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fitness app

i have worked with **edited for Community Guidelines** and he is good in designer but he should not resale my project design without asking me and we had a deal that he should wait until i lunch my project he showed some important screens that could makes big problems without thinking about the coast of this he just want money .. he is resale the project design for himself without even asking me . i don't know if this is his right or no but i don't think that is a professional way to deal with clients specially when you have deal


is this his rights to resale the project and shows screens ? 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there,

I'm sorry to learn about your experience with this freelancer. I can see that you have already been assisted through a support ticket, and your case has been escalated further. So that the teams involved can help you more efficiently, it will be best to keep communications through the support ticket. On my end, I will follow up with the team handling your case to be assisted further. 

~ Avery
Community Member

Hi Avery
Thank you for your attention .
I had work with that freelancer via figma , even i am afraid he do something else when he informed about the complaint.. i am really confused and have no idea what should i do .
I hope we can find a good way to protect my project from the freelancer actions .
Thank you again
Best and regards :rose:
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