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Refund Issues

My name is Abhay**Edited for community guidelines**and I am a full-time freelancer on Upwork. 

I have worked for my client and tracked my hours. The fund has gone in the Pending section. 
This is fine so far. 
But today I got a mail regarding my invoice fund are gone to my client ( Refunded) 
I shocked? And why? 
Any my permission or any information Upwork refunded amount to my client account?
Why?? If I have worked on the project and have already completed files then why I did get paid? 
Why any information you did refund? 
Kindly investigate and let me know and please provide me my fund back. 
I have attached some screenshot kindly check it
Invoice ID: 367446657
Community Member

Abhay M wrote:
Any my permission or any information Upwork refunded amount to my client account?
Why?? If I have worked on the project and have already completed files then why I did get paid? 

It means that your client failed to pay last Monday for the hours of the previous week. There must have been something about your hours that meant that they were not eligible for hourly protection. Maybe missing or insufficient work memos or low activity levels.

If your hours don't qualify for hourly protection, Upwork don't pay you out of their own pocket when a client fails to pay.


It looks like a refund, but isn't a real refund because the money was never there in the first place. 


Hi Abhay,


I've escalated your concern to the team. One of our agents will reach out and assist you directly via a support ticket.

~ Joanne
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