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Upwork Payment Stuck in Payoneer Pending


I withdrew some funds from my Upwork account to Payoneer Yesterday. Till date, the transaction has been stuck in the "pending" category on my Payoneer account.
I would like to confirm if this money has been sent on Upwork's end as i need confirmation (I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE A CONFIRMATION) of that to lodge a complaint with Payoneer.

I have used upwork to payoneer in the past (With another payoneer account) and it has never taken this long. I am convinced something is wrong.

Thank you,


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Tobi,


Thanks for reaching out to us. I checked and it seems that you already created a support ticket regarding your withdrawal. I will follow up with the team handling your case and you can expect an update very soon.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

Thank you.

I will be looking forward to that.

Thank you very much.
I appreciate the prompt reply.
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