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What issue in my profile why is not ranked up on Upwork?



What aspects of my profile might be affecting its ranking on Upwork, and how can I improve it?

I've made sure my Profile has all the necessary details like skills, portfolio, education, and work history, but I'm still not ranking high. Could it be because I lack specialization? I'm thinking of focusing on a specific niche to stand out. Also, could my Job Success Score be impacting my ranking? Any advice on optimizing my profile for better visibility would be appreciated. Here's the link to my profile for reference: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/ritikchhipa

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Hi Ritik, 
I am also facing same problem. Couple of days ago I wrote here about this issue but still not got any answers from experts. Hope to get some suggestions and advice to be hired.

Best of luck!

Yes , Because I am facing this issue last 2-3 months.

I try every things but nothing happend.


Community Member

From what I've seen, there isn't a single issue with a profile that affects search positioning. Everybody wants to be on page 1, but no profile stays on page 1 forever. Profiles are not stationary in search results so even if you rank high for a period of time, you won't stay there.

Additionally, Upwork does not reveal all factors the algorithm considers when positioning our profiles in search results. And, clients often search using any number of keywords, phrases, or Upwork's predefined skill categories. For example, I just seached one of your main skill categories: Smart Contract with Location: India, and you appear on page 5. When searching another skill category: Blockchain with Location: India, you appear on page three. That's not bad--at least you're not buried on page 250 for two of your main skill categories.


I would consider changing a few things in your profile. These suggested changes are unlikely to affect your profile positioning in search results:


":1st_place_medal: Top Full Stack Web and Blockchain , Mobile App & Software Developer."


  • I recommend removing this from the beginning of your summary since it repeats several words in your title.


":hundred_points: 100% Job Success with 40+ Satisfied Customers overall platform."


  • Your JSS is a bit lower and you don't want to appear dishonest.


":1st_place_medal: On Upwork with very competitive pricing"


  • Unnecessary statement. Since clients can see you on Upwork, they can see your hourly rate.


Everything below should be in a sentence. In fact, you can add these to the paragraph beneath ABOUT ME:

✔ 4 + Years of Professional Experience
✔ Projects Completed With Positive 😎 Feedback
✔ 250+ Upwork Hours


I'm focusing on the beginning of your profile overview/summary because only the first two sentences of your summary are shown to clients when they search for freelancers. This means you have very little space (approximately 200 characters or so) to grab their attention. You want clients to see their goals (your services) in this small space--not emojis, greetings, repeated words from your title, or any unnecessary words.


The bottom line is, freelancers have little control over their profile positioning in Upwork's search results because there are too many unknown factors involved.

Community Member

Hi Clark S, 
I appreciate your reply to such similar queries of mine. I humbly request you to evaluate my profile on the same issue on the same way you had evaluated it. 
Hope to hear back from you soon.
Sincerely thanks



Overall, I think your profile looks good. Your overview/summary is a bit long and most clients won't read all of it. Make sure your most important information is near the top


Similar to the statement I made regarding Ritik's profile, you can better optimize the beginning of your summary by removing: "Thank you for viewing my profile!"   You have only 200-250 characters to grab a client's attention, and greetings offer no information about your services or your value. Removing unnecessary text will allow more important words to appear in your profile preview.


By the way, that list of hashtagged keywords at the end of your summary doesn't really help with SEO on Upwork. The skill categories in your skills list--combined with your title and summary and other areas--are used to match you with relevant jobs and to help your profile appear in search results when clients search for those skills.


You should also consider adding a project catalog. The project catalog allows you to setup a pre-packaged service that clients can buy without you sending a proposal. Due to higher than usual requests for project catalogs, reviews and approvals are taking a minimum of 10 business days. Read Get Started With Project Catalog for more information.


I'm not seeing any huge problems or issues with anything else in your profile.

Thank you so much for reviewing my profile. I will take the necessary steps as you mentioned. 

Community Member

I am also experiencing the same challenge. I have a 100% success score and top-rated. Unfortunately, I am not getting more job invites. I even tried to boost my profile and use the available option and still not getting invites. What could be the issue?

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