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Scam be aware!

Hello everyone! I have yet again ran into a problem on Upwork now. I have been asked to interview via Skype. I also have been asked to print a check out for “materials” and deposited it into my account. I refused and told them I’m going to report cause it’s a scam. He said it was verified through Upwork and I have nothing to worry about. I kindly told him that goes against Upwork terms. I did report the job just be aware and be safe.
Community Member

Of course, you know not to interview over Skype.  That being said, if you flagged the job, Upwork will take it from there.  Good job spotting it!


And of course, receiving payment in any form other than through Upwork is absolutely forbidden, too.

Yes. I asked a million questions of course and they said Upwork was monitoring the conversation and said only a few companies are allowed to do so. I did flag the job cause 2 other companies have tried this and never said it was being monitored. So now I’m confused. I know the rules and I made sure they knew them too. But they said they worked it out with Upwork and I have nothing to worry about. But i still don’t feel like I should do it.

re: " I asked a million questions of course and they said Upwork was monitoring the conversation and said only a few companies are allowed to do so... they said they worked it out with Upwork and I have nothing to worry about."

They are totally lying.


Upwork hasn't "worked out" anything with any companies that lets those companies send checks to freelancers to buy equipment.


These people just want to send you a fake check so that they can steal money out of your bank account.

Exactly. That’s why I’m not doing it and I already told them it was reported to up work. I trust my instincts and I have blocked them all. Just wanted everyone to be aware of how many spam jobs are truly on Upwork. It’s sad people feel the need to do this. Just hope no one falls for it.
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