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What's missing , after 600Projects completion and 13 yrs of freelancing will end ?


Hello Everybody ... !


Its really frustrating, after 13 years freelancing in here and completing 600 plus projects why i cannot go to next level  

Or even i was not even earned 5000$ for last 12 months , 100$ in last 3 months . Now i truly believe i have weird account .

Is there anyone show me the problem ? 


  • I was never , copy pasting proposals 
  • Have good portfolio in here and show extra great works when submitting proposals
  • Have pro account 
  • Buy Connects regularly 
  • Rate set to 25$ to 100$ time to time 
  • Created project catalog projects 
  • Bid early as possible on Nations
  • Ready to call and discuss 
  • Optimised profile time to time with various tactics, Keywords ...
  • Had great relationship with previous clients and some come again to do the work 


Why i say i have weird account .


  • Never ever came on first few pages when searching .
  • Only show 400 or projects in history , rest of the history is missing 


Community Member

I understand your frustration; the same thing is happening with thousands, if not millions of freelancers. However, I do not see anything wrong or weird about your profile.


You can see the criteria for becoming Top-Rated here. My guess is that one or more of those criteria has not been met.


For search results, your profile appears on page 1 for your main skill category. I searched using the following criteria: Location: Sri Lanka; Skill Category: Presentation Design. You appeared in position 5 on page 1:




It is worth noting that profiles are not stationary in search results; profiles are moved up and down search results to allow everyone a chance to be seen by clients. Even with a 90%+JSS, 600+ jobs completed, and a good profile, your profile will still move around in search results. You might appear on page 1 this week and drop to page 30 next week.


Regarding your work history: The number of jobs completed may differ depending on how a search is conducted. For logged in users, the number should show 629 total jobs. For logged out users, the number might be different. This is by design; Upwork only shows a glimpse of your activity to logged off users. You can read a little more here: Completed Jobs Not Showing.

Community Member



Thanks for input .


I was top rated for years and for some reason i couldn't go beyond that point .
When you search with , country specific keyword .. yes my name is pop up . 
But globally it never comes up . I know they say profile listing is not stationary but my observation is, there are some profiles are stationary. I observed this for years , may be i have screenshots and will show you if available . 


Few years ago, upwork brought localisation and gave more advantage to USA based freelancers for some what .

And once there strategy was to cut freelancers that not effective on this platform. So unwanted spaming , bidding cut down for reasonable way. 


We can see there are huge number of low budget projects compare to previous years . It's getting higher and higher . 

Competition to bid early as possible is too large . After several minutes of posing a project, we can see huge number of proposals . Lots of are not fans of new connect system , there pricing .


These are just few things from what i have learned .


At the end we all know UpWork has big data to observe and algorithms to run and do what they want. BTW i feel quality of place is going down little bit .


I came here from Elance and Did work for Odesk and saw how top management work / strategies of different CEOs.


At the end for some people this the place where build there business over the years. For some, so stressful situation and life threatening.




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