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Ejaz's avatar
Ejaz u Community Member

Some suggestions to Upwork management for benefit of freelancer community

Hello to all the freelancers...

I seem new on Upwork but have been in freelancing field for more than 2 years, and I am excited to be on such a big platform now. There are a few suggestions I want to share with you:

1- Upwork has got just one monthly plan (USD 15) per month, allowing monthly 70 bids, and checking competitor bids and other features etc..
But for people like me, who are trying hard to work on Upwork, if the USD 15 is.. bit bigger amount, lets say I can comfortably spend USD 9 per month, I suggest if Upwork could also devise a plan, or simply reduce the 70 monthly bids pro-rata,  e.g,  to 40, and allowing just may be one or two additional features, in this way freelancers like me would have the opportunity to become permanent members, while spending what they can afford.

Btw, I hope while one has got bought Connects in his/her account his profile will remain kept active by Upwork)

2- another feature may be considered by Upwork, that all freelancers can ask a small Clarification Question to seller, there are stances when something is not clear, or approach of seller towards buyer's nationality, place or type of work is different than that of buyer, so instead of just bidding and wasting our connects if buyer may be able to clarify something related to the job posted, it would be beneficial to the buyer (and also to seller instead of getting loads of unwanted bids). However, the queries ask must pertain to teh concerned job, and be written in a fixed field of words.

3- If an option may be provided so that freelancer can select whichever payment method s/he wants as Preferred. I previously added a method of withdrawal, and then another, but I want the later one to be marked as preferred and first one as secondary.

Thank you for reading out all...

Jennifer's avatar
Jennifer R Community Member

Ejaz u wrote:

Hello to all the freelancers...

I seem new on Upwork but have been in freelancing field for more than 2 years, and I am excited to be on such a big platform now. There are a few suggestions I want to share with you:

1- Upwork has got just one monthly plan (USD 15) per month, allowing monthly 70 bids, and checking competitor bids and other features etc..
But for people like me, who are trying hard to work on Upwork, if the USD 15 is.. bit bigger amount, lets say I can comfortably spend USD 9 per month, I suggest if Upwork could also devise a plan, or simply reduce the 70 monthly bids pro-rata,  e.g,  to 40, and allowing just may be one or two additional features, in this way freelancers like me would have the opportunity to become permanent members, while spending what they can afford.

Btw, I hope while one has got bought Connects in his/her account his profile will remain kept active by Upwork)

2- another feature may be considered by Upwork, that all freelancers can ask a small Clarification Question to seller, there are stances when something is not clear, or approach of seller towards buyer's nationality, place or type of work is different than that of buyer, so instead of just bidding and wasting our connects if buyer may be able to clarify something related to the job posted, it would be beneficial to the buyer (and also to seller instead of getting loads of unwanted bids). However, the queries ask must pertain to teh concerned job, and be written in a fixed field of words.

3- If an option may be provided so that freelancer can select whichever payment method s/he wants as Preferred. I previously added a method of withdrawal, and then another, but I want the later one to be marked as preferred and first one as secondary.

Thank you for reading out all...

Before suggesting anything that might already is in place you might want to stop ToS violations and fix your profile. Otherwise your presence on this "big platform" will be short lived.

Ejaz's avatar
Ejaz u Community Member

Thankyou Jennifer,
but Im really not sure which one of my points is already in place at Upwork, would you be kind enough to guide me.
Secondly, i could not understand how my suggestions are in violation of ToS. Kindly also guide.


Amanda's avatar
Amanda L Community Member

Ejaz u wrote:

Thankyou Jennifer,
but Im really not sure which one of my points is already in place at Upwork, would you be kind enough to guide me.
Secondly, i could not understand how my suggestions are in violation of ToS. Kindly also guide.


Your suggestions are not in violation of TOS, they  just are not thought out and are bad suggestions in the realm of business. 


The TOS violation referred to is that there are links to outside ways of contacting you on other sites in your profile - at the bottom under other. Those are against TOS and you need to remove them.  Hope that is helpful. 

Ejaz's avatar
Ejaz u Community Member

ok, thankyou.

Amanda's avatar
Amanda L Community Member

Ejaz u wrote:

Hello to all the freelancers...

I seem new on Upwork but have been in freelancing field for more than 2 years, and I am excited to be on such a big platform now. There are a few suggestions I want to share with you:

1- Upwork has got just one monthly plan (USD 15) per month, allowing monthly 70 bids, and checking competitor bids and other features etc..
But for people like me, who are trying hard to work on Upwork, if the USD 15 is.. bit bigger amount, lets say I can comfortably spend USD 9 per month, I suggest if Upwork could also devise a plan, or simply reduce the 70 monthly bids pro-rata,  e.g,  to 40, and allowing just may be one or two additional features, in this way freelancers like me would have the opportunity to become permanent members, while spending what they can afford.

Btw, I hope while one has got bought Connects in his/her account his profile will remain kept active by Upwork)

2- another feature may be considered by Upwork, that all freelancers can ask a small Clarification Question to seller, there are stances when something is not clear, or approach of seller towards buyer's nationality, place or type of work is different than that of buyer, so instead of just bidding and wasting our connects if buyer may be able to clarify something related to the job posted, it would be beneficial to the buyer (and also to seller instead of getting loads of unwanted bids). However, the queries ask must pertain to teh concerned job, and be written in a fixed field of words.

3- If an option may be provided so that freelancer can select whichever payment method s/he wants as Preferred. I previously added a method of withdrawal, and then another, but I want the later one to be marked as preferred and first one as secondary.

Thank you for reading out all...

1. It may be nice to have other membership options, however, please remember that seeing others' bids simply so you can underbid them is a race to the bottom and not very profitable as a business strategy. 


2. Questions to clients - if Upwork did this, clients would be inundated with questions from freelancers, and lots of harassment to be hired, and clients would leave. Many of us have ranted about poorly written job posts from clients, but the answer is to not bid on job descriptions that are vague, not to harass clients or open up a method to harass clients. 


3. Just input in your preferred payment method and if you need to change it, then change it. 


You are very new to this platform so why don't you try to use it for a while and actually learn how it works and then see what would be a good suggestion. Also, yeah, remove the links in your profile before you get booted and don't have a chance to work on this site anyhow. 

Jennifer's avatar
Jennifer M Community Member

Dear Upwork,


I've made $0 on your platform. Let me explain what you should do to cater the platform to me.


Yours truly,


Ejaz's avatar
Ejaz u Community Member

Thanks for the comments,

but the suggestions have already been floated to official Upwork team... well they didn't seem to mind this despite that I am a new member. In my practical full-time office life I have noticed that suggestions can come from any one, whether be a junior.. or senior.

I have put suggestions in community board because the official suggested this...

Christine's avatar
Christine A Community Member

You don't need to have a "plus" membership plan at all; in fact, it's cheaper to just pay for connects separately. Simply change to the basic plan and buy connects when you need them.

Amanda's avatar
Amanda L Community Member

Ejaz u wrote:

Thanks for the comments,

but the suggestions have already been floated to official Upwork team... well they didn't seem to mind this despite that I am a new member. In my practical full-time office life I have noticed that suggestions can come from any one, whether be a junior.. or senior.

I have put suggestions in community board because the official suggested this...

Right, your suggestions have gone to the "official Upwork team"...No offense, you are very green, as they say. They told you to post here so you'd get this feedback. Upwork rarely considers any of our suggestions seriously, and the suggestions you made have been made before and the response I and others gave you is to tell you why that hasn't been implemented and why it likely won't be.  No one is junior or senior here. But if you just joined, then that means you don't know how the platform works and haven't used it in its fullest capacity yet. Don't you think you should learn a system before opining on what should change or not? 

Martina's avatar
Martina P Community Member

Ejaz u wrote:

Thanks for the comments,

but the suggestions have already been floated to official Upwork team... well they didn't seem to mind this despite that I am a new member. In my practical full-time office life I have noticed that suggestions can come from any one, whether be a junior.. or senior.

I have put suggestions in community board because the official suggested this...

Upwork employees are very polite people. They get paid for that. Unlike forum members, who may be polite, but only if they feel somebody deserving of it, and are not paid for it. You might have noticed the difference. 

Amanda's avatar
Amanda L Community Member

Martina P wrote:

Ejaz u wrote:

Thanks for the comments,

but the suggestions have already been floated to official Upwork team... well they didn't seem to mind this despite that I am a new member. In my practical full-time office life I have noticed that suggestions can come from any one, whether be a junior.. or senior.

I have put suggestions in community board because the official suggested this...

Upwork employees are very polite people. They get paid for that. Unlike forum members, who may be polite, but only if they feel somebody deserving of it, and are not paid for it. You might have noticed the difference. 

Well, I was going for direct, honest, and polite.  But I would say Upwork employees are polite to a fault. Whereas in the forums we are more pragmatic and even pessimistic, lol.  

Martina's avatar
Martina P Community Member

Amanda L wrote:

Martina P wrote:

Ejaz u wrote:

Thanks for the comments,

but the suggestions have already been floated to official Upwork team... well they didn't seem to mind this despite that I am a new member. In my practical full-time office life I have noticed that suggestions can come from any one, whether be a junior.. or senior.

I have put suggestions in community board because the official suggested this...

Upwork employees are very polite people. They get paid for that. Unlike forum members, who may be polite, but only if they feel somebody deserving of it, and are not paid for it. You might have noticed the difference. 

Well, I was going for direct, honest, and polite.  But I would say Upwork employees are polite to a fault. Whereas in the forums we are more pragmatic and even pessimistic, lol.  

Don't forget hilarious, sarcastic, funny, and all the other good stuff I come to the forum for!

Richard's avatar
Richard W Community Member

A forum moderator will come along soon and tell you that they'll share your suggestions with the team. Every time I read that I imagine a picture of a waste-paper basket with "The Team" written on the side.

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