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if I cancel a contract

if i cancel a contract will it affect me in anyway? in a negative way?


im new on here and im still learning how things work

Community Member

Canceling a contract has no effect on your Job Success Score or any other metric.


But having negative feedback from the client whose contract you cancel could factor into your JSS to some extent. A client always has a permanent ability to leave feedback on any project where a contract was in place, regardless whether the contract is completed, canceled, etc.

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Community Member

Canceling a contract has no effect on your Job Success Score or any other metric.


But having negative feedback from the client whose contract you cancel could factor into your JSS to some extent. A client always has a permanent ability to leave feedback on any project where a contract was in place, regardless whether the contract is completed, canceled, etc.

Community Member

hi to cancel a contract do i refund the money first and then cancel the contract?

Community Member

Why do you think you should refund any money to the client?

Community Member

i managed to end the contract. thanks 

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