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Scum on Upwork

Recently there is a lot "jobs" like this one appears on Upwork. This is 99,9% scum. Is there any possibility to fight against them? Or should we continue to look for real jobs in this ocean of deception?

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*sigh* And I thought it was just the fields I search in. I keep flagging them, write a comment if I'm not too sick of it, wondering if the comments ever get read, and move on... finally made my searches -t.me and minus a few other hot phrases and got a little relief, but new scams pop up every day.


What I don't understand is what do they get out of it? People wouldn't keep flooding my feed and yours with scams if they didn't profit in some way from it.


Just musing out loud, not really looking for an answer, but if Upwork could automate their own scam-busting (or up their game) instead of leaving freelancers to wade through hip-high jerks looking for a real job listing or two, it sure would be nice...

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Yes, there are tons of scam, spam, and scum jobs here. You can keep looking but it's becoming harder and harder to find the real ones because they're buried somewhere in all the fake ones.

Community Member

Or should we continue to look for real jobs in this ocean of deception?

You can filter them out

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Recently I got 3 offers for translation job for price quite pretty on Upwork. For interview they invited proceed via Telegram, some checking,normally giving 3 days deadline for job to be completed. After job was submitted and payment to be proceeding from receiver, the game beging: Request is send some payment (100 - 200$) for account activation (allegedly) then they  dissapiering or asking sending them new payment for some delay avoiding. So,never,never,nver... following this way,just to approved client,only.

Community Member

Personally I feel that if you aren't taking the time to question the legitimacy of a post then you are already doing something wrong as a freelancer. I see multiple posts that have 20-50 applications but none of the applicants  are ever interviewed. There are some factors to consider when applying to jobs.

1. Payment Verfied?

    Though this may not always be true aa verified payment method means that the client has supplied a means to make payments and shows his willingness to get the work done.


2. Past Work?

  Always look at a client's reviews and work history I cannot state how important that is and how many times I've been saved from applying to a bad job or wokring witha bad client.


3. Coherent Job Post?

  If you job post seems fishy or isn't making sense to you then don't apply to it and flag it. However sometimes it's the most articulated and coherent posts that attract the most attention and give scam posters the opportunity to reach a wider audience.


4. Job type Vs Experience Level.

  This one is kind of simple if the job posted is for an artist to reproduce a complex piece but the cliient is looking for entry level  freelancers odds are he will try to save money however he can and the job won't conclude without complications.




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I believe there are many start up who are in process of setting up project environment. Scrum being most popular methodology they prefer to get the implemented for their project. As the business owner they are not comfortable or have implementation time with Tools or methodology so they look Scrum project manager to support their initiative.


 However, it is always advised to check on various aspect of verification and question before taking decision to go ahead. I believe prima facie taking it as scam as face value will not be a good call. Moreover scam may hit from anywhere, it can even be from the established business too in some form.

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