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Using VAT in Belgium

Hello, Im a bit confused on how to do my invoices, properly.
How do i add the 21% Vat which is mandatory in Belgium?
Do i send my own invoice with all the VAT info?

For example we aggree on a project that is 100 eur total (Included VAT)

Invoice Customer: [Customer's Name] Agreed Amount (incl. VAT): 100.00 EUR


- Commissie Upwork (10%): 90 EUR
- BTW (21%VAT) = 21 eur  = 69 EUR (earnings - Upwork comission - VAT21%)

So from the 100EUR i ean i give 10% to upwork and 21% of the total price to the tax department in Belgium

Hope someone can help me out because i cant seem to find any anwsers regarding this Topic.

Thx Sam


Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Sam,


Thank you for reaching out to us. In general, Upwork won't charge VAT to anyone who has provided a valid VAT number. When Upwork is audited by your government, we are required to substantiate that we have charged VAT to all VAT non-taxable persons and that we have reverse-charged VAT to all taxable persons.


We recommend speaking with a local tax advisor so they can also advise you properly on how to do your taxes.

~ AJ
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