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getting paid


I have taken a project, done it, was then sent an invocie, I accepted it,
I still have not got paid. the client, has not validated the invoice but sends me more project.
What s going on? how do i know if i m protected?
I got no idea when ill get paid from the job done, but i m asked to work more.
What am i suppose to do?

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Linda,


I checked your contract and I can see that you have submitted your work on the milestone created for you. The client has 14 days to approve the payment or ask for revisions. If no actions are taken, the funds will be released to you after 14 days. To learn more about our fixed price protection check out this Help Article. Thank you.

~ Goran


Thank you for your info.
The job i worked for has been approved by the client.
The payment has been accepted, could you let me know when do i then get
Thank you
Community Member

Linda F wrote:
The job i worked for has been approved by the client.
The payment has been accepted, could you let me know when do i then get

Once the client approves the milestone within the actual contract, the funds move to Pending for 5 days before the money

becomes available. Go to your Reports > Overview


"Where is my money?""Where is my money?"

Hi Linda,


Thanks for following up. I checked and it seems that the funds for the milestone are already in the Pending section of your Reports page. This represents the standard security hold period in which funds cannot be withdrawn. Payments for fixed-price milestones (and bonuses) have a 5-day security period from the time payment is made to funds availability. You can check out this help article for more information on getting paid for Fixed-Priced contracts.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar
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