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Horacio's avatar
Horacio F Community Member

Where did the testimonial section go?


The last week I asked a few clients to leave their testimonials and for a few days, I saw the "?" symbol saying that testimonials would appear after review. But today I went to my profile to see the state of it and I found they're gone. Where did the testimonial section go? 




Avery's avatar
Avery O Community Manager

Hi everyone, 

We would like to confirm that the issue has already been resolved. Please clear your browser's cache and cookies and let us know if the issue persists on your end by replying to my post. 

Thank you for your patience!

~ Avery

View solution in original post

Arjay's avatar
Arjay M Retired Team Member

Hi Abimbola,


I have reached out to the relevant team to review your report. One of the members will be reaching out via a support ticket with further assistance. Kindly expect an update here once your ticket has been set up. Thank you!


~ Arjay
Hafsa's avatar
Hafsa A Community Member



Two of my past clients submitted testimonials against my profile, but the section disappeared from my Profile, Kindly help and resolve this issue at your earliest! 


Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Hafsa,


Please note that this is a known issue and our team is currently working on resolving it. We'll be sure to keep this thread updated once we have more information to share.

~ Luiggi
Idil's avatar
Idil M Community Member



I requested a testimonial from a colleague. She said that she replied to it. But it doesn't show on my profile. It doesn't even show that it's "waiting to be approved" or something. It only says what it said before when I hadn't requested any testimonials. I didn't get an email either about any refusal if that would be the case. And I get emails from Upwork regularly about how I earned connects, so my email can't be the issue.


Now I wanted to go and request another testimonial from a different person, but it doesn't let me click on it! Nothing happens when I click on the "+" sign or "Request a testimonial" button. Anyone has an idea why that happens and how I can find a way to fix it?




Now the testimonials section has completely disappeared. I hope this problem gets resolved soon


Thanks in advance,



Samad's avatar
Samad S Community Member

Hi, so I had this option of requesting Testimonials from past Non-Upwork clients on my profile. . a Few days ago, I requested a testimonial from my previous client (who's not on Upwork obviously), he accepted and submit his feedback yesterday, when I checked my profile to see the testimonial - the whole testimonial section just disappeared! it's not there.. There's no feature/section anymore!
 . Can anyone from support help me, please? Thanks.

Samad's avatar
Samad S Community Member

Idk how but half an hour later after making this post , the Testimonial Section re-appeard again.
But when I click on "Request a Testimonial" the button seems to be not working, cuz nothing happens after I click on it. 
Also, I don't see the testimonial of my previous client who submitted his testimonial yesterday as I mentioned in original post, and it's also not showing the status of that request. Attaching screenshot.



Pradeep's avatar
Pradeep H Moderator

Hi Samad,


I tried but wasn’t able to replicate the issue you’re describing. Could you please try using a different browser or the incognito mode of your current browser? You may also try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies. Also note that we only officially support the latest two versions of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari.


Thank you,


Samad's avatar
Samad S Community Member

Hi Pradeep,
Thanks for the reply.
Basically, I'm having issue with "testimonials" section on my profile. 
It just disappears out of nowehere, (attaching screenshot below) as you can see I don't have testimonial section available on my profile.

This problem started right after I requested for a testimonial from my previous client, and when the client submitted their review I found there's no section of Testimonials anymore. 

In short, the Testimonial feature which was available to me on my profile and I could use to take feedback from my non-Upwork clients - just got disappeared from my profile, I cant see that feature anymore after my non-Upwork client submitted their testimonial.

NOTE: I'm using Chrome, and Android app, and facing same issues in both.


UPDATE: just got an email from Upwork that my Client's testimonial is approved and now Testimonial Section reappeared on my profile. So It's solved now 🙂

Nick's avatar
Nick I Community Member

Good day,

My name is Nick, and I have some issues.

I sent testimonial links to my past clients, showing that the testimonials were pending. I logged back in again today, and now either of two things is happening, sometimes the Testimonial section completely disappears, and other times when it does appear, it's empty - it won't even show the requested testimonial thing.

Please, how can this be sorted out?

Christian's avatar
Christian D Community Member

same. did you figure out why?

Tabina's avatar
Tabina N Community Member

Hi, I was trying to complete my profile and while sending requests for testimonials the section just disappeared. Since then I refreshed and researched every thread but I just can't find why did this happen. And no I am not talking about testimonials disappearing but the whole section. It's not visible, I can't request a testimonial if I don't have that section in my profile. Can anyone help?

Samer's avatar
Samer B Community Member

Hey Tabina,


Have you tried a different browser, may be you had something cache or could be an Upwork bug,


I would contact them and ask.

Tabina's avatar
Tabina N Community Member

I already contacted them but I have not got a response from them yet. 

The funny thing is the mobile application of upwork is also having the same problem. No testimonial section showing up on my profile. 

Samer's avatar
Samer B Community Member

Sorry to hear that, sounds like a BUG to me.

Benjamin's avatar
Benjamin A Community Member


I've sent five testimonial responses to former clients. The first three ones came through, after the bug mentioned here was resolved: https://community.upwork.com/t5/Freelancers/Where-did-the-testimonial-section-go/m-p/1170836#M710764


The other two clients claim that they have written the testimonials some time ago, but they do not show as "pending," like the other three did. They still say "awaiting [Client Name] response."


Is there any way to move that process forward?

Ashfaq's avatar
Ashfaq A Community Member


I am new at upwork, I created my profile 100 % but my testimonials section is not appearing in my profile. I read an article in upwork support forum go to My profile -> setting --> scroll down, but there is no option.


Would appreiate to support me please. 


Brad's avatar
Brad U Community Member

Same has happened to me exactly. I was able to send it to a client and they left a testimonial. It never appeared. Then I was able to see the Testimonial Section and was going to try again, it wouldn't let me click on that section. Now the entire Testimonial section has vanished completely!

Julian's avatar
Julian H Community Member

I am also experiencing this issue.  My testimonial section just disappeared after my client sent in a testimonial.  

Abhinav's avatar
Abhinav P Community Member

I have sort of the same issue, I have sent testimonial links to my past clients and it was showing that the testimonials were pending. I logged back in again today, and now either of two things is happening, sometimes the Testimonial section completely disappears, and other times when it does appear it's completely empty - won't even show the requested testimonial thing...

Daniel's avatar
Daniel H Community Member

I am having the same problem. I just received my first testimonial from a client outside of upwork and now the testimonial section has disappeared completely.

Arjay's avatar
Arjay M Retired Team Member

Hi Daniel and dear Members,


We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you. Please note that this is a known issue and our team is currently working on resolving it. We'll be sure to keep this thread updated once we have more information to share. We seek your patience and utmost understanding while sorting this out for you. Thank you!


~ Arjay
Daniel's avatar
Daniel H Community Member

the members above us were getting support tickets setup for them to resolve the issue . Why are we not being given the same response ?

Richie's avatar
Richie C Community Member

Hello, the same thing is happening to me! My 2 testimonials are gone and my pending requests for testimonials are gone too. What can I do about this?


Thank you

Barun's avatar
Barun S Community Member

Hello! I am having the same problem. I requested testimonials from clients. Now, the whole testimonials section is missing from my profile. How do I proceed? 

Barun's avatar
Barun S Community Member

It's fixed now. The testimonial is up on my profile. Thank you Team Upwork for the quick fix. 🙂 

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