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Warning for contact info

I recently received a warning that I tried to share contact info with a potential client while sending a proposal


However, I did not share a phone number or email.
I shared my LinkedIn profile link so that the client can check my credibility


1. Is sharing a LinkedIn profile link also against policy?

2. What other forms of information are treated as "Contact info"?

Community Member

It's up to them, they will determine it on a case by case basis.


Mods have written a few times that providing links, even in our profile page (although not clickable), to our portfolio outside that contains contact info, is okay. 


Upwork also provided means to link our profile to GitHub/SO. 


I don't put websites in my profile, but when I need to provide credibility to prospective clients I always gave them links to websites, or outside forum posts.


So, in your case, probably some bots or people who think like bot, did it.

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Thumb Rule - Any information that can make client contact you outside of upwork prior to contract is violation of Upwork TOS.. In case you need to showcase your credibilty related to previos clients then you can invite client to write you testimonial on Upwork (Subject to Upwork approval). 

  Moreover if you want you can create your portifolio and include in your upwork profile. However ensure no contact information here.  All financial also have to be on Upwork.


I will suggest you go through Academy and community forum, you will get plenty help there to build your profile..


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Sajal S wrote:

Any information that can make client contact you outside of upwork prior to contract is violation of Upwork TOS.

At least you need to complete that statement by explaining about GitHub and Stack Overflow links in our profile.

Community Member

Ok. Thanks for completing the details. However, it is helpful if people go through the Academy and learn by going over it. 

Community Member

I mean, you need to 'explain' your statement about contact info being forbidden, because it contradicts the fact that Upwork allows us to put contact info in the form of GitHub or SO links in the profile. 


And yes, I agree about going through the academy, but the OP's question goes beyond that. It delves into the uncertainty and grey areas of Upwork. You can do a search and find different mods said different things about these matters.

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I believe Github and even other link are not available to all and getting slowly getting released. Each user might have to look in their view what is available..   Github profile 

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I know that thread, and I actually got my turn a few weeks after Garret (the OP there) got it. I believe it's now rolled out to all users. I've also read about it in the announcement thread.

But by the way... I just discovered a fun thing when viewing profiles. Upwork has finally replaced its support bot from the 90s with some AI. I immediately asked, and the AI said it's okay to put portfolio links in our profiles:








Now the prompt engineers don't have to go to chatgpt to paste AI texts lol. How's my prompt engineering skills btw? 🤣 (*)


Now I'm thinking, it could be that the prompt engineers are all allowed to post here because soon AI responses will also be here to replace some canned responses from the mods.




(*) I think I need to clarify here that it's not about the ESL, but about the term "prompt engineer" that someone (or two) took very highly in here, begins on TikTok then it become (to look) serious where "marketing gurus" started to put it in into their resumes. Just like crypto, where some people in my my contacts put "titles" like "Blockchain Marketing Strategist" for whatever that supposed to mean.


In this AI case, the better the AI, the less intelligent the needed prompts are.


↓ example below ↓

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I understand your concern regarding the warning you received. While I'm not an official representative of Upwork, I can offer some insights:

  1. LinkedIn Profile Link: Generally, sharing a LinkedIn profile link for professional purposes is not considered a violation of Upwork policies. However, automated systems might sometimes flag certain content. If you believe your use of the LinkedIn link was legitimate, you may want to contact Upwork Support to seek clarification and ensure your account is in good standing.

  2. Other Forms of Contact Info: Upwork defines contact information broadly to include direct communication channels like email addresses, phone numbers, Skype IDs, and external links leading to platforms where direct communication is possible. While sharing LinkedIn profiles for professional validation is usually accepted, be cautious about sharing any links that could lead to direct contact outside of Upwork.

To be safe, it's advisable to review Upwork's policies on contact information and reach out to Upwork Support if you have specific questions about your situation. They can provide personalized guidance and clarify any potential misunderstandings.

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