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United States Group

How are freelancers from all over the world able to post in the US group forum - and looking for work off the platform as well!  Curious minds want to know...

Community Member

One of the reason I left. I am sick of unskilled, lazy people hitting me up for jobs and openly breaking the Terms with no consequences.

Jeanne H wrote:

One of the reason I left. I am sick of unskilled, lazy people hitting me up for jobs and openly breaking the Terms with no consequences.

How long has it been like this? Maybe it's best I just dip too. It's nothing but spam from the typical players. Went there to escape it from here but it's even worse on there.

I think it's been a couple of months at least, and it's just gotten worse, every other post, it seems. There is nowhere you can go here that you aren't bombarded with more garbage and people scamming. Silly me for trying to join a group.


It's bad enough the freelancer forum is full of people trying to get jobs or handouts. Now the clients, coffee break, they are everywhere. I too, was looking for something different, and thought, well maybe this could be an OK thing. You would think, after everything that has happened here,  would have known better. Won't make that mistake again.

Wow, I just looked at the United States group, and you're not kidding.

It looks like a mod hasn't checked anything posted there for a while!  These profiles aren't even trying to hide where they're from, either.  That's some impressively bad moderation.

Jeanne H wrote:

I think it's been a couple of months at least, and it's just gotten worse, every other post, it seems. There is nowhere you can go here that you aren't bombarded with more garbage and people scamming. Silly me for trying to join a group.


It's bad enough the freelancer forum is full of people trying to get jobs or handouts. Now the clients, coffee break, they are everywhere. I too, was looking for something different, and thought, well maybe this could be an OK thing. You would think, after everything that has happened here,  would have known better. Won't make that mistake again.

oh whoops goes to show you how much I check. Last time I was there, it wasn't like that. I'll probably leave it then if it's just gonna be a spamhole.


Hi Mary,


Only users whose country is the US will be able to join the group as the group is exclusive to US users only. You can flag anything you see by reporting it to a moderator so we can look into their account and further confirm if the location they set on their profile is authentic.

~ AJ

I realize you aren't responding to me, but this is an inadequate answer. I flag constantly for scams and freelancers trying to get jobs through the job feed. The groups are supposed to be an advantage. How is it a good thing when there are scams in every single area of Upwork? I'm not going to spend time flagging more items for Upwork to leave up.


I am disgusted and angry that I can't go anywhere on Upwork without encountering people demanding jobs with no skills. You have people pretending to be from one country, when it is obvious they are not. But then why should the groups be any different from the job feeds?

Annie Jane, I left the group so I can no longer see the posts but as of when I posted this thread, the most recent posts were all from overseas freelancers looking for  work.  Something is broken, clearly. Their profiles clearly show that they are in other countries, not the US.  What is on their profile is authentic but they are still posting in the US only group. Bless their hearts.

Community Member

Oh I just noticed too! It's being spammed by the stereotypical ones. None of them are in the US. Mods, can we get rid of these people? The US group is nothing but spam now.

Community Member

Welp, I just left. Nothing but garbage in there. What a let down.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi all,

Thanks for sharing your honest feedback about the recent activity in the United States group. As background, we briefly changed the status of the group as part of a test we were conducting to closely observe how users were perceiving and using location-based groups.

We've concluded the test, reverted changes and addressed recent activity discussed in this thread. Hope to see you again in the Group!

~ Vladimir

We shall see.  Bless your heart.

Fool me once, shame on Upwork. Fool me twice, that's on me.


Thanks, for the idea of joining again. No way. I'm sick of no area of Upwork not inundated with "Give me job." A test? To see if we can be harangued into becoming farmers? I'm also sick of Upwork playing games to see if they can get more people to take in the unskilled and under skilled.


I'm not checking out anything again. It's all designed to get support for those who never get a job and will never get a job. This platform has sunk to a new low. If you want everyone with no skills to harass the clients, and the freelancers to get a job, then the mods should become freelancers and hire them.


I find this offensive. How naive/stupid/foolish do you think I am? Apparently, Upwork thinks all freelancers are incredibly ignorant and easily manipulated.

Community Member

In Upwork's defense, as of right now, this minute, the US group is non-spammy once again.  Who knows what it will look like 15 minutes from now...

Community Member

oh dang VLAD DADDY is still here to lay down the law. Here I thought the asylum was a free-for-all now.

Community Member

And now they won't send me an invitation to re-join the group,even though CS was involved. Bless their hearts.

It took like 16 years (ok, more like 2 weeks) to actually get accepted.  I have no idea what took so long to get into the US group, maybe I should have set my profile to be anywhere but the US.

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