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SCAM ALERT - Position with the following title, posted by **Edited for community guidelines**

They wanted me to interview on Google Hangouts and posted they were the Hiring Director for the company. Something didn't seem right so I called the company, and they said that staff member is on maternity leave, and she was not aware of that open position. It is a scam and must be removed!

Community Member



Invite to interview via Google Hangout = scam


In the future, you can save time by immediately ending communications with such people. No need to call the company whose name the scammer copied from the Internet.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Catherine,


Thanks for flagging this job to us. I've checked and it looks like the job has already been taken down because it was in violation of Upwork ToS and action has been taken on the client account. 


Please, check this help article for more information on how to use the flag option found on each job post or message to report any suspicious or inappropriate content.


Also, check out this post for more tips on how to avoid questionable jobs.


Thank you.

~ Bojan
Community Member

Thank you for the alert!

Community Member

They are back today with the exact message wording. I reported the message. More than 15 people submitted proposals and will be receiving this fake request to connect outside UpWork.

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