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Upwork - Job Success Thread **title edited**

I want Community Forum Moderators to add to this thread, and really listen to what is going on.


I, like many others am sure have the same story.


I used to love Odesk, and got many job interviews each week. I had all 5 star feedback, and glowing written references from my clients. Then Odesk made alot of changes and introduced Job Success rate. I was shocked that mine was 67%. That was until I looked at other discussions and heard of other people who had five star feedback, lots of good references and yet had a very low job success rate.


This system is beyond unfair as

!)Upwork introduced new changes and a new feedback system. They should NOT include information that people believed was being entered anonymously, prior to the changes. The Job success rate includes information that clients did not think would be shown publicly. They left star feedback that would be shown publicly. You CANNOt use retroactive data for a new system.

2)Since the Job success rate has been started, I am now not getting invited to interview for ANY jobs, so how could I get my Job success rate, even if I tried?


You have made a very bad error with this.


Can every freelancer on this forum who wants to get rid of the job success rate feature, reply with 'Get rid', and lets see if they listen to us.

1,457 REPLIES 1,457

The thing that bugs me most about the js score, is that there are things i simply cant control. The private feedback score that odesk has implemented can not be reset, even if there is a issue/mistake from the client's end. For instance

 "Sorry my colleague did the feedback as I was away and just put 4 stars instead of 5 as he didn't really know much about the work you did!"

 This happened in my last job, while the client fixed the public feedback, but whatever  private feedback the other guy left that can not be reset. I just dont see in which way i could have prevented that, or anyone for that matter.

 Private feedback score should be resettable,  specially in cases like this.

@John V wrote:

I really dont wont to move on to another work place.

I have worked here for +- 6 years. (Elance / Upwork)  


That is just that way i do things. I stay and try and sort out the problem and contribute to improving things here and for the other freelancer in my engineering sector. 

Did you ever get your profile sorted? When you came here, you created a new account and killed the old one that had your history, so basically you were a new freelancer starting over. That's a huge problem for you that you should remedy. 

Hello Jennifer, thank you. Yes i did move my portfolio to UpWork. But for the next two month and after bidding on 90 jobs i could not find any work at all so i closed that account. Thinking i would have a better chance of finding work as a newbie. 

I very much appreciate your kind advice and assistance but i am not going to try and retrieve my old portfolio from Elance. I don't think it will make a difference. 

kindest thanks

Community Member

@Valeria K wrote:

@Daniel M wrote:

Is that affecting my JSS maybe? Should I end this contract right now so that I get a logic JSS, or that at least it disappear until I really complete 4 contracts, as it should be?

 We are working with the team to make sure the issue with the contract on hold is resolved. Since feedback from clients who have a track record of ToS violations and bad outcomes are excluded from the Job Success score, we're going to remove this single contract from your JSS calculation. This means, you'll be without a JSS until another contract with feedback is completed. We're working on making this update shortly.

Hi Valeria, how are you? Is there any news regarding to my on hold contract? I still see that ugly 63% in my profile 😞
Many thanks

Community Member

Hi Jade,


what I'll say here is that "TOTALLY UNFAIR".


just and additional sentence that upwork is losing its popularity due to such negative steps.

yup. `My JSS was 70% with all 5 start yesterday. I completed 3 jobs for 5, 5 and 4,6 rate on this 2 weeks and now my JSS is 63%. Logic.

Community Member

Another two weeks gone by, another unfair and inaccurate "Job Success" score.


Get rid.

Community Member

@Valeria K wrote:

@Daniel M wrote:

Is that affecting my JSS maybe? Should I end this contract right now so that I get a logic JSS, or that at least it disappear until I really complete 4 contracts, as it should be?

 We are working with the team to make sure the issue with the contract on hold is resolved. Since feedback from clients who have a track record of ToS violations and bad outcomes are excluded from the Job Success score, we're going to remove this single contract from your JSS calculation. This means, you'll be without a JSS until another contract with feedback is completed. We're working on making this update shortly.

 Any news? After two weeks It's still the same.

Hi Daniel,


Unfortunately, we ran into some issues with excluding that job from the score and are working to make sure it's done soon. I will continue checking on it. 


Sorry about the delay.

~ Valeria

Valeria, I think Upwork should inform clients, primarily those new,  about what can freelancers see from their activities. 


For example, I had a job failure and probably a bad feedback left because I missed a deadline. And I missed it because the client just made a new milestone WITHOUT informing me.  They just left a comment in the description box which shows up when they create a milestone, thinking I would be informed automatically but it apparently didn't reach to me neither as a message, nor as a notification, nor an email. 


In cases like this Upwork should notify them that creating a new milestone on an existing project is not automatically reported to freelancers and that they need to contact the freelancer themselves.


In my certain case, about which I wrote here before, the first notification I received about that job was a refund request, which clearly made a confusion. Finally, both me and the client had a bad experience. For the first, I thought that the new milestone info appeared as a notification type which may be filtered out in my settings, but all notification settings on my end were ticked.


I could have been checking my Contracts page, though, but I doubt the communication between a client and a freelancer would be like playing a hidden object game where milestones serve as objects.


Besides that, last week I also had a problem with another new client, who didn't know they had to follow strictly what they wrote in the job description. They left me a bad feedback just because I didn't meet his expectations which were not stated in his job description. The client and me later ironed it out, but it was a stressful situation for both sides, and the job is probably dead too.


I believe many problems on Upwork arise from not understanding how the entire system works. But when a client makes an oversight it does much more harm to the freelancer and his reputation in the form of job success score, than it does to the client.

@Valeria K wrote:

Hi Daniel,


Unfortunately, we ran into some issues with excluding that job from the score and are working to make sure it's done soon. I will continue checking on it. 


Sorry about the delay.

Hi Valeria,


No problem. Thank you for the feedback, I appreciate your efforts on this issue.


Best regards 

Community Member

I have worked on oDesk/Upwork since 2012 and all that time I maintained a 100% job success score. Just yesterday though, this changed to 97% despite still receiving 5* reviews from clients. How does this work and why?! I would like my 100% score back, but I've no idea what happened to it since I completed all projects on time, if not before, and to the clients' satisfaction. HELP! This bothers me.

Hi Carly,


I had the same question too, some months ago. Apparently, and as far as I know, the job success score algorithm includes other topics and stats like periodicity of long-term contracts, frequent clients, and even more things. Check out the FAQs, I think there's info about job success, or maybe in your profile.



Thank you, Ramiro! Just so strange that it changed overnight, and also very frustrating after all these years.  Appreciate your response and will check your suggestions out. Thank you!

@Carly B wrote:

Thank you, Ramiro! Just so strange that it changed overnight, and also very frustrating after all these years.  Appreciate your response and will check your suggestions out. Thank you!

 Hi Carly,


I would look at closed contracts from a while ago that may have fallen out of the relevant time period. I still don't know exactly how this works or how much weight it holds, but it does affect the JSS somehow. I've noticed in other comments from people who have been here a while that the JSS dropped once a few good contracts were excluded because of the time frame.

Community Member

Hi Everyone


I wonder if some of you have similar feelings to mine.


I was once a top Audio provider on Elance (yeah !... Elance... , a good site, with quality projects, and work for experienced professional ... sigh ...). Then they made it part of Upwork, and dream's gone! ... but we're here, still alive and kicking ... and frustrated about several things.  One of those things is the "Job success score" factor.  


What it actually is? Since i started my business from Elance, then wxpanded to real world, got many new clients (some use my audio service today), i worked on many projects including some well known titles. My portfolio is pretty huge.  You could think, **bleep**! he's got such portfolio, he must do all the audio jobs posted here,  but ... NO!  


I am struggling to get any project actually!,  in fact when someone actually reads my proposal (which happens rarely) they say WOW! amazing portfolio, and then we talk ... and when we talk, most likely i get the job, but most of times i am not even contacted by anyone .... Why?  I can't say for sure, but i bet 99 percent is the "Job Success score"  which to me, completely sucks.


As i said, i got huge portfolio, and clients, i work a lot, but obviously there's never too much of quality work, and i often bid on projects here, though i do not have that much time to sit here 24/7, and because of that my "Score"  oscilates below and above 90% !.  What the score means on the professional side, it means completely nothing, it only proves you spend a lot of time here, bid on everything you can, and work for any, even silly money, just to keep your score above 90, cause this is one of the options potential client tick, "freelancers with score above 90" when searching for freelancers.


it's just a typical Rat race situation


So here's the question, couldn't they rework it, so the real PROFESSIONALS,  (do not mistake with people who simply spend all their time on Upwork) can benefit from the service?  On Elance it also worked kinda similar way, but once you became top provider, it didn't change from day to day. You would need to be absent for months from the service to see a drop on your rank.


Maybe they should get some kind of a "badge" proving that you are professional, despite using the service a lot or not.  


Maybe they could add some bonus points for well built portfolio, or more quality samples in your portfolio, i.e. just like they check your work on Audiojungle before approving, and if it's good you'd get some extra points to your profile.


I'm sure some of you would have more ideas to suggest on how to reward quality workers.


I know it's all about the money, and one way or another it may reflect in their earnings when they did such changes.  But maybe if more people suggested some changes to freelancer's score, they'd do something and more professional people would benefit.  Besides if freelancers with REAL proven experience have chance to stand out of the crowd, the rates would go up, and Upwork would benefit on that too.


What do you think?

@Mariusz J wrote:

Maybe they should get some kind of a "badge" proving that you are professional, despite using the service a lot or not.  

 How would Upwork distinguish the professionals from the non-professionals?

@Mariusz J wrote:



As i said, i got huge portfolio, and clients, i work a lot, but obviously there's never too much of quality work, and i often bid on projects here, though i do not have that much time to sit here 24/7, and because of that my "Score"  oscilates below and above 90% !.  What the score means on the professional side, it means completely nothing, it only proves you spend a lot of time here, bid on everything you can, and work for any, even silly money, just to keep your score above 90, cause this is one of the options potential client tick, "freelancers with score above 90" when searching for freelancers.

 I don't think how much time you spend on the platform affects your JSS, because the number of proposals you send isn't factored into Job Success. It only includes jobs you actually get. Also, a lot of people with high JSS don't work for silly money. In fact, I think that working for peanuts is more likely to damage your JSS because clients who are looking to pay next to nothing tend to be less reliable and seem to be more likely to give bad feedback out of spite.


The JSS does benefit people who've been using oDesk/Upwork for a long time, though. But that's more because more successful jobs = more stable JSS. If you've only had a few jobs here, one bad job can crash your JSS, whereas it'll barely budge if you've had lots of successful jobs in the past. That's a different problem, though and one I don't really have a solution to.

Community Member



I suggest that you should adapt, take smaller jobs and do well on them to get your JSS up. 

Then keep making decisions that would keep your JSS high. A lot of effort and money would have been spent on ideating and implementing JSS, so it would be wise to assume that wide sweeping change wont happen as soon as some would wish.


There are many things in life where you have to manage under policies you have no control over. That includes all forms of taxation, laws, etc. Given that no one loses out but you if you choose to work like it is still the Elance era, it seems that a wise decision would be to let go of things that impact your goals negatively.


I have been top rated for a week now, with not a single invite. But I am fully occupied with work through the proposals that I have submitted. So I feel that if you are hungry enough, you will get the jobs.





Community Member

Same problem. Talked to my clients and they said they were very happy about my work. I don't really know how I got a very low 64%. The Job Success Score doesn't seem to reflect me as a freelancer at all.

Community Member

Hello Everyone,


Although it is a much discussed topic here, I would like to present my own perspective. I used to work on Upwork on an irregular basis. SInce the last 2 months, I have been active on Upwork and landed upon a couple of jobs. I feel that the JS score is unfair.
1) All of my present jobs are long-term ongoing contracts, so I will be given feedback only after the job is over, if the clients wish to.

2) For 2 of my jobs,the client was very unresponsive. I used to get work twice a month (as against his job proposal of daily work) and the funds never used to be cleared by the client. I had to wait for 14 days for the funds to get automatically cleared. Frustated, I ended the contracts. The clients obviosuly didn't leave me feedback or ratings. I am not sure if they privately gave a feedback, but last I heard, Upwork had a system to protect us against feedback by clients who didn't have a good history themselves. In my case, the client didn't have a history! It was the one job he posted, which i applied to unfortunately (because i thought regular work boosts your JS score). Still, today i see my JS score dropping.

3) I have had 3 regular jobs since a month, 2 hourly and 1 fixed-basis. i have been doing all of them actively, with the fixed-job providing me almost 5 milestones a week. Doesn't Upwork take that into account? What if these jobs were to extend for a couple more months? I will gradually see my JS to below 50%. And at the time, i am so involved with these 3 jobs that i can't take any other 1-time job, with the sole aim of improving my JS.

4) What is Upwork doing against fraud clients, who in the job posting only, shamelessly state that we will hire you, and instead of giving you milestones, end the contract and re-hire you (Of course, that is compensated by a below-average pay) ? Because doing numerous jobs with the same client boosts your JS significantly. So am i supposed to take a hit because I am given milestones and beacue Upwork takes into account only completed work? Isn't that unfair? 

I believe many people share the same grievances as me, specially with jobs which are ongoing, and not contributing to our JS.  I request Upwork team to kindly look into it and take some actions, rather bring some transparency into the system, so that people don't take undue advantage of the loopholes in your system, and freelancers like us suffer due to that. 

Trust me, I have seen some freelancers with 7-8 jobs with the same client, with a petty contract sum for each and a JS score of 90%. 


Another dramatic fall here, despite the fact I got 5 hires, 2 completions with over 4.7 score,  but one job with 5 fell off the 12 month timeframe.


Luckily I have managed to get enough workload before the today's JSS blow.


Upwork should rename the JSS in Luck With Client Communication Score (LWCC)

Community Member

I recently had a contract close without any payment. The client initially agreed to the deadline I offered, then needed it earlier. I told him I couldn't do it that quickly and that I understood if he needed to pass the project to someone else. Everything was polite, we left on good terms,  (of course, I don't know what he put in his private feedback.)


Now my JSS has dropped 4%. The only other thing to happen in the last month was when 2 of my contracts received a pay increase and they turned into closed/no feedback entries on my profile. That lasted for about a week, but I was assured it would have no impact on JSS.


So my question, have you ever had a contract close without payment? Is it possible that this one instance could drop my score by 4 points?


I tried to talk to support but the rep just copied and pasted a bunch of general JSS info, told me that some of my contracts may have dropped out of the 24 month period (I've only been here for 6) and then left the chat while I was still typing.


Hi Lisa,


I also recently faced a similar problem. In my case, I had to leave the project after completing the first milestone of three milestones. The first milestone was just for $5. The client did not give any feedback and my JSS score dropped from 100% to 92%. But I worked on a few more contracts and now my JSS is back to 100%. So, there is nothing to worry about. Just keep your momentum going and you will be back on track soon.


Best of Luck !!

Thanks Santosh. My worry is that my JSS dropped for no reason. Support informed me that this closed contract has not even been applied to my JSS yet, even though it closed on the 8th. If that's the case, then the only other possible changes to my account that could have affected the JSS were the closed contracts that came as a result of wage changes. Those contracts were closed temporarily and are now open, but I was told it should have no effect. Literally nothing else has happened. No actual closed contracts, no refunds, no disputes, and I haven't been here long enough for anything older jobs to fall off my score.

Community Member

I have the smae problem then you!

And also another one concerning the JSS : 

My rating decrease from 97% to 94% without any obvious reson! I had great reviews, and I am sure that clients do not give me a bad rating in the hidden part. I contact the live chat and agent there are not abble to give me a real solution! It is so wierd!


I hope Upwork will try to change this politic wich is very unfair!!

and hope alos that the team wich is suppose to work on this subject can see our messages!


Good luck to you!





Community Member

Just adding my thoughts. Worked on the platform since 2011, only two failed contracts ever. Score of 62%. One woman gave me some tips on my profile, which I had tweaked and perhaps went a bit too "engaging" with several months ago. But every job I apply for has two requirements now; "Rising Talent" and "JSSS 90-100%". 

I haven't been able to get anything in ages because of it. 

Current client is keeping my contract open but hasn't granted work in weeks, and I don't know if I'm supposed to ask him to close it or what. I can't force him to send work, nor would I want to...He's already paid literally 3 times the original contract for extra work.

I'm just feeling like I'm fighting a losing battle here, and hell... I even worked for oDesk Enterprise Solutions once upon a time. Now this. Very sad.

Community Member



My Job success score drops suddenly 100% to 97% without any reason. 

In my profile within last 2-year window, no any bad feedback/refund/without payment job close, anyone have this type of problem or can help me to solve this issue ? 
Today I contact support team and customer manager checks and no issue found  but without solution  he closes this Chat!!!!! 
Thank you

Check your stats for "Clients who would recommend you".  If you notice a decrease in the percentage, that could be it. That one item seems to carry a lot of weight.  In my first 5 jobs I averaged 4.92 for feedback but 60% for client recommending me, getting me 83% for my first JSS

Hi Denis,


Thanks for the Reply.

Now I checked my Status and see it does not decrease, "Clients who would recommend you" still 91%.



Thank you


Hey Nasir,


the recommendation percentage on the "My Stats" page isn't updated every other Sunday like JSS, but with the closing of every 4th (or 5th) contract. Upwork's explanation for this is that due to the somewhat random update, freelancers can't really figure out which particular client might have given them a low score on the recommendation scale.


Hope that helps (a bit :))

Community Member

Hi, guys.

Can somebody help me with an explanation about what is happening with my job succes score, cause I really don„t get it.

So, I got my job succes score about a mont ago and it was at 75%. Why 75% when I have only 5 star client stars. Is it because I only had 4 jobs?

And yestarday my job succes score updated and now its at 70%. But in betewwen those 2 weeks I received another 5 star from a client, a client that i continue to work with ( maybe if it was a client with an ending contract I would say that it is about that secret review that clients can do, but this isn t the case).

I really do non understand what in the world is happening. If you have the time to take a loom at my profile to see if there is something that woul point to this job succes, please guys, do it an help me understand!




There was one job where feedback was not given. You should ask the client to leave feedback, Then there's a job listed as 'in progress', but you were already paid, so you should remind the client to close the contract and leave feedback, In general, jobs with no feedback are not good for Job Success.

"No good deed goes unpunished." -- Clare Boothe Luce

Hi Donna,


My guess is that the 1/4 jobs which have no feedback affected your score. 3/4 makes 75%. It could also be that the 3 clients gave lower private feebacks.


Please dont take this analysis at face value, the exact formula is not known. But this makes most sense to me. As you get more jobs with full ratings (public and private), your JSS should improve.

Community Member

Hello everyone!


This is my first time I am asking for help here. I think that there are many of us who can face the same situation as me or maybe already faced. The thing is that my JSS dropped significantly from 98 to 83% and did not change after the update last Sunday. 


I left an agency I worked for about 3 weeks ago. As I know it automatically reduces my score by 15%, does not it? By that time my JSS was 98%. Thus my score became 83%. But I was told that as I did a project and got a feedback from a client, my score must have been changed on Sunday, 17. Today, 18, my score is still 83%. I do not understand how it can be so low and what could cause such a significant drop.  


I have sent a few requests to Upwork help center to find out why my JSS is just 83%. The guys from help center tried to help me but they did not really do that. One of them sent me a screenshot (attached below) which shows that my JSS is 88% instead of 83% but I see a different thing. I have 2 open requests right now. My problem was promised to be taken into consideration and solved. I can not get jobes right now as my JSS is too low and it does not reflect my real level, skills, rating, and customer satisfaction! So, if you already had the same issue, could you kindly tell me the reason of such a case and how did you solve it? It would be very nice on you guys! Thank you all in advance! Sorry for such a large text - I just wanted to describe the case thoroughly. I am looking forward to hearing from you.


With regards,

Community Member

Hello, Upwork community ! 


I am posting this message in the hope of getting a straight answer and hopefully reach out to the community and staff. It's about the most debated topic the Job Success Score and also a bit about the whole Upwork system.


Let me start off by just saying I approve of Upwork's attempt of developing a more evolded, complex feedback calculation system. I do not approve of the result though. It's to my understanding that feedback-less contracts will negatively impact the JSS as long as it's a pattern. That is my main concern here. 


So far, my JSS is 95 %, a feedback score of 4.99 and I am a Top Rated freelancer. I have 23 total contracts from which 5 are feedback-less. All seems relatively ok so far. The operative word here being "relatively". Two weeks ago when my JSS was last calculated it was 96% and in the meantime I ended three contracts from which two ended in a maximum feedback (one was even a long term contract) and on one of them I did not receive a feedback from my client - this contract was without activity, 0 hours, 0 money because my client set up the wrong type of contract and ended up just sending me a bonus; apparently now contracts with 0 activity are able to influence your JSS. After two weeks my JSS was recalculated and dropped to a 95%. After two contracts with maximum feedback and one feedback-less contract it dropped by 1%. 


Does this mean that a feedback-less contract is worth more than two maximum feedback contracts, one of which was a long term one ? That is not legitimate. Following this logic, even if I have perfect contracts in the future, 5-6 more feedback-less contracts will render my profile no longer eligible for Top Rated. 


Now I am sure that the staff might come up with a complicated response to this that disproves my theory, conveniently hiding behind a complex and undisclosed JSS calculation.  And in fact, I do hope that I'm wrong and this will not happen.



I haven't been freelancing for a long time, however so far I've come across different types of clients. There are the clients who are involved, responsive and contribute to the community by having exemplary contracts with descriptive feedback. And there are clients who are unfamiliar with the platform, they've come here do get their job done, pay for it and then they just dissapear. I am not saying it's entirely their fault. But I've had to instruct clients on how to set up a contract, instruct them to verify their method of payment, urge them to leave a feedback once the project is completed. Where is Upwork's assistance to new clients who are unfamiliar with the platform ? I've seen staff inviting people to interview on behalf of the client which is good. But that happened once. Upwork should instruct and assist new clients, it should be their responsability.


Upwork should do more and be more than just a job section in a newspaper. Us freelancers are left to deal with unexperienced clients (with the platform that is), do the job correctly, leave a feedback for the client in order to help our fellow freelancers know more about that client and end up with the money and no feedback. And we're still the ones punished for this. These are rock solid, real arguments. These are clients who are very busy, sign up, find the freelancer, send the files & instructions, receive the files and then they are gone. These are clients who do not understand the importance of the feedback in regards to the freelancers. Let's be honest, there are a lot of people in the business world that do not care beyond completing their project. That is if they even know to begin with that there is a complex, undisclosed feedback system in place. Upwork does not have first hand experience with a client from a freelancer's point of view. That's why I'm giving you one. And I do hope someone takes it into consideration.


Now, circling back to my question, one pertaining to the big picture of the new and "improved" JSS, why should a contract without feedback from the client affect the freelancer ? I want and need to understand the logic behind that decision. 


There were probably freelancers that avoided leaving a feedback on a contract or did not end it just because they were afraid of a bad feedback from the client that could've affected their score. And I think this was the reasoning behing creating a JSS, where feedback-less contracts and no activity contracts would affect the freelancer. However, why not penalize only the freelancers that have contracts with no activity or that have been ended and the freelancer did not want to leave a feedback ? I mean, score us for our actions, not for our clients' lack of actions. Why am I, a freelancer who did his job, completed the project, ended it and left feedback for his client, punished just because the client did not leave a feedback ? And yes, the client has 14 days to leave a feedback. Truthfully, no client that has been unresponsive for more than a week will return to leave a feedback. From my, now feedback-less contracts do you want to know how many clients left a feedback in 14 days ? None. These clients exist. And they're very diversified.


For example I have a client whom I've been messaging constantly for two months now begging for a feedback. The client responded from time to time, telling me she does not know how to leave a feedback even though I've told her numerous times where to do that. So there are also semi-responsive clients who do not leave a feedback. Why ? I do not know. I cannot know. I can only assume all the clients that do not leave a feedback do that from LACK OF INTEREST. No client will ever disregard leaving a feedback if they were not happy with the work or the relationship with the freelancer. So why should that count towards the JSS ? Where is the logic there ? In my opinion this is abusive towards the freelancer. Even if it constitutes a pattern. Because it does NOT reflect the freelancers' skills or behaviour towards clients. It's the client's duty to leave feedbacj on a contract. A client not leaving feedback should count towards the client's feedback score and that alone. I, as a freelancer who is considering working for a new client, would care to see if that client shows any interest in freelancers' feedback. That is a clear indication of the client's behaviour and his acknowledgement towards the impact that he has on a freelancer's score and also on sustaining a community based on integrity. 


You wanted to create a scoring system that cannot be fooled, however ended up creating one that is almost completely out of he freelancer's control. And not in a good way. You're right, it cannot be fooled or manipulated in the freelancer's best interest because it's already working against the freelancer. 


Truth is, there are a LOT of clients that just become unresponsive and cut off all ties to the website because of various reasons. And that will just happen because there already is a pattern of unresponsive clients. So yes, of course there will be a pattern of feedback-less contracts. The JSS page states that "difficult clients don't count againts you". Why don't clients who become unresponsive or do not leave feedback fall under this category ? Instead of screening the clients more carefully, instructing them about the system or developing a more fair, logical JSS calculation Upwork decides to punish the freelancer for the clients' behaviour. 


On another topic I see Upwork's interface is constanly being changed, adding new features and rethinking the design. You keep improving and fixing things that are not broken, always adding new stuff. Sure, it all looks pretty and clean, but you completely disregard the main interface full of bugs, long loading times, critical errors and random down-times that have been here from the start. And this has been a thing people have always complained about, Upwork staff. Good to know how well you acknowledge your community's feedback, no wonder you have a faulty feedback set in place for the freelancers also. 


The customer service has always been responsive and helpful, but why have a good customer service in place that constantly deals with the same problems and new ones that appear because of the unfixed old ones ? Why not work towards an improved system by being open to your community's suggestions and requests ? You should be working to accomodate the clients' and freelancers' needs, not solely towards profit.


Community Member

Hi! I haven't been on Upwork for almost a week because of a trip, and when I came back, my job success rate dropped from 100% to 93, without any reason. I have successfully completed all my jobs and all my reviews are with 5 stars, and one with 4.8.

Can someone please help me? Can I contact anyone regarding this?

JSS is a mystery on upwork. 

The factors that go into calculating the JSS are myriad and mysterious. Nothing to be done - lots of threads on this lately. It could be that there is some feedback that isn't public that affected your JSS. Could be the weather. We truly don't know for sure. 

Community Member

@Valeria K wrote:

Hi Daniel,


Unfortunately, we ran into some issues with excluding that job from the score and are working to make sure it's done soon. I will continue checking on it. 


Sorry about the delay.

 Hi Valeria, isn't there any solution yet?

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