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Unable to secure gigs

Hi guys. I’ve been on upwork for a few weeks now but I’ve not been able to secure any gig and I even used up all my connects applying. The first client I had canceled and since then I’ve been without a job. Can anyone help le ?? Or take me under their wing??
Community Member

A few weeks?

You should not be worried unless it has been a few months.


It can take time to get started on Upwork.


And you are a content writer.


That is definitely number one on the top of the list of specialities that I think of when I think: This could take a while.


I am sure you already understand that for most people, writing is an avocation. It is not a source of income.


If you want money, then do anything else other than start a career as a content writer on Upwork. If you love to write, or if you "must write", then there are indeed opportunities to do so here.


Some writers make money here. Some writers make a TON of money here. But not after just a few weeks.

Thank you
Community Member

Lorna M wrote:
Hi guys. I’ve been on upwork for a few weeks now but I’ve not been able to secure any gig and I even used up all my connects applying. The first client I had canceled and since then I’ve been without a job. Can anyone help le ?? Or take me under their wing??

All of the freelance platforms are highly competitive right now as many people who have been sidelined by the pandemic are looking for remote gigs. You should weigh very cautiously whether investing in connects makes financial sense for you. In the meantime, read through the forums here to glean tips and advice. Also, check out freelancer groups on Reddit, Slack, Discord and other social media channels. (I favor community-built groups over those hosted by someone selling a course.) 

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