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payment withdrawl

please have someone call me immediately at **Edited for Community Guidelines**

Community Member

That is not how this works.


A few points:
- You are not allowed to post your contact information (such as a phone number) in the Forum.

- Even if you were allowed to do so, you don't want to do that. You don't want pests calling you. ("Hello sir please hire me make you website")

- Upwork is not going to call you just because you post a message in the Forum asking them to.

- Upwork is pretty much not going to call you for any reason.

- If you want to create a Customer Support ticket, you may do so: https://support.upwork.com/hc/en-us

- But for most purposes, it is not necessary to do so. Most questions can easily be answered by searching Upwork Help and/or the Community Forum, or by posting a question.

- If you have a question, then you may ask your question here. Simply creating a new thread titled "payment withdrawal" does not constitute a question. Can you you tell us what your question is?

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