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Upwork Is Officially Dead / It's Become a Cheap Casino Where They Let Anyone In

I've been saying this now since mid 2023, but I fully believe Upwork is officially dead. Up until 2023, I was doing over 100k each year on Upwork. I was Top Rated Plus and very close to Expert Vetted. I never really had to apply to jobs and just received invitations. Around the middle of last year whenever they implemented the boost system is when everything changed. My profile views dropped to ZERO and I couldn't get ANY jobs. I haven't landed a client via Upwork since mid 2023. 


* For the love of God, moderators PLEASE do not send me a link on how to improve my profile *


Up until January 2024 I had not been playing the bidding/boosting game. I just thought it would be a waste of money. So around January 1st 2024 I decided to give Upwork one last chance and try it. I bought $500 worth of connects to spend for the whole month of January. What I did was a combination of a few different things. I boosted my profile with 75 connects per day. Meaning whenever someone clicked on my profile, I was charged 75 connects. The other thing I did which was less common was boost some direct jobs that I applied to. If I saw a job that really fit, I would boost it and this was usually anywhere from 50 - 100 connects per job. I stopped all boosting February 1st 2024 and here are my results. The vast majority of days Upwork would take out my 75 connects, but I never received a job invite or anything. So I supposed this means somebody clicked on my profile and then left. There were 2 occassions where I received a job invite. The first one was for a $25 job and the other one was for $5 per hour. I did not get or take either one of those jobs. When it came to boosting my propsoal to the #1 spot for anywhere between 50 - 100 connects, I never received a single reply to any of those jobs. So what was the outcome of my $500 test for January 2024................. well basically that I just wasted $500. The point of this test was to see if paying for connects and boosting was the way to get jobs in this new Upwork system. And it clearly is not.


But I went several years without having to apply to jobs and making well over 100k to now not being able to land a single job in a year. And now I've played the boost/bidding game and it CLEARLY doesn't work. It's crazy how many freelancers have complained about this system, yet Upwork does not give a crap. Upwork is clearly a drain of money and time at this point. On top of that it seems that so many quality clients have left the platform, which I don't blame them at all. If I posted a job and then my inbox was flooded with hundreds of unqualified people, I would also stop using it. They used to filter results by the most qualified and relevant freelancers. Now they just display whoever pays the most connects. Upwork has now just become this cheap casino full of unqualified freelancers who are willing to buy unlimited connects. At this point, all I can hope for is that someone will start building a new freelancer platform that is good. It's unfortunate that Upwork decided to go this route. But I think it's safe to say that "Upwork Is Now Officially Dead".


At this point it's gotten so out of control, it's almost comical. The other day I was playing around with my project catalog, and guess what they had an option for? You guessed it.......the option to boost. Before long every single aspect of the platform will require some sort of paying for connects. Want to log in to your account.....that will be 16 connects. Want to contact support......that will be 16 connects. Want to have the privledge of having an Upwork account.......that will be 16 connects per day. At what point does the corporate GREED stop? But to them it's justified because they had record profits in 2023. Forget that quality people are leaving the platform and it's become worse than Fiverr. But hey as long as the board members and shareholders are happy, everything is all good. 




Every time I turn on the TV now I see a cheesy Upwork commercial. There is no telling how many millions of dollars they are spending on these lame zombie commercials. Just think if they invested that money back into the platform to make it better. 


But no, their marketing plan is to spend millions of dollars on tv commercials to drive new unqualified signups. Then their goal is to milk those people into having to buy connects. Sure, a lot will leave very soon after they realize they can't land a job. But that's ok because their awesome zombie commercials will continue to drive new sign ups. I'm not 100% certain, but I think they might have hired the marketing team from Bud Light for their recent marketing efforts. Now that Upwork has driven away a lot of good clients over the last few years as well as brought it's integrity into question by most freelancers, they've got some serious issues to address moving forward if they ever want to regain the trust of both clients and freelancers. 



276 REPLIES 276

I did consider it, but can't afford 258 connects.  

Community Member

Totally agree. I joined Upwork in 2018, and there came a time when I had to decline 80-90% of jobs because of how busy I was. Post 2020, it has become a chaotic, cheap place. People willing to do jobs for $5, I mean c'mon. The worst part is that there used to be a 'trust' which is completely gone now. I hired someone from Upwork recently, it was a bad decision, waste of money. Nowadays, Upwork is trying to make money only through selling connects. Most jobs are fake, or you never hear back from clients. Upwork, clearly, has no ethics left.

Community Member

100% agree - I'm looking into other channels as Upwork it's clearly moved from earning from clients to earning on freelancers which means - only agencies will outbid you here to reach to clients from now on. So there is no point to be here. Exactly the same situation I every month were able to earn around 10000 USD from upwork alone. But well - now it's like maybe 2000 if I'm lucky and mostly clients I no longer want to work with (small ones, problematic etc.) So next weekend I'm sitting down and checking other options to look for clients as Upwork is kind of dead at this point - and I had paid profile, connectors, boosting my profile etc. Nothing helps. 🙂

Community Member

Same, Marek! 

I'm sure you have many options. There are platforms tailored to specific skills. I know you will do well no matter how you market your talents.

There are many options, including the physical world. No matter how well things are going, it's always important to have other sources of income. When you don't control the platform, you have to be ready for anything. Upwork could go out of business, sell to someone who finishes making it an employee with no benefit's situation...it might be great, or it could be a debacle.

Community Member

Cannot agree more , same test , same results , its a dead platform , upwork 4-5 years ago not like today !

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I've been saying this now since mid 2023, but I fully believe Upwork is officially dead. Up until 2023, I was doing over 100k each year on Upwork. I was Top Rated Plus and very close to Expert Vetted. I never really had to apply to jobs and just received invitations. Around the middle of last year whenever they implemented the boost system is when everything changed. My profile views dropped to ZERO and I couldn't get ANY jobs. I haven't landed a client via Upwork since mid 2023. 


* For the love of God, moderators PLEASE do not send me a link on how to improve my profile *


Up until January 2024 I had not been playing the bidding/boosting game. I just thought it would be a waste of money. So around January 1st 2024 I decided to give Upwork one last chance and try it. I bought $500 worth of connects to spend for the whole month of January. What I did was a combination of a few different things. I boosted my profile with 75 connects per day. Meaning whenever someone clicked on my profile, I was charged 75 connects. The other thing I did which was less common was boost some direct jobs that I applied to. If I saw a job that really fit, I would boost it and this was usually anywhere from 50 - 100 connects per job. I stopped all boosting February 1st 2024 and here are my results. The vast majority of days Upwork would take out my 75 connects, but I never received a job invite or anything. So I supposed this means somebody clicked on my profile and then left. There were 2 occassions where I received a job invite. The first one was for a $25 job and the other one was for $5 per hour. I did not get or take either one of those jobs. When it came to boosting my propsoal to the #1 spot for anywhere between 50 - 100 connects, I never received a single reply to any of those jobs. So what was the outcome of my $500 test for January 2024................. well basically that I just wasted $500. The point of this test was to see if paying for connects and boosting was the way to get jobs in this new Upwork system. And it clearly is not.


But I went several years without having to apply to jobs and making well over 100k to now not being able to land a single job in a year. And now I've played the boost/bidding game and it CLEARLY doesn't work. It's crazy how many freelancers have complained about this system, yet Upwork does not give a crap. Upwork is clearly a drain of money and time at this point. On top of that it seems that so many quality clients have left the platform, which I don't blame them at all. If I posted a job and then my inbox was flooded with hundreds of unqualified people, I would also stop using it. They used to filter results by the most qualified and relevant freelancers. Now they just display whoever pays the most connects. Upwork has now just become this cheap casino full of unqualified freelancers who are willing to buy unlimited connects. At this point, all I can hope for is that someone will start building a new freelancer platform that is good. It's unfortunate that Upwork decided to go this route. But I think it's safe to say that "Upwork Is Now Officially Dead".


At this point it's gotten so out of control, it's almost comical. The other day I was playing around with my project catalog, and guess what they had an option for? You guessed it.......the option to boost. Before long every single aspect of the platform will require some sort of paying for connects. Want to log in to your account.....that will be 16 connects. Want to contact support......that will be 16 connects. Want to have the privledge of having an Upwork account.......that will be 16 connects per day. At what point does the corporate GREED stop? But to them it's justified because they had record profits in 2023. Forget that quality people are leaving the platform and it's become worse than Fiverr. But hey as long as the board members and shareholders are happy, everything is all good. 




Every time I turn on the TV now I see a cheesy Upwork commercial. There is no telling how many millions of dollars they are spending on these lame zombie commercials. Just think if they invested that money back into the platform to make it better. 


But no, their marketing plan is to spend millions of dollars on tv commercials to drive new unqualified signups. Then their goal is to milk those people into having to buy connects. Sure, a lot will leave very soon after they realize they can't land a job. But that's ok because their awesome zombie commercials will continue to drive new sign ups. I'm not 100% certain, but I think they might have hired the marketing team from Bud Light for their recent marketing efforts. Now that Upwork has driven away a lot of good clients over the last few years as well as brought it's integrity into question by most freelancers, they've got some serious issues to address moving forward if they ever want to regain the trust of both clients and freelancers. 




It's unfortunate that the platform's changes have led to a decline in job opportunities for experienced freelancers like yourself. While Upwork's profitability may be increasing, it's essential for platforms like Upwork to prioritize the quality of their services and the satisfaction of both clients and freelancers.


Your feedback about investing in platform improvements rather than extensive marketing is also noteworthy. Many users would likely prefer to see improvements in the platform's functionality and job matching algorithms rather than flashy commercials.


Ultimately, the success of a freelancer platform hinges on its ability to balance the needs of clients and freelancers while maintaining a fair and transparent system for job acquisition. It remains to be seen how Upwork will address these issues moving forward and whether alternative platforms may emerge to provide a better experience for freelancers and clients alike.

Community Member

Hello Upwork! We are not dogs! Pay attention to what we say. Really d_i_r_t_y platform.

Community Member

I just had a great idea this morning. Maybe Upwork can charge clients an "AI" fee to have their AI eliminate all the unqualified freelancers they get boosted proposals from. For clients, being inundated by proposals and having to wade through them is a huge problem. It's probably the #1 reason that a client doesn't "pull the trigger" and hire. Gotta make it easy for clients...not harder. 

It's always a great idea until your Proposals that are real get removed by Ai... If a client is that lazy that they cannot sieve out the best freelancers from proposals, If they don't care about their projects that much, then so be it, even giving promts to the Ai would be a big task for such lazy clients.


It's not difficult to go through all proposals, there's nothing to lose if they do, it's simply laziness and I think carelessness on their part.


Anytime i see a client complain about losing money to a freelancer or getting scammed. I always say they 100% deserved it. You have a series of proposals, but somehow managed to pick a scammer when the good ones were in there. How is that Upwork's fault or anyone's?

Do you seriously expect a client to go through 20, 30, 40 or more garbage proposals before they find the quality freelancer? It is not laziness. No client should have to deal with a pile of irrelevant, unqualified people applying. I have helped clients find the right freelancers, and it is difficult. Cheats use programs to pretend to have skills and experiences they do not have.


It is Upwork's fault for not vetting and following their own policies. It used to be, if you broke the Terms, you were kicked out. But not since the let everyone in policy. Freelancers can apply with empty profiles and no photo, not even an avatar. However, it is the fault of some clients, who look for the absolute cheapest and don't care about quality.

You do not want any current "AI" program to do that.

Community Member

My situation is practically identical and I could not agree more: Upwork is no longer a viable part of my business as new failed policies have run it into the ground as of about January of this year. It was already slowing down since the boosts started but now the algorithm is tanking my previous organic results for relevant projects entirely it seems while people willing to take less money hourly and pay through the nose for visibility boosts take up the results.

Community Member

For the love of God, moderators PLEASE do not send me a link on how to improve my profile.

I have seen others who received the "improve the profile" message.

Simply put, this is a vain attempt at showing some sort of service toward those who pay big bucks for...nothing!

I would ask, why should I "improve" my profile when it used to receive invites...and jobs. I did the profile boosting...to no avail. I

I did some boosting in the job posting department, to no avail. The three [out of over 200 proposals] responses, and the one job, that were received were UNBOOSTED.


Every time I turn on the TV now I see a cheesy Upwork commercial. 

I saw the commercial. Upwork is advertising itself to be an agency that provides talent as its service. Not aimed at freelancers whatsoever.

Truth in advertising: Upwork will get you to hire untalented people all over the world. Yeh, the $4/hr. some get might do the work, but you have time and language differences. I worked with one here on Upwork who tried that but ended up spending a lot to make corrections.

Therefore, Upwork has to do what other similar platforms do: Require those looking for talent to pay a fee. After checking other sites with the same approach, they all require a fee. One I just used in looking for work did not have any fee to submit a resume or application. Needless to say, this site is held in higher regard by both employees and freelancers.

Well said, James! I completley agree that clients need to be paying a nominal fee to post a job.  

Thanks Thomas.

Here is another: Upwork tells us "boosting" proposals will increase the chance of getting hired. Well, let's look at the truth.

Each job proposal has four boost positions. In most cases, just one is hired. So an "investment" [read: waste] of some big pile of conncects MIGHT give you a 25% better chance of getting hired.

Heh. Reading posts here in the forums, it is closer to 2%, at best. Upwork has bamboozeled us into believing "boosting" is superior...yeh, in filling up their pockets.

I've stopped boosting because it has had no ROI for me.  I've found it to be a shell game / carnival game / slot machine... take your pick of metaphor.  

Community Member

Thomas, I'm glad to know you stopped boosting.  With your background and experience you shouldn't need to.  I've never boosted because I can't overcome the cringe-factor.  I find it exploitative, kinda like reducing myself to the lowest common denominator.  

I truly hope others will stop with the hysteria as well.  

Thought I was the only one that hates anything to do with boosting. If the client cant read proposals for a job they will pay for, why should I spend more money to put myself in their face. Good thing connects are compulsory, Because I would have skipped buying that as well. 90% jobs on Upwork arent worth it.

Community Member

Thanks for the kind words, Anna 🙂

Community Member

If enough people eventually stop joining the boosting game, Upwork could become worse off than before because some real clients and freelancers have already left, while they have even more 'storage cost' to pay every month (the enormous number of freelancers from the gate-opening policy, roaming around and eating-up their server cost).


But, I'm quite certain they already have a few contingency plans in place, and I'm kind of eager to see them.

Community Member

 Radia wrote:

If enough people eventually stop joining the boosting game, Upwork could become worse off than before because some real clients and freelancers have already left, while they have even more 'storage cost' to pay every month (the enormous number of freelancers from the gate-opening policy, roaming around and eating-up their server cost).


But, I'm quite certain they already have a few contingency plans in place, and I'm kind of eager to see them.


Radia, let me say from the gate that I have as much regard for Upwork as they have for me.  That said, it sounds like you are suggesting that freelancers should just accept unacceptable behavior for fear of things getting worse; that we should just look the other way as they monetize us into carnival puppets.  I don’t think so.  This is a company that failed at it’s intended purpose and the only part of their otherwise abandoned mission of “creating economic opportunities” they’ve acheived is their own opportunity of ripping us off.


I do agree they have a contingency plan.  I am not eager to see what it is because, despite that some smart freelancers left, we are literally a world away from the saturation point of this nonsense.

Community Member

it sounds like you are suggesting that freelancers should just accept unacceptable behavior for fear of things getting worse; that we should just look the other way as they monetize us into carnival puppets.

Not exactly like that 😁


I'm merely observing. Clients and freelancers are used to be happy, and high quality, although Upwork is having consistent loss. So, whatever "fees" Upwork get from having high quality freelancer marketplace, are not enough to make them some net profit.


Now, they 'screwed' the place and made some freelancers and clients leave, but they are profiting because they apparently can generate net profits by milking the enormous number of users - let's not call them freelancers - due to the open-gate policy, rather than from the fees of actual work (this is arguable, but it's a fact that they made some net profit only after implementing the changes).


Now imagine when the users are no longer want to pay; Upwork will have no good clients, no good freelancers, but only users roaming around without paying. This would be worse than before for them (and I'm certain they've thought about it).


So I'm not saying that we should just accept, look away, while being monetized. I'll say, we should try to not get caught in their game.



we are literally a world away from the saturation point of this nonsense.

Yes, we don't know, maybe they could run this model for a very long time, but the same advice applies; don't get caught in their game


They are not doing anything illegal, so we cannot do anything. They have found a legitimate way to profit from some internet users, be very careful if you still want to join their game.


But of course, if it turns out that they are doing something illegal, it will be interesting to see the outcome.

Community Member

 Radia wrote:
it sounds like you are suggesting that freelancers should just accept unacceptable behavior for fear of things getting worse; that we should just look the other way as they monetize us into carnival puppets.

Not exactly like that 😁


I'm merely observing. Clients and freelancers are used to be happy, and high quality, although Upwork is having consistent loss. So, whatever "fees" Upwork get from having high quality freelancer marketplace, are not enough to make them some net profit.


Now, they 'screwed' the place and made some freelancers and clients leave, but they are profiting because they apparently can generate net profits by milking the enormous number of users - let's not call them freelancers - due to the open-gate policy, rather than from the fees of actual work (this is arguable, but it's a fact that they made some net profit only after implementing the changes).


Now imagine when the users are no longer want to pay; Upwork will have no good clients, no good freelancers, but only users roaming around without paying. This would be worse than before for them (and I'm certain they've thought about it).


So I'm not saying that we should just accept, look away, while being monetized. I'll say, we should try to not get caught in their game.



we are literally a world away from the saturation point of this nonsense.

Yes, we don't know, maybe they could run this model for a very long time, but the same advice applies; don't get caught in their game


They are not doing anything illegal, so we cannot do anything. They have found a legitimate way to profit from some internet users, be very careful if you still want to join their game.


But of course, if it turns out that they are doing something illegal, it will be interesting to see the outcome.


Well, the way I see it is that if, in time to come, they only have “users” roaming around without paying then they either had it coming with their boosting nonsense, or it could be that a profitable freelancing site is just not possible.  Either way, I fail to see why qualified freelancers should pay for the unqualifieds.  I mean, that’s what’s really going on here.  Upwork would rather milk than vet, so as a result we’ve been reduced to the lowest common denominator and forced to do our own vetting by boosting.  To me that simply demonstrates a lack of proper leadership.


With regard to legal issues, I’m not a lawyer and don’t believe you are either.  That said, I find it at least arguable that Upwork should not take our money then hide some of our proposals.  That doesn’t pass the smell test to me.  If I pay $3 to apply for a job, then I have purchased an equal chance to be seen.  I did not purchase a chance to go through some home-made secretive algorithm that may reject me, and if that is what I’ve actually purchased then that algorithm should be public so I may make an informed decision regarding my purchase--just like any other game of chance.


Community Member

They can even say pay 10-15$ when you post and use them $ when you hire for paying hired freelancer!
Like that still posting will be free and that will eliminate maybe 90-95% of the scam and fakes. 
But that will mean loss for Upwork Casino in connects so we will never see that happend.

Community Member

That's a really great idea that I want to signal boost - a $10 fee to post a job, and the fee is refunded when you hire.  Incentivizes clients to hire and discourages clients from posting and not hiring.  I think this is a promising suggestion!  

Community Member

It's never made any sense to me that Upwork does not value its top freelancers. Now, the current policies are driving us off the platform...and making the client experience even more problematic. None of that can be good for business.


I've never understood why Upwork doesn't treasure its top performers and do things to show we are valued. That's nothing but the lowest rung of the basics of business.


Even before all the boosting ("buying your way in when you're actually unqualified"), the client experience was difficult with so many unqualified people sending proposals. Now, I can only imagine the dread and difficulty that comes with job postings. No wonder there are so many scams.


Upwork has always made it clear that they do not value freelancers...but this latest shows absolute contempt for clients. What can they possibly be thinking. Are they wanting to inflate revenue so they can do a quick resale of Upwork and make big bucks? 


There doesn't seem to be any business-oriented strategy to it. Sure these things can inflate revenue temporarily, but it can't work long term. Drive away your best freelancers. Become Fivrr on steroids (sure, I want $5000 work of work for $5 too...but REALLY!). Annoy the eff out of your clients with unqualified "best matches". How is that a strategy?

Best summary of Casino Upwork! All true.

Contempt for everybody except the shareholders

They last client update is oct 2023 you can't see any review after that on client profile...and still after half year they are finding solution and this matter inform by top rated plus freelancer still no update and as usual reply...If Upwork need revenue and want help from us then they have to ask for feedback how they can improve platform or your view for features. I used to suggest features to canva and Microsoft designer platform and they are making changes atleast I can see some % of effect of my suggestions. So why Upwork can't! They can do it too as they have skill set, resources and like minded community which very useful to uplift Upwork and other platforms working fine nothing like low rate so suddenly all fields are not become low rate jobs so might possible there are AI integration suggestion for budget or ads that encourage for test. One client hire me for $5k project and they started with $10 test and they really like my work as well but they are taking work like that from other freelancers as well by putting big amount and ended with test.


And who earlier write in job like Don't use AI or no AI, and now for same client and similar ongoing project after month they are writing like experience in AI is good if you have...I understand time vary and technology too but something is there which make client to post low paying job and they can't able to find quality freelancers.


And some invitations like give me a sample and I will see after 2-3 unpaid sample they are shifting to other. Don't know they hire actually someone of just taking sample. And this kind of similar scenario in different fields means there is a ads or suggestions which encourage clients to test or low pay...some one as web design in $25 which is actually not a market value, might possible new client don't know about it


Around mid Feb their share is downward since they higher a connects and scam increase too if their intention is to decrease scam then they can increase amount of job post instead of connects

Community Member

I hear you Dale. Same situation - I had like 2-5 invites daily in 2022 - high level jobs as I have 14 years of experiance and am in top 5% tracking specialist / google ads specialists - now days - I get ***Edited for Community Guidelines** invites for 50 USD jobs or I have to compete with 50 other freelancers/ agencies that are overpaying for bid. Like why **Edited for Community Guidelines** should I? I'm way over competing with price - so if thats where Upwork is going - I'm out of it. 🙂 I will let clients to be burned and stop using it with time. 🙂 I'm investigating other platforms at this point. Upwork is no longer worth money or time. It was good compromize between quality and price (well you started with low price, builded up profile - got your normal rates after 1 year) but now if 300k+ specialists are asked to work for pennies and have to pay for possibility to meet clients it's started to be absurd. It's second fiver at this point. Matter of time before other platforms will take over. I will still have my profile here - but do not intend to look for contracts in active way. 
In 2022 I got 7-21 invites weekly, in 2023 - 3-4, in 2024 - 1 is good result. Not mentioning client that do not give feedback and ignore your messages. 
Upwork should come back to verifing who join it. They had nishe on the market - something better then **Edited for Community Guidelines** - but worse then exclusive portals like toptal - now it's just cutting off coupons of it and becoming **Edited for Community Guidelines** again. Best thing they could do is cut down all the changes connected to boosting, come back to search results that showing specialists as in 2022 and allow clients to find you. Quality over quantity. 
Anyway - their choice - I will adjust and stop paying them - it's simply not worth it in 2024. 🙂

Community Member

Any tips where to move? I'm done also - I went from 120000/160000 to 40000 last year and this year I'm going heavy into other places - Upwork will be passive thing for me - maybe I will get invite - maybe no - it's not worth money and time. I'm 14+ years in biz google ads and tracking specialist (my clients scaled 400% first months IOS update went live because we attributed all sales on Facebook - I'm always on top of the game and before the crowd - there is no point to fight over pennies here in my opinion anylonger it will be shotty fiver level portal at the end of 2024 and old customers/clients will leave - the good ones I want to work with). 🙂

So let's brainstorm - where we can go beside upwork. Do you have any recommendations?

Community Member

Want to contact support......[?]

How does one contact "support"? I could not find anywhere a direct access to support where issues can go to a real non-robot person.

If there is, if you have several hours perhaps you can lay out the maze.

A few years ago it took a few seconds to chat with someone. Those were the good ol' days when Upwork cared about those of us who paid.

Today it is PAY

and pay

and pay

and pay

and pay.

Judging by these forums the proliferation of scammers and nonsensical job offerings hardly raise any concern in the Upwork management. Many have commented it is the piles and piles of cash that get in the way of their computer screens, if they actually make an effort to log in and take our concerns with one iota of seriousness.

At first I looke at those who felt that Upwork was intentionally oblivious to our needs with skepticism, but as I spend and spend on connects and take so much time to craft proposals that go into the vacuum. Any chance of hired sucked out...along with the cash spent.

The reason I had doubt at first: I was getting jobs, invitations and response with reguality having contracts that kept me busy for about two years. Coming back a few months ago my wheel spinning gave those theories veracity.

Community Member

What even more sad besinde all of that, there are no single official replies to any viral complians on the platform regard any issue.

Yeah, we are working on upwork, and we feel forced to work on upwork bec we couldnt find any better solution ... but that doesnt mean we respect its system by any how.

If upwork just stop spending millions on Ads and just push this money to the platform itself, we would see something different.

I think it's good that Upwork is advertising... the problem is that their advertising is terrible.  It is vague, unmemorable and not designed to target the pain points / needs of high end clients.  I'm confident that if Upwork actually had effective advertising, it would be a totally different experience on the site for Clients and Freelancers.  Instead, the advertising seems to be attracting low/mid quality Freelancers more than anyone which in turn is seeming to drive away the high quality clients.... 

Upwork should go to another freelancer platform to have the advertising done.

Well what they should do is HIRE UPWORK FREELANCERS TO DO EVERY ASPECT OF THEIR AD CAMPAIGNS AND MARKETING!  It's absurd that they go out to a third party agency to create their ads, when there's extremely talented copywriters, filmmakers, actors, etc here.   

My sarcasm is about the fact Upwork DID NOT use the talent here. Two possibilities: Upwork does not feel the quality on this site is any good; The good ones have left. because they cannot make money here, but the lowball newbies can! 😆🤑

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