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Vojislav's avatar
Vojislav B Community Member

To be hired on Upwork


Until to now I was bided more than 100 bids. I was hired only one time. My education, my work experience, my knowledge aren't worth than bids, knowledge and experience other freelancer. Something is not a good there. An ability to get a job here on the Upwork probably is a huge lie and fraud. 

Virginia's avatar
Virginia F Community Member

Vojislav B wrote:


Until to now I was bided more than 100 bids. I was hired only one time. My education, my work experience, my knowledge aren't worth than bids, knowledge and experience other freelancer. Something is not a good there. An ability to get a job here on the Upwork probably is a huge lie and fraud. 

You know that last statement is nonsense. You need only look at the thousands of freelance profiles to see that many do indeed get jobs. That said, freelancing is not easy, and is not for everyone. I don't know what category you're in or the level of your skills ... this can have an impact on your success here. Most categories are over-saturated and it's difficult to stand out in the crowd.


Upwork is not a "huge lie and fraud", but it also does not promise that everyone will succeed. That abilitiy isn't up to Upwork, it's up to you.

Joan's avatar
Joan S Community Member

So, Vojislav, you think Upwork is a lie and a fraud? Why does Upwork have something around 14 million freelancers on its site? 

Amanda's avatar
Amanda L Community Member

Vojislav B wrote:


Until to now I was bided more than 100 bids. I was hired only one time. My education, my work experience, my knowledge aren't worth than bids, knowledge and experience other freelancer. Something is not a good there. An ability to get a job here on the Upwork probably is a huge lie and fraud. 

That's because Upwork isn't a job website. If you thought that, you were mistaken. Upwork is a global networking site where clients and freelancers can meet and network, and use their contracting/payment services. When you apply to a post here, it is not a job. You are not being given a job. Your job is your business. You need clients to purchase your services. You are providing services. Too many people are coming to Upwork expecting to be given a job. We are all bidding for contracts to provide our services and it is competitive. 


However, all that said, it is completely possible to get contracts on Upwork, as evidenced by myself and many other people using Upwork. 

Vojislav's avatar
Vojislav B Community Member


Thanks a lot for answer Amanda. You say "to purchase your service to clients" How to do it? I bid on post. I know I am a good for job, but in many cases I don't receive any answer from client. If you see my profile or my bids I don't know what is there  in adwrong.Thanks in advvance.


Avery's avatar
Avery O Community Manager

Hi Vojislav, 

I checked your account, and there's definitely room for improvement with your profile.


Your profile title should be short, and concise description of what you can do for your client, so that at a glance, it gives them an idea on how you can help them with your project. 

It would be best to share more about your skills and experience in your profile overview, and how these skills will be a big help to a potential client's project. 


I would recommend that you check out these articles from our Hiring Headquarters to help you create proposals that win jobs, and help you boost your career on Upwork: 

Hopefully, this helps you with your Upwork career. Good luck!

~ Avery
Preston's avatar
Preston H Community Member

re: "An ability to get a job here on the Upwork probably is a huge lie and fraud."


To be completely fair and accurate:

It IS much easier to get hired for a job on Upwork if one is an experienced freelancer on Upwork, versus if one is just strarting out.


That has always been the case.


In the past, a freelancer could still get started without spending any money, because connects were free, and there was never any charge for sending proposals/bidding on jobs.

Then a few years ago Upwork introduced "connects," which were still free... But it was possible to buy extra connects.


And then this year Upwork switched to paid connects. So instead of a relatively small allotment for newly approved freelancers, all connects are paid for.


All of these things do indeed make becoming a freelancer on Upwork a more "serious" matter... one that almost certainly will require an investment of actual money, rather than being something completely free.


So whereas Upwork once was very "pure" in these sense that getting a job was free, now that is not the case. And it is understandable if newcomers might look at the whole thing and wonder if it is a trick to get money from them.


Is Upwork a lie and a fraud?



Will there be people who think that it is?


Amanda's avatar
Amanda L Community Member

We are not "freelancers on Upwork." We are freelancers who use Upwork's services. The distinction is important. 

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