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Recent Difficulty Landing Work / 100% JSS and Top Rated Plus

Hello Upwork Community, please tell me if you are experiencing similar issues. Or if I'm crazy or doing something wrong, please tell me straight up. Also let me preface this by saying that I realize I'm not the best designer in the world. Always room to grow, I get that. But I do stand by my work and the vast majority of my clients are pleased with my work as well. 

I've been top rated plus 100% jss (graphic designer) since way before Upwork implemented these ridiculous changes. Connect boosts, 10 free connects a month (oh how generous - let's push the freelancers to boost their proposal so they'll run out of connects sooner and have to buy more), consultations, project catalogs... my work is in my profile! CLIENTS CAN VIEW MY WORK IN MY PROFILE. Not only that, if they search my name in Google, they will find my actual portfolio website. This leads my to my first concern listed below. 

Project Catalogs: If a client wants a fixed price pitch deck, they can find me and invite me to interview and discuss it with them in detail. Not all graphic design projects are alike. Some require more effort, some require minimal effort. Three tiers for a project just doesn't cover it. It is a nuanced discipline. It's more work for us trying to comply with Upwork's new standards and less money coming our way. Looking at it from a client perspective, it seems like they would think of us freelancers as unflexible, rigid, unwilling to budge, too complicated, and then just give up on the platform. I had to wait about 15-20 days and multiple fixes to get my first Project Catalog to go through. You know what Upwork said when I asked them what was taking so long? They are having trouble getting through the influx of similar concerns. I mean, that's a red flag right there. 

Consultations: Clients aren't dumb, they might need direction or need advice and might not know exactly what they are looking for, but they aren't dumb. Why are clients going to pay for a consultation when they can just message me through Upwork by inviting me to a job - even if they are unsure they'll even want to hire for the job? If the project looks good, my type of client, or design style, I'll respond, for free - because I potentailly want that specific work. What does Upwork think they are getting out of this? I'm not a lawfirm, consultations... I just don't get it. 


I haven't been receiveing invitations or landing jobs like I used to. I started noticing it about 3-4 months ago. It used to be like I'd snap my fingers and there was a good job at hand (even when I wasn't top rated plus!). Now it's nothing. I've been complaining to Upwork support about this for about a month, but I'm to be assured, these changes are working and are great for freelancers! I'm just not seeing it and I can't be the only freelancer not getting the same amount of work they used to get, not even close. I can't be alone in this, maybe I am, but intuition and years of experience tells me I'm not. 

Let me know if any of you fellow freelancers, especially graphic designers, if you're experiencing similar things or feel the same way or if you have a different opinion. I'm just trying to understand what is going on. I used to be able to make a living straight through Upwork. I've always respected Upwork so much that I'd route clients who reached out to me through my website back to Upwork, those who found me through Behance, or Dribbble, etc. Currently, it's almost impossible though. I've been using Upwork since about 2015-2016 or back when it was Freelancer. I've never had such a hard time getting work while being top rated plus at 100% jss. Something is amiss and it has to be these recent (within the last 9 months) changes to the platform. 

At this point I'm just frustrated. I put in so much work and so much effort to increase my jss to 100% and become top rated plus in my field. Now it feels like I did all that work for nothing. Great for discipline in general, not seeing the benefits monetarily anymore. 


Also, the less us freelancers get work, the less Upwork gets their cut of our pay. I think Upwork isn't looking at the fact that we (freelancers, clients, and Upwork) rely on each other. Which is why none of these changes make any sense to me. If I'm not making money on Upwork then Upwork isn't making money from me. When things start messing with your income, you notice. If I'm not the only one, then Upwork has to be experiencing less income (their cut), unless they are relying on us freelancers buying more connects to fund their platform - which just doesn't add up in my mind. 


The thing is, I'll keep using Upwork because aside from a few other sites, they've cornered this market - and like I stated before, I've been on here working since it was Freelancer. I just hope things change for the better and soon. During a time of inflation in the States, I'm not so sure about other places, having my income interrupted because of platform changes is quite frustrating. Maybe it's the platform changes, my feeling is that it is, but then I again I could be wrong. This is just my experience as of the last couple months. 


Anyway, let me know your thoughts. Whether we agree or not, much love and respect to my peers for responses.


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Hey Dusty,

I've totally noticed a change--- EXACTLY the timeline you stated--- about May'ish. Very odd bc, like you, I consider myself to be topshelf at what I do--- Brand Designer + Copywriter.


I never had to look for jobs either--- I always got invites. Things are waaaaay different now--- suuuuuper silent. And it seems like Clients are holding onto their money for dear life. 

This is definitely NOT cool. I was hoping things would pick up by September, but......... 

I don't know what's going on.

Thanks for responding Michelle! Glad to hear I'm not alone. Unfortunately I'm not happy to hear it's happened to you too. Very peculiar isn't it? 

I sort of feel like we are Guinea Pigs in Upwork's platform changes. 

This is cool if your getting paid by Upwork to do this product change work, I mean it's good work (pay I'm sure) on a reputable platform for a known brand. Not cool to those who are affected by the changes!

I hope things turn out better soon Michelle, hang in there. 

I've also had ups and downs with JSS for absolutely no reason, but this is different. 

Much thanks for real though, and feel free to reach out... I don't know about direct messaging. But if you need feedback or anything, just to talk careers even if we're in different disciplines, Google my name. I'm not hard to find haha. I also check the forums now and again and if it's something I can relate to I'll be sure to give you my input. 

Also I checked out your work, very nice looking. Keep at it! 


Best of luck, truly mean it!

Hi, Dusty

Now I have the same problem. 

I've sent several well prepared proposals to what match my career and skill set but there have been not any response.
I want whoever has got success on upwork help us to overcome it.
Community Member

Yep, there's a marked change in engagement, it started around the end of first quarter of the year (give or take a few weeks). I've gone years without needing to spend a single connect and still get invited to jobs and land some pretty decent gigs. Now it's dry as a desert. Invites are extremely rare and about 80% of what I've received in the last 6 months has been spam or scams, and for the first time in years I have had to actually buy connects and apply - with pretty bad engagement there too (and I know itt's not my proposals). 


I'm not sure it's the feature changes; their appeal to clients is limited imo, and wouldn't leave a mark this noticeable. My best guess is they changed the way the talent search algorithm works... but of course we'll never know if they did.


ETA: graphic designer here too 

Thanks for the response Bojana! I'm sorry to hear it's happened to you too. Also, great looking work BTW, very nice. 


Yeah I remember having like over 100 connects all the time. Now I have 8 after posting and *boosting*, which hasn't worked for me at all - thats for I think about 5 proposals I submitted today. I used to get so many invites I literally had choices to make, it was awesome. I would get offers before I even talked to the client... obviously I wouldn't just accept until I made sure everything was transparent with the client and we were a good fit - but the point is, it was working just fine until whatever change happened. 


This is just wild. Same experience with spam or scams. Except, I've contacted Upwork support about that because until the time both you and Michelle mentioned, I never had so many proposals closed because they didn't adhere to Upwork's standards. "They are looking out for our best interests". While I appreciate that Upwork wants to protect us from scams, I'm wondering if these jobs were legit, but since they had a simple mistake when they were posted by the client, they were then written off. If I was a client I would be annoyed and not come back... I would think Upwork is too much work and annoying to deal with. However, I do believe that at least some of those jobs that I submitted proposals to that Upwork closed were scams, just some I don't believe were. 


Something has changed though somewhere, platform updates, algorithm, I'll never know, Upwork will never say. Regardless, it's a problem for us freelancers, graphic designers, copywriters, product developers, etc. Some of us do this on the side, some of this do this full-time, in the end we like how Upwork handles the communication and transaction for the most part. Getting our money messed with is the problem. Ugh. 


Something has to give somewhere because this just isn't working. 


Best of luck Bojana, and like I told Michelle, if you ever want to communicate about work I'm easy to find on the internet. Feel free to message me here or feel free to find me elsewhere. 


Thanks so much for responding!


Community Member

Hey Dusty,

Thanks for the accolades! 🙂 I freelance full time, so now I've gotta amp-up my Marketing strategies for self promo--- yay! 

And yes, soooooo many scams and fake jobs being posted!! WTF??? It's like Upwork has been overtaken by aliens. 
That would explain a lot. 😉


For real though--- this shiznit cannot keep going downhill for us anymore. SOMETHING has to change--- Upwork needs to fix it, man, like NOW NOW. 



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perhaps we should team up and combine our forces. 

As a senior android developer with 7+ years of experience, I see a great designer here and a marketing expert. Nothing could stop us if we combined our forces, it might be better than moving forward as lone wolves like we used to.. lol

Hi Kaan, thanks for the response. I received your direct message and will respond to you in a bit. But I like the idea. Thanks for taking the time to read my post and your suggestion!



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Hey Dustin!
same case with me. I'm also a top-rated Wordpress developer with 100 job success but for a month. I'm not getting any single order and I don't know what's the problem with upwork. 

Hi Fatima, yeah this is a huge problem. I'm doing everything I can to get Upwork upper management to take action on this. So far I've heard from you, Michelle, Chiara, Bojana, Benedick in another thread and other freelancers, we aren't alone. This is a massive problem. Upwork needs to do some self reflection and fix this nonsense and soon. 

Complaining to Upwork support, I just get the same bare promises over and over. "The changes are great and freelancers and clients love it". Yeah, I don't think so. 

Someone suggested banding together to get Upwork to listen. It may have been Michelle... I'm considering ways of doing that or starting a way to do that. 


Thanks for your time and your feedback, it's much appreciated! 


Hey Dusty,

Yeah, that was me that said we should start a petition--- I mentioned it on Chiara's post. We gotta figure something out--- SOON! 
Let's chat more via LinkedIn. 🙂

Will do and thank you for that suggestion and being involved in these threads. I made another post asking if anyone wanted to band together but it's not rolling like this thread is. 

I'll chat with you on LinkedIn soon. 

thanks Michelle!

Dustin, I'd love to join this communication mission.  I have tried to reach out to Upper Management so far to no avail.  It should be a Win Win for Upwork to listen to us -- we make the money that keeps them solvent.  

Hi Dustin!

We have to find other freelancers that are facing the same issue and we have to form large groups to take this issue to higher authorities of upwork.  Let's do something for our rights and raise a voice against useless boost connects features and many more. Let's find a way to gather all people together. 

Hi Fatima,


Count me in if you go ahead with that.


However, I messaged Upwork last week and got the same empty response as usual: they don't admit any problem.

Hi Maria!

Thanks for the support!  we definitely need people like you and I have reviewed your profile and I'm amazed that you are also not getting work It's so strange. What is happening with upwork? Please send me the network request on upwork.

Hi Dustin, Can we get Upwork on a twitter space?

Community Member

Hey Dustin, 


 You're definitely not alone, I have had a similar problem now, barely any invites!

This has been an ongoing issue for the past 7 months or so now, I have never had to purchase connects before to bid out (not saying it's a bad thing) but that's not how Upwork was working for top-shelf freelancers. 

There has to be something rewarding for good-performing freelancers, and the only thing that kept us going (invites) has been stripped off from us now. That's an unfortunate situation. 

Community Member

I thought 100% was the main goal of all goals? Silly me just struggling over here with always under 100% never achieving the high ranks of 100% 😞  It's really hard and it's all that matters.

Hey Jennifer, 


I think you're perfection! Girl! You have such an impressive portfolio--- amazing! I'm super impressed. 🙂

Michelle W wrote:

Hey Jennifer, 


I think you're perfection! Girl! You have such an impressive portfolio--- amazing! I'm super impressed. 🙂

Don't be impressed. I have no idea what I'm doing but I still manage to be a raging female dog.

Hahaha! Such modesty 😉 Carry on!

Don't worry. I've been 100% for some time and nothing changed. I thought I'd reach paradise, but it was all the same

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