss to 100% and become top rated plus in my field. Now it feels like I did all that work for nothing. Great for discipline in general, not seeing the benefits monetarily anymore. 


Also, the less us freelancers get work, the less Upwork gets their cut of our pay. I think Upwork isn't looking at the fact that we (freelancers, clients, and Upwork) rely on each other. Which is why none of these changes make any sense to me. If I'm not making money on Upwork then Upwork isn't making money from me. When things start messing with your income, you notice. If I'm not the only one, then Upwork has to be experiencing less income (their cut), unless they are relying on us freelancers buying more connects to fund their platform - which just doesn't add up in my mind. 


The thing is, I'll keep using Upwork because aside from a few other sites, they've cornered this market - and like I stated before, I've been on here working since it was Freelancer. I just hope things change for the better and soon. During a time of inflation in the States, I'm not so sure about other places, having my income interrupted because of platform changes is quite frustrating. Maybe it's the platform changes, my feeling is that it is, but then I again I could be wrong. This is just my experience as of the last couple months. 


Anyway, let me know your thoughts. Whether we agree or not, much love and respect to my peers for responses.


317 REPLIES 317

What has this got to do with anything? Upwork is a business; of course they want to make a profit.

Community Member

I'll only join if Christine finally gets her coffee mug. If not, no deal.

I did finally get a mug last year, courtesy of Vladimir. So you're in?

Christine A wrote:

I did finally get a mug last year, courtesy of Vladimir. So you're in?

oh dear. I thought for sure this was my way out without saying these ideas are terrible. 

I give you permission to withhold your support until I get an Upwork-branded wine glass.

The green will clash terribly if you drink red though 

Community Member

Hello, Dustin.


Another graphic designer with 100% JSS, Top Rated Plus, here.


I can confirm that things began to deteriorate after Upwork implemented the boosting system and availability badge.


Since then, my proposals/replies ratio has plummeted, I'm not getting many invites, and my profile views are close to zero.


Previously, whenever I sent proposals, I could almost always count on waking up the next morning to find a few responses. Now I have to send dozens in order to be noticed and even more in order to be hired. It's extremely frustrating.


By the way, I've seen many veteran freelancers raise this issue, including people who have earned more than $500K on the platform. So, definitely, you are not alone. 


I've also been discussing it directly with Sam Bright, Upwork's CPEO, and his team ( I just emailed this thread to them ). So I can confirm that Upwork's upper management is aware of it.


Let's keep this thread going, everyone. This is currently the most serious problem on the platform.

Hey Rafael,


Let me say--- YOU. ARE. AMAZING. 
That makes me feel sooooo hopeful that you're speaking with the higher-ups about this issue. 

We all need to focus at the topic at hand:

Finding effective solutions to improve the Upwork platform that benefit the freelancer more.


****Please Note:

I'm aware that external Worldly matters have made an impact on the Upwork platform, and many of us freelancers are experiencing unfortunate changes concerning the quality of jobs posted, the alarming decrease of job invites and the reduction of job hires.

As another freelancer suggested, finding PROOF of the root cause is what needs to be done.
Yes, that would be the goal to find substantiated evidence once we nail down the root cause(s).



Nobody wants to chase a fart in the wind. 


Dusty's post was meant to connect with fellow freelancers to see if anyone else has been experiencing the same issue(s).


Right now, we all are just TALKING. 
No conspiracy theories here--- I'm too tired for that shiznit.

We are all JUST TALKING about where we're at. 

We are just trying to support each other during this time.



What Upwork currently rolled out--- Project Catalogs and proposal boosts, are NOT BENEFITING MANY OF US--- This thread can testify to this statement.


SOME Clients might be on the fence about quality--- they just want their shiznit DONE NOW. They might not understand the VALUE of what they're getting when they hire Premium Talent--- and that's where I come into play--- that's when I START THE CONVERSATION WITH MY POTENTIAL CLIENT and employ my persuasive sales tactics and charming personality. I show my Clients THE VALUE OF WHAT THEY'RE GETTING.
And this Project Catalog deal be mucking-up my flow, yo. I like a clean slate for my prospects--- a WIDE-EYED deer just walking into a beautiful Upwork forest. 
Sounds perfect to me! 🙂


For me, making a personal connection and implementing the power of persuasion is my jam, man. The Project Catalog demand for a "price" is messing with my flow (sales pitch). 

IMO, it's better (for me) that the potential Client does NOT see project prices--- that is the freelancer's job to persuade/pitch your PACKAGE RATES. 

And some freelancers are better at sales than others--- and typically, the freelancers that excel in sales and rock emotional connections, WIN THE JOB.  

At least, that's how it was for me BEFORE all these new platform implementations.




Please note, I am not speaking for everyone--- I'm sure there are some freelancers who like the Catalog deal, etc.

And of course, the NO client verification for opening a job is not helpful at all--- might as well just give the gate key to the boogeyman.



Please let us know if you hear anything from upper management. Thank you, brother. I appreciate you!

Fully agree, Michelle.


I have never touched the Project Catalog function beacuse every single project I create is different... fully bespoke for my clients.  Video production has thousands of variables, that it is impossible to offer "off the rack" solutions.  Plus, I think it cheapens my work if my 17 years of experience is reduced to a few options a client can click on, when what I offer is vast, varied, creative and custom.  


I wonder if the Project Catlog option is syphoning work away from freelancers who respond to posted jobs with custom solutions?  

Community Member

Hi all, 


I've heard from a lot of freelancers, we're all having the same problem. Dry spells and low response rate even for those of us who are top rated plus and at 100% jss. This means less money for us and less money for Upwork (their cut). 

if you haven't seen my initial long form venting post, please take a moment to read. It was posted yesterday. But aside from that, if anyone has any ideas on how to get Upwork to listen to us and stop messing with our money that would be great. Customer support, while they are kind, they are useless. 

Open to any feedback I can get, whether you agree or not. Just something to light the match that gets something going so Upwork hears us. 

Anyway, thanks y'all and best of luck out there. 


You can count on me. I knows, I´m just a beginner, but as I heard just good things about Upwork before joining, and im my first month I had good hopes, and of coure here I can have an agency to work with my brothers, so I will fight to makes Upwork a better place to works on.

The first thing we must do is a list of our demands. The things that I see that freelancers most complains about is: boosting proposals and project catalogs. So these 2 must be in the top of the list. Lets go with my list, then others can add more things, then Dustin or someother can organize the list, then if somebody knows how to send the list to Upwork hear us, do it please. I thinks a list of our demands and complains is just a start, so lets go:

1 - Boosting Proposals: We wants Upwork removes this feature.
2 - Project Catalogs: We wants Upwork removes this feature.
3 - Avaliable Badge: We wants Upwork removes this feature.

These 3 things, I believes is the most important things to be done, now continuing:

4 - Client ID verification: We wants clients must have their IDs verified as we freelancers have. If this is done, the number of fake jobs and scammers will be reduced drasticaly.

5 - Sub-categories more detailed: We wants more detailed sub-categories. A lot of sub-categories is mixed together. We can see a lot of "A & B", and in most cases A & B doesn´t matchs, like "NFT, AR/VR & Game Art" - all these 3 realy doesn´t matchs! It is required completely diferent skills to do each. In my opinion it would be much better if each sub-categorie just be "A" or just "B", instead of "A & B". So, when during job searchs we cam mark jus A, or just B, or both if we wants.

These 5 topics is the most important things must be changed in my opiniom.

It's like a no brainer that clients should have to verify themselves before posting a listing.  I'm mean c'mon man 🙂

Its a no brainer if you put no thought into it.


Don't you think it's a bad idea to create friction that would prevent many new clients from signing up? Because that would be terrible for everybody.


I tend to agree with you, Jamie, but with so many scammers plaguing the platform, I believe the benefits of adding this extra point of friction could potentially outweigh the drawbacks in terms of the platform's credibility and usability.



It's easy to filter out new clients/clients with unverified payment methods, and leave them to those of us who don't mind bidding on their projects. IMO, what's really hurting the credibility of this platform is all of the unqualified and downright scamming freelancers who are spamming every project with their useless bids, and undoubtedly scaring off some of the good clients while attracting more scammers.

Actually Jamie F.,


I've put enough thought into it.  I agree with Rafael.  Adding this point would greatly increase the quality of actors on this platform.  **edited for Community Guidelines** Cheers!

Not applicable

No, it means they are serious, we have to jump through so many hoops, yet a client can jump from country to country making fake jobs, copy n pasting all day long. And that isn't a conspiracy, I see it almost daily

I suspect that it would decimate UW's job posting stats and it's a problem they don't want to fix since the fix would highlight the problem to people like shareholders who would ask "why are there 20% less jobs postings?" (just my opinion, I could be completely wrong, but knowing there's a technical fix, I wonder why they don't do it). 

Yes.  There is probably a technical fix to this as well.  Good point.

It's a no brainer that Upwork would lose many clients and need to charge higher fees if this was implemented. 

If the clients feels it's so difficult to understand the necessity for the platform to vet all accounts, then they're probably not the kind of clients to be taken seriously. 


Quality > Quantity always.


There's too many fake client accounts on this platform.

Who is "we"? Because I don't agree with some of your recommendations. It's not cool to go speaking for others.

Jamie F wrote:

Who is "we"? Because I don't agree with some of your recommendations. It's not cool to go speaking for others.

"We" is "Us, the freelancers" in this platform. You are not being forced to agree to my points, as I said, these topics is whatthinks is most important in my opiniom. I reads the community everyday and I see the most complains is about boosting proposals and project catalogues, so I´m pretty sure that I´m not alone, then I have rights to talks in the name of thoses that agrees to me. And I believes the majority of freelancers agrees to at least the 3 top topics in my list. If you don´t agree, it is ok, I´m not forcing anyone to follow me. This community is here to us talks about ideas and gives our opinions about the platform.

My man, Andre,

If you want something, you never demand. Kill them with kindness. 
It's about a mindful strategy that benefits the majority of all of us freelancers. 
But we do not make any demands. 
No anger in this initiative--- that'll get us nowhere fast.

Michelle, we are just in "nowhere". And there is months that freelancers is saying that dislikes many things that was implemented. A lot of freelancers just asked changes with kindness and they were ignored. As Upwork depends of clients and freelancers to earn money, so if any of these groups is unsatisfied, they will leave the platform. In fact, if we freelancers continues being unsatisfied, then we will leave the platform and Upwork will loses a lot of money. That´s what will happen. And a lot of freelancers wouldn´t like to leave, I´m one of them. So, yes, I thinks we are in position of making some demands, that is fair demands. We are not demanding anything abusive. Buying and spending connects to have no return like many freelancers said, is unsustainable. I believes I´m not being tiranic.

Calls the term as you wish "demanding", "requesting", "negotiating", "asking", "desiring", "imploring"... anything you think is most appropriate. Anyway we must shows Upwork what we wants and what we expect from the platform. I don´t think I´m doing something wrong.

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