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photo for profile

unable to up load my photo for my profile. help


Hi Valentina,


I checked your profile, and it looks like you have already uploaded your profile picture successfully. You may log in to your account to check. Let us know if you need further assistance. We're here to help. Thanks!

~ Joanne
Community Member

Hi Joanne (now that this topic is up...)

Do all photos have to be "head shots" on Upwork? I have a better photo where I am well-dressed and look more professional, but that it is not zoomed in on my incredibly good looks.


I am a bit picky about these matters. I have attached it for community critique.



Community Member

Zeeshan M wrote:


Do all photos have to be "head shots" on Upwork? I have a better photo where I am well-dressed and look more professional, but that it is not zoomed in on my incredibly good looks.


I am a bit picky about these matters. I have attached it for community critique.


That would be a "No" from me I'm afraid... For starters: yes, it has to be a headshot, and you'd not be even remotely recognizable in that because of size. It also looks very staged and the colours are ghastly, like someone applied some psychodelic filter.


There's nothing wrong with your current photo, it could be better lit though, so your eyes become visible.

Community Member

Thanks Petra!


Honestly, once I start making a little extra cash and this dumb quarantine thing completely evaporates, I really want to invest in a photo session from a studio somewhere. For what its worth, I also encourage other members to do so. 


There are some brilliant photos I have seen of some other freelancers. I wish I could contact them about how they go it done. I know it's not possible.

Picture, as they say, is worth thousand words. And I want to leave everyone...




That would be a "No" from me I'm afraid... For starters: yes, it has to be a headshot, and you'd not be even remotely recognizable in that because of size. It also looks very staged and the colours are ghastly, like someone applied some psychodelic filter.


There's nothing wrong with your current photo, it could be better lit though, so your eyes become visible.

That surely ain't Freudian? 


Community Member

Zeeshan M wrote:


Picture, as they say, is thousand words. And I want to leave everyone...



You can take a great photo with a mobile phone or maybe you have a friend with a camera? It's not your photo that is supposed to leave people speechless, it's the quality of your work.

Community Member

Petra R wrote:

Zeeshan M wrote:


Picture, as they say, is thousand words. And I want to leave everyone...



You can take a great photo with a mobile phone or maybe you have a friend with a camera? It's not your photo that is supposed to leave people speechless, it's the quality of your work.

I have Obama phone. And I don't have friends. Also, I wanted a glamor shot. You are absolutely correct about the quality of work but as a new kid on the block, I only have few seconds to impress potential clients. And first impression matters! :-]

Community Member

Zeeshan M wrote:

Petra R wrote:

Zeeshan M wrote:


Picture, as they say, is thousand words. And I want to leave everyone...



You can take a great photo with a mobile phone or maybe you have a friend with a camera? It's not your photo that is supposed to leave people speechless, it's the quality of your work.

I have Obama phone. And I don't have friends. Also, I wanted a glamor shot. You are absolutely correct about the quality of work but as a new kid on the block, I only have few seconds to impress potential clients. And first impression matters! :-]

You may want to look up what "Glamour Shot" actually means.


And you are right. You DO only have a few seconds to impress a potential client. But try to remember what you are selling. You are selling a creative person. That overprocessed pic with the windblown tie doesn't say "creative person" - It says "Wannabe Intern posing stiffly and uncomfortably in front of a random office building trying way too hard to look like Freddie from Accounts."

Hi Zeeshan,


The Upwork profile picture should be a headshot of you dressed professionally. as this makes the first impression and helps build your personal brand. You might want to check out this blog for more tips on uploading your profile picture. Thank you. 

~ Joanne
Community Member

Thank you so much Joanne. Only you get a kudo from me.

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