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Refund Of Connects

I submitted a proposal for a job over a month ago.  The client never responded and no one has been hired for the job.  The client hasn't closed the job either.  I am entitled to a refund of the 'connects' I used when submitting my proposal? 


No. If the client cancels or ends the job, you will receive connects back.

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Community Member

Although I'm new on upwork.

From my little experience.

you won't be refunded if the job expires,

you won't be refunded if the client cancels the job or hires anyone,

you will be refunded if upwork flags the job post and gets it removed 

OK I'm sure I read somewhere that your connects are refunded if there is no activity on a job posting after 30 days?  Maybe I should raise a support ticket to see if I can get my connects refunded?

No. You don't get your connects back if the job has no activity. Nor should anyone be getting connects for any reason, other than, perhaps, a scam.

No. If the client cancels or ends the job, you will receive connects back.

I think that is no more valid.

If the job is a scam, and Upwork declares it a scam, the connects are returned. If the client closes the job without hiring, the connects are returned.

Community Member

Dear Lloyd:

Your connects will be refunded if the job closed or client cancel the job.


No. Your connects are refunded if the client closes the job.


Hi Lloyd,


Thank you for reaching out to us. I would like to clarify that we return Connects when a client closes their job without hiring or we find a job post has violated our Terms of Service. You can find more information here.

~ Nikola
Community Member

OK so in my situation unless the client closes the job I will never get my spent connects back?  Which I think is unfair as its clear they have no intention of hiring anyone for the job as they haven't looked at for over a month.

That's right. Or, if Upwork says it is a scam.


How does a subjective term like "unfair" enter into freelancing?


Freelancing doesn't come with a guaranteed job. That's called employment.


You apply and don't look back.

The service you pay Upwork for is connecting with the clients they spend millions of dollars bringing to the site. You received that service, so it would make no sense to refund your connects based on the actions of the client.

How long is the client able to keep the job open without hiring before you consider closing and refunding connects?
And what is the policy on poposals that are never viewed?
I'm purchasing connects almost regularly now in order to submit proposals. I have 18 proposals ranging form today back to over a month ago. 11 of these proposals were NOT viewed. 
I'm purchasing connects in order to present a porposal to a client. If that porposal is never viewed by the client, why am I assuming the lose of those connects. I'm now out of connects, out the money to purchase those connects, and essentially paid this platform to type.  

I'm not answering for Nikola, but the client can keep the job open if they have any activity. Why do you want jobs closed? Why deny other freelancers a chance to earn? And, why do you think you get your connects back? You don't, nor should you. Too many people think freelancing is like employment. Connects are a business expense. If you don't want to pay for your business, then you need to find employment.


When you contact a client, no matter where, there are no guarantees they will look at your proposal.


Freelancing has no guarantees. You've made a fair amount here, and yet you complain about the tiniest portion of your business? I'm amazed with your introduction, you have any work. So much for Upwork's mantra about profiles!


As you know, when you are out of connects, you buy them.



Hey Jeanne H, 

Thank you for your response. I apologise if I seem like I'm complaining to you. Not my intention. I'm seeking information from Upwork.

I would like to clarify, I did not ask for jobs to be closed. I never said a job should be closed. You are assuming. I asked how long do jobs remain open without hiring. 

To your second question. I'm not in charge of, nor do I have access to other freelancers' proposals. Nor do I run any portion of Upwork's business. I cannot possibly deny anyone earnings. Your question implies a logical fallacy you created in your assumptions of my question. 


The third question is actually what I was currious about. I'm seeking clarity on Connects used to contact a potential client, and that proposal is never reviewed. Is there something that can be discussed here? (Not asking you specifically Jeanne H.) I'm more so referring to the proposals that are older without being reviewed, remain open, with little or no activity. This seems like a popular topic.


Additionally, I will take a look at my introduction. It might be time for an update. Thank you for your feedback. Once again, I was not intending to complaine as much as investigating a curiosity with the help of the UP Community. I would hope this is a safe place to ask questions about the platform openly.

Personally, some of your statements seem very accusatory and bullish. I would hope I am assuming, but it might discourage people from asking questions in the future. Something to think about. Also, I find it very odd you took it upon yourself to comment on my post. Specifically with a popular Forum topic that blatantly states: “You don’t need me(Jeanne H.)…”

Feel free not to respond to any more of my questions Jeanne H… I don’t need you.


How long is the client able to keep the job open without hiring before you consider closing and refunding connects?


OK, if you aren't asking about job closure and having connects returned, then I guess I don't understand your post.


To your second question. I'm not in charge of, nor do I have access to other freelancers' proposals. Nor do I run any portion of Upwork's business. I cannot possibly deny anyone earnings. Your question implies a logical fallacy you created in your assumptions of my question.


If jobs are closed by Upwork, it hurts freelancers.


The third question is actually what I was currious about. I'm seeking clarity on Connects used to contact a potential client, and that proposal is never reviewed. Is there something that can be discussed here? (Not asking you specifically Jeanne H.) I'm more so referring to the proposals that are older without being reviewed, remain open, with little or no activity. This seems like a popular topic.


There is nothing to discuss. And that's why it does impact other freelancers. Anything you do to close a job is unfair to other freelancers and denies them possible income. What difference does it make if the jobs are open? It hurts no one and gives jobs opportunities to many.


Jeanne H… I don’t need you.


Finally, someone got it right.


When someone posts, in this case, concerning my ability to earn, it matters.


You don't get your connects back, ever, unless the client closes the job or Upwork declares it a scam. Nor should anyone. This platform would benefit from some real money going into job access. Ideally, a per proposal fee with monthly limitations. Closing jobs and refunding connects is bad for the freelancers, clients, and the platform. I have a right to be concerned when this stuff rears its head.




If Upwork closes the job due to inactivity you do not get your connects back.

Community Member

Hello, Nikola, I would like you to clarify something for me, if I apply for a job and the job is accepted, delivered and closed with the client's satisfaction, the connections that were spent to apply for that job are supposed to be returned. In previous jobs they returned them to me but in the last one I did they still haven't returned them

Community Member


My clent closed the job , didnot interview or  hire any one will  i get my connect back?

Hi Aliya,


Can you please click on my name and send me a private message with the URL of the job post in question? I'll gladly look into it and assist you further. 

~ Luiggi
Community Member


Its happens again client cencel the job after 2 week no hire and my connect are not refunded.

sent you link in pm.


Community Member

You connect will refuned, if the the client cancel the job or end it. So, don't worry about this.

Kartik Kumar
Community Member

Hello everyone,

I did not receive any connect back. There were a few jobs where I spent a lot of connects, 75 on one, 50 on another, and lots of smaller amounts. I can see that clients did not interact with my proposal and hired another freelancer, or boost was outbid. 
I checked my connects history, and the last time I got a refund was because of a job award. 

Connects equal money, I want to get a refund

Could you solve this, please?

Thank you!

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Nikita,


Thank you for reaching out to us here in the Community. I looked closely at your account and confirmed that you've been outbid to boost your proposal. The Connects used for that proposal has been credited back your account. You may validate this by visiting your Connects History page.


In general, no Connects refunds will be issued for Boosted Proposals that receive an eligible interaction or are successfully boosted at the end of the auction.


If you boost, but are knocked out of the auction before receiving an eligible interaction, you will not be charged. Refunds are only issued if you bid for a job that we end up removing due to a Terms of Service violation. You’ll be refunded both the boosted Connects and the cost of submitting the proposal.


We suggest you visit this help article to learn more about how boosted proposals works.


~ Arjay
Community Member

Shouldn't they be refunded if the job was closed and my boosted proposal wasn't interacted with?
I checked my connects history, the only one proposal I've talked about yesterday was refunded, there are lots more

Nikita, when you don't see the boosted amount being refunded, it's because you received an eligible interaction from the client. The following are considered eligible interactions:


  • The client opens your proposal
  • The client sends an offer to you
  • The client shortlists your proposal
  • The client messages you
  • The client archives your proposal
  • The client declines your proposal


Feel free to visit this article to learn more.

~ Luiggi
Community Member

This is the response everyone was looking for thank you 


it appears other people that work with your company **Edited for Community Guidelines** would rather spend time putting other people down form their "positions" instead of addressing the concerning problem at hand 


it's very vague on this topic and I've wondered the same thing 

thank you for the clarity 

Community Member

Hey all, i have proposal withdrawn can i get my connect return back due to the lack of response from the client. So can i get my connect return back or its all gone.


Hello Saurav,


I am sorry to hear that your client has been unresponsive to your proposal. I would like to clarify that we return Connects when a client closes their job without hiring or we find a job post has violated our Terms of Service. You can find more information here.



Your connects are all gone. 

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