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Hasanur's avatar
Hasanur R Community Member

Upwork automatically give refund

upwork give refund to my client without asking me i work day and night after that client just want refund in hourly protection and upwork give it to the client what it is can someone please see what is going on...please 

Jeanne's avatar
Jeanne H Community Member

Here is the explanation:

You are a freelancer who earns $10 or $15 dollars. You have a project consultation for $5.00 for 30 minutes. Yet now, suddenly, you are an expert who commands sixty dollars an hour, still far less than you wanted to be paid by the client you angered. You don't think Upwork is going to notice? You don't think they can see what you did?  Your explanation continued:

You did not follow the rules and apparently gouged the client who fought back. Then you created fake profile numbers to try and look legitimate. You aren't getting the money you didn't earn. End of explanation.

Robert's avatar
Robert Y Community Member

You're losing more money than you'd have made, even at $90 an hour, with all the time you're wasting disputing the payment.

Prashant's avatar
Prashant P Community Member



I am totally lost with your saga.  You charge $6/hr and you found a buyer to pay you $90/hr.  Then you raised your rate to $60/hr.  You also claim that you bought a video for the buyer and your payment included that video.


Now whatever happens in your current situation, in future don't buy stuff for people.  I tell people that due to copy right issues it is better that they buy the stuff - they will be the owner.  If I buy I will be the owner.  I also, tell them if I have to spend my money I will charge 60% more.  20% Upwork fee and the taxes I will have to pay on that income.


And when you come on the forum for help, be truthful.

Hasanur's avatar
Hasanur R Community Member

thank you sir but problem is i talk with client in whatsapp so i can not send you what originally happen if i can send you those message you will understand my situation sir but now i did work for him you know for a long time for this payment and now everything just gone so i am very upset and broken at least someone understand that can make me calm down at least

Nabeel's avatar
Nabeel A Community Member

C, J, M! You are here as upwork advocates or client's advocates? Just not understanding your interrogation and its purpose.

Peter's avatar
Peter G Community Member

I believe he is here as a freelancer advocate.

Nabeel's avatar
Nabeel A Community Member

I was referring to three of the inquisitors. Its like you are 'guilty until proven innocent' instead of 'innocent until proven guilty'. People perhaps don't understand the meanings of contract and community.

Peter's avatar
Peter G Community Member

Oh, sorry.

Jeanne's avatar
Jeanne H Community Member

You need to read the freelancer's posts. It is the particular freelancer and his actions that determine the response.

Radia's avatar
Radia L Community Member

I'm a non-native English speaker and I know a non-native English speaker when I see one.


The thread starter is not a polyglot as he claimed in his profile. That alone is enough for me to decide who should I side with 😂

Christine's avatar
Christine A Community Member

If someone posts in the forum asking for advice, it's often necessary to ask questions to understand what's going on. If the OP doesn't want anyone to comment, he has an open ticket with Upwork and doesn't have to engage with the community - it was his choice. Sometimes I side with the freelancer and sometimes I side with the client, whatever I think is fair. Clients are part of the community, too, and I often see freelancers just assuming that they're guilty, without bothering to get any facts.

Prashant's avatar
Prashant P Community Member

Well Nabeel if you follow the whole thread you will see why many are skeptical about the story.  I still don't get it.  Do you?

Nabeel's avatar
Nabeel A Community Member

Hi Prashant! That was not my point. Its upwork job to decide after looking at the evidence who is guilty like what was in contract, what work was done and did client get angry for right reason or no reason. Its just doesn't seem cool to me that instead of offering advices, tips and support, people first reaction is 'it must be your fault'. Even if it is his fault, it can be paraphrased much better to keep some weight in the word community.

Peter's avatar
Peter G Community Member

It is not Upwork's job to decide after looking at the evidence who is guilty like what was in contract, what work was done and did client get angry for right reason or no reason. But I used to think that too, and many people still do.

Jeanne's avatar
Jeanne H Community Member

No. Upwork makes no judgment in a dispute. Upwork tries to get the client and freelancer to find a resolution - that's it.


The freelancer in question has already posted multiple times about this situation. If you read any of his posts, you will understand why no one is offering sympathy.

Radia's avatar
Radia L Community Member

 people first reaction is 'it must be your fault'.


I don't usually "side with Upwork" as I mentioned a couple of times that I never put 100% trust on Upwork or similar sites. We can see at some recent threads for the reasons that doesn't change for ~2 decades.


But this is one of a few exceptions.


Thread starter (in the other thread) claimed that he was threatened by a client. I happened to see the screenshot before it got deleted, it was not a threat but a desperation from the client because the thread starter ignored him about something.


I looked at the job, a $4/hr project, but done at $90/hr for 10 hours. TS' rate was $6. A quick conclusion, it was a mistake. Do you not think the same?


That was before a number of additonal excuses that still hard for me get some sense from it.


The TS was interpreting "take the opportunity whenever you see it" too literally 😂 What was he expecting? Upwork side with clients most of the time, even on some cases where freelancer follow all the rules or client is truly a scammer. In this case, client (which is historically a good client) made a mistake and it'll be very weird if upwork side with the TS. Don't forget that client can do the notorious chargeback to his bank and TS will still lose.

Nabeel's avatar
Nabeel A Community Member

If upwork does not do judgements, any client can get refund for any made up reason and disputes has no meaning other than giving someone time to come to terms with the loss.

His rate was 6$ per hour but contract was done at 90$ per hour, it is abnormal but its also important to see that did he do the work worth 90$ per hour along with purchases he was supposed to make. He has 97% JSS with 39 jobs and that means more to me about his skills than whatever his rate is.

As client was long term, client always had the option of ending the contract. If work was not done or very poorly done, someone have to judge that work to see that otherwise it is whatever client wants and hourly protection holds no meaning. I couldn't see the screenshot so can't really say anything about client's reason. Also, upwork can easily find if client is real or fake.

It is also worth remembering that scammers exist on both sides.

Radia's avatar
Radia L Community Member

disputes has no meaning other than giving someone time to come to terms with the loss

I see it's kind of a normal thing on internet-based businesses/services right now (since years ago actually)


The concept is, they don't want to take sides. So they leave the arguing parties to solve the arguments by themselves. They only hold whatever they can hold (in Upwork it's money).


They'll use something else (in Upwork it's Arbitration) if their helping with the disputes still meet with a dead end.


The Upwork-moderated disputes will happen if all parties does not break any rules (by their definition at least). A $90 rate in this case does not adhere to those rules. And you can't challenge the rules easily.

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