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Upwork Profile visibility

Hi Everyone,


Needed a small help from you guys. It's been 2 weeks since I got my Rising Talent badge but my profile visibility is still showing to be zero. So I was wondering if anything is wrong in the backend or it is common and happens.

Your response would be highly appreciated. 




Hi Maarij,


Once qualified you will receive an email confirmation, the badge will be awarded on your profile in up to 48 hours. To learn more about the requirements check out this Help Article. Thank you.

~ Goran

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Hi Arkajit,


You may check these great topics in our Resource Corner to help you enhance your Profile: 

Here are some additional tips on how to grab attention by writing a great Overview and set yourself apart from the competition.


Happy working! 

~ Bojan

Hi Bojan,

Thanks a lot for your reply. 

My profile is set to available, my availability timings are set too. But still for some reason my profile visibility is zero. Can there be any other reason for the same?



Hi Arkajit,


Please keep in mind that freelancers in search results are shown on a rotating basis so that everyone gets a fair chance to be discovered. Thank you.

~ Goran

Hi, Everyone I have a question that can I get the rising talent badge without any earning after I joined upwork(It has been two weeks)I have passed the upwork readiness Test and also maintained my profile to 100% I want to ask that can I get the rising talent badge after a month when I am doing:

- Passed upwork readiness test

- Reguraly submiting proposals to clients

- maintained my profile to 100%

- up to date availability


Please awnser my question that can I get rising talent badge without any earnings and doing the following?????

Hi Maarij,


Once qualified you will receive an email confirmation, the badge will be awarded on your profile in up to 48 hours. To learn more about the requirements check out this Help Article. Thank you.

~ Goran

 I want to ask that can I qualify for rising talent badge without any earnings

Hi Maarji,


I don't think you can get any badge without any earnings. I am saying that because when you said you don't have any earnings I assume you have not done any projects yet and don't have any rating on your profile. Upwork judges your credibility by looking at the projects you have done in the past and how many 5 stars you have got for those. You have fulfilled a few of the criteria by passing the readiness test and completing your profile but it is just not enough to get a badge yet. 


I would recommend you to start sending proposals to clients and show your quality work to others and eventually, you will get the badge you are looking for. 🙂



Hi Maarij,


Having earnings is not one of the requirements that freelancers need to obtain for receiving a Rising Talent badge. You can have a look at this article about Becoming Rising Talent to see what the exact requirements are that you must meet to obtain a Rising Talent badge on your profile.


Thank you!

~ Bojan

I have noticed that the graph follows a pattern there are days when I receive a lot of invitations from clients as my profile is more visible to them, but there are also days that the visibility goes down and no new invitations come. What are the factors determining this and what's the cycle like for this?

Hi Padma,


Are you referring to the "Profile views" section on your "My Stats" page? If so please know that profile view count represents the number of distinct people who have viewed your profile tile in search results daily, in the past 30 days. Profile view count trend compares this view count to the statistic over the past 6 months.


You can find more information here


~ Nikola
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