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Would it affect my Jss?

Hi there Community! I was in project with a new client of $300. The client said me to deliver every file on completion. So, I provided every file on completion. When about 95% of work was done, the client suddenly canceled the project and requested the full refund. I opened the dispute and because of this dispute I was facing problems focusing on the other projects. I refunded the full amout to the client to get rid of him. And the canceled project is showing that the client has not provided any feedback. I want to know that this project will effect my Jss or not?




Community Member

Yes , he can leave a private feedback and if he has left a poor feeback there it will affect your jss

Community Member

Since you refunded the full amount, there will be (almost) no effect on your JSS. The JSS is weighted by revenue, so a $0 revenue job will have none to very little effect.


ETA: https://support.upwork.com/hc/en-us/articles/211068358-Job-Success-Score

Hi Jonathan, it was your comment about small amounts would have little too no affect on JSS. This was an issue I have been trying to solve because I do a lot of 60 minute $200 Consults and there is not as much time to establish a business relationship with a client so they are not as reliable for Reviews.

I know from experience that bad private feedback on a zero-paid contract can still take you down by a few percentage points. I heard one theory that the impact is based on the original value of the job, although of course Upwork doesn't say exactly how it's calculated. Everyone would have a great JSS if it was possible to give refunds and eliminate (or even reduce) the impact of a bad review.

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