» Forums » Freelancers » Re: Client is accusing me
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Without contract you owe nothing. Block his and forgot.

Thanks, but he got my ip address and all the screenshot of deleted website he told me I need to delete and he's using it to accuse me that I did it on purpose! he literally wanted to report me but i blocked him. 

Never delete anything or do any other works for free. Task agreement (interview) - Contract - Works - Payment

Do you think he still can report me and use the screenshot he got even if we don't have a contract yet? I am worried that my account might get suspended 

Nothing to report: client asked some questions, you did, agreement wasnt reached, you wasnt hired. Thats all.

Mykola is right! Don't stress too much over it, focus on producing results for new clients. Upwork is not this bad place where it absolutely hates its freelancers. Client has nothing on you. Next time get clear agreements. Everyone goes through these ups and downs initially when they start freelancing and they learn it. Seems like it's the only way to learn. Just keep focusing on the next projects and great results for better clients. Nothing bad will happen since you have no contract or agreement. Next time do the work only when everything is clear and set. Don't sweat too much on this, though. 

I'm not answering for Mykola, but of course the client can report you. You did not have a contract, so you violated Upwork's rules and deleted a website. Even though the client had not hired you, and you had no Upwork contract, the fault is yours, not the client's, and Upwork still has the right to take action because you agreed to the Terms of Service and no one can cause damage to a cient, contract or not.


Because of your serious actions, you well may lose your account. I'm not sure how many clients would hire you after the client states the facts.

You can't stop a client from reporting you by blocking them in messages. The client isn't reporting the problems to you, the client will be talking to Upwork, and I don't blame them. You broke the Terms of Service, which a lot of freelancers do, but most realize you don't destroy a client's property.


You did do it on purpose. You knew you did not have a contract, but did it anyway, without consent, permission, or even informing the client. Did you think if you did the work, the client would be forced to pay you? That wouldn't have been successful either. This is an egregious error.


Despite breaking the Upwork rules, I have no idea what you thought you were doing destroying an entire website.


Your only hope is to restore the client's website, beg for forgiveness, and learn from your errors. Use the Academy to learn how to freelance appropriately and legitimatly and safely.

Community Member

If you took any action, including deleting his website, you broke the Terms of service, and technically, Upwork can suspend your account for that alone. How could the client track you? You gave them more than an interview.


If you deleted his website, I suggest you return it ASAP. Let me guess, you didn't keep a backup? So you deleted the client's website from the server? It's one thing to discuss wanting to replace a website, as I'm sure they wanted something to replace it with, not just have a hole in the Internet. Or perhaps they had other plans. The fact is, without a contract or written instruction, you decided to dump a website, Yes, the client has every reason to be angry, and I would encourage them to pursue all actions.


The client is correct. After a single discussion, you decided, on your own, without asking or getting permission, to wipe out the client's website. If this is accurate, the client may well have damages they can pursue.

That you scared her and she deleted the post, look like she really deleted the whole site. It couldn't have occurred to me. Perhaps these were some cleaning edits for testing.

Hi there, didnt delete anything. also i did nothing against his website. what im saying is he made me delete some articles not the whole website. looks like he is a scam and just wants me to pay.

How did the client "made me delete some articles, not the whole website?" You said he accused you of deleting the website, and he had screenshots. It doesn't matter if it was one letter or numeral, you did not have a contract or written permission to touch his site.


In one sentence, you say you didn't delete anything, and he made you delete. You deleted the website, in part or whole, without a contract or permission. This problem is entirely of your making. No one can make you do work here. You decided to work without a contract or permission to delete content, and apparently, did not have the understanding of why you save a copy until the site is completed, and sometimes, even after?


I see no scam here, not from what you have posted. The client did nothing wrong, and you need to accept that before you lose everything. You broke the rules; the client did not break the rules. You merely had to follow the Terms of Service, (you agreed to abide by it) but you willingly decided to not follow the rules. Even worse, you are attempting to blame the client when you possibly damaged them by deleting the site. The problems came from you, and only you are to blame. If you deleted any part of the site, you could be liable for damages.

It's good that you didn't delete it. I hope this is really true. Jeanne suspects that you are lying. Here you can tell the truth to get advice on a real situation.

What payment are you talking about? Did the client demand money from you?

Community Member

Seems to me you like to use delete as your question here now is just, ok.

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