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connects error

hello, need help. I wanted to send a few job applications today but found that I have no connections. yesterday I saw 9 connections in my profile but today they are no longer there. I know for sure that I have not sent any job applications for a long time. and please make my account visible because I want to start making money this week. Thank you


Hi Vitaliy,


If you would like to work as an independent freelancer as well, you will need to update your status to non exclusive member.
This way you will be able to send proposals from your freelancer profile as well. Thank you.

~ Goran

View solution in original post


Hi Vitaliy,


I checked and can see that you're an exclusive member of your agency. Please note that if this is the case, all proposals you send are branded with the agency you're part of and any Connects needed to send those proposals are taken from the agency's profile as opposed to being taken from your freelancer profile. Feel free to check here to learn more about these differences. Also, if you had any available Connects prior to becoming an exclusive member, provided they haven't expired, you should be able to see them on Settings > Membership & Connects.


Thank you.

~ Luiggi

OK, thanks for the explanation, please tell me what is the way out of the situation?
is it possible to work somehow as an individual freelancer not through an my agency?
or the only solution for this will be only if i close my agency?
Thank you

Hi Vitaliy,


If you would like to work as an independent freelancer as well, you will need to update your status to non exclusive member.
This way you will be able to send proposals from your freelancer profile as well. Thank you.

~ Goran
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