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Remove Bad review

Hello everyone,

First my client hire me 38$/hour I have competely  work as per client requirements and

i give my client Best and very good work after i submit work he said me in skype i give you only 10$/hour and then after few days he said your work quality is not  good but i give him best quality work and he ended contract and give me bad review i want to remove bad review i'm not a top rated freelancer but i want to remove this bad feedback Please Help Me!!

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I do this work
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I can do this work with hourse daily

Vijay U wrote:
I can do this work with hourse daily

In order to find work, you need to submit proposals. Before that, work on your profile. 

Community Member

I think your best chance is to become Top Rated very quickly, then use the perk.

Giving a refund wouldn't make much sense in your case, I suppose.
Community Member

Dhrumil B wrote:

Hello everyone,

First my client hire me 38$/hour I have competely  work as per client requirements and

i give my client Best and very good work after i submit work he said me in skype i give you only 10$/hour and then after few days he said your work quality is not  good but i give him best quality work and he ended contract and give me bad review i want to remove bad review i'm not a top rated freelancer but i want to remove this bad feedback Please Help Me!!

The client has hired a lot of people for similar jobs and paid similar rates, and given them good reviews. I can't see a pattern of trying to get free work or paying lower rates. The only way to get rid of this review is to refund the complete amount, but that's your decision. 

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