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why I can't get new clients

Dear freelancers,

can you help me!

why are my numbers like that?
I tried more than one technics for cover letter and probosals

Thanks in advanced.



Community Member

Hey Dalia, this is the high level process I follow to obtain new clients (300+ so far). Complete the Upwork Profile (your Profile looks good), only apply to Jobs that are appropriate, and create a cover letter that is 100 words or less. Get to the point in the cover letter: acknowledge what they want, your creditials for that project, how you will solve / approach the project, and set a time for an Upwork Zoom interview. Have an awesome day!

Thanks for helping me !

I hope I can do this correcetly! 


Reach out if you have any questions. Have an awesome Friday!

Community Member

Dalia, what does your comparison statistics look like? The two bars under the chart you showed. That will tell you how well you are really doing for your industry.

Proposal stats - I'll show you mine if you show me yours 

Thank you for your reply!
are these two bars ?



Yes. And they say you are doing just above average for your industry. Which means your industry is supply-saturated. And Design & Creative is saturated with freelancers.

Is there any category that is not flooded? With 18 - 20 million freelancers, with more joining every day, every category is saturated. OK, maybe there is a specialty with fewer response, but I don't see it.


How do you come to the conclusions that because she is seen more than average, the category is saturated? And you trust those numbers?


(Expecting this message to disappear because Upwork doesn't like my posts when I talk about the numbers of freelancers and the fact most will never earn a penny here.)

Proposal stats - I'll show you mine if you show me yours demonstrates that Translation is not FL-saturated. Also, Architecture & Engineering seems to be pretty even-keeled.

Community Member

Hello everyone. I met with the possible cause of this problem. Details in the thread I opened:

A couple weeks ago, something happened to me that cast a lot of doubt on my huge trust in upwork. I am very grateful to Upwork for many of its features and policies. But it seems that the mission has changed recently, and the people who work with upwork have become less important. And I would like to know if I'm the only one who noticed this or if the problem is more massive. At first I wanted to find out privately with technical support, but after their answers it doesn't seem so productive anymore.

- Situation:
With one of my clients for some reason we decided that it would be convenient to pay for the task I completed through upwork. I couldn't send a direct contract because he had already been registered on the upwork a long time ago, so I suggested just creating a task. The client couldn't find me to send the invitation, so he just told me the title and description of the task. I found the task through the search, checked the description, the client's location and budget, responded, and... after a couple of days, he client sends me the photo of the list of responses to his task, in which there was only one response, and this is not mine. And we are sure that I was not mistaken in the task (and technical support confirmed this).

- My conclusions from this situation:
After that, I began to think about how small the probability that this is an individual case.
And how lucky I was to find out about this with the help of a client with I have a connection beyond the upwork.
And isn't this the reason why for the last three months my statistics on the ratio of responses and their views by clients has fallen 3 times relative to statistics for the whole year, minus the last three months and those when I could not work here.
It is also alarming that this coincided with the moment when the upwork cancels rewards for a message from a client on a response.

- Question:
So I'm interesting if anyone else has noticed a similar thing in their statistics? (My stats -> Analytics -> Show me -> Proposals)
Maybe if this turns out to be a mass situation, tech support will still do something besides offering to read articles about effective responses, update my portfolio and change the profile photo.

- About me:
I have been actively working with Upwork for more than 2,5 years, have the Top Rated badge, 100% Job Success and an average rating of 5 stars.
I don’t spam on all tasks, but respond selectively to the most interesting to me and relevant skills, with detailed answer for each task and attached examples. "Available now" is most often switched on. Some of these tasks are highly specialized and get no more than 10 responses in the first 24 hours.
And if earlier I was satisfied with this approach, then after these three months, which I barely survived for the most part thanks to tasks outside the upwork and regular clients who applied with new tasks, I already strongly doubt both the upwork and myself. 






@Andrei - I was reading your post about clients not being able to see all proposals - which seems to report either a serious BUG or intentional deception on the part of UW - when suddenly the message became 'inaccessible', then I found out this message had been removed from the Topic list and 'merged' / HIDDEN as a 'comment' in an unrelated thread about a freelancer having problems finding new clients.  Often time, when you report something unfavorable going on on the platform, a moderator will quickly merge / bury it into the 'comments' of  an unrelated thread to reduce the number of people who see it.


So, to answer your question: Don't hold your breath.  If UW is allowing people to submit proposals to client and only letting a small 'sub-set' of the proposals through to the client's inbox, it's likely not a 'bug' but a 'design' feature to cause people to have to spend more connects to get responses.  If you KNOW for a fact you sent a proposal in to that client and the client never saw it in their Inbox, that is not a 'bug'.  The question I would want to know is what percentage of proposals are 'filtered' out this way before they even reach a client's inbox.



As for those 'stats' on our profile views, proposals, etc.  I have found them completely inaccurate and untrustworthy.  A few weeks ago, I sent a proposal, got interview, and got hired, and for that week my stats showed that I had sent 1 proposal but had 0 proposal VIEWS. That's impossible since the client VIEWED the profile, responded, interviewed, and hired off the proposal that was sent. The only way he would have been able to respond to the proposal is by VIEWING it.  I wouldn't trust those numbers too much

Thank you for your response, CJ A. And thank you for taking the time to read such a long description.

Yes, I thought so too. Technical support at first offered me to do pretty standard things and played for time. A week ago, they said that the request was sent to the technical department and has been silent since that moment. Although we are well aware that in the case of such an error (if it is), it would be worth doing something as soon as possible. 

Perhaps the statistics are not entirely accurate in personal account, but my feelings, the number of new interviews and clients (in one of the most commercially active periods of the year) and the state of my wallet now confirm these data well.

Hi Andrei and CJ, 


I can confirm that all proposals sent for a job are delivered to and viewable by the client. There haven't been any changes recently to the Proposal Manager. The client may need to scroll further down the list and click "Load more" to see all proposals but they can definitely access them.


CJ, threads were merged because Andrei linked the topics as related.


~ Valeria

Valeria K wrote:

Hi Andrei and CJ, 


I can confirm that all proposals sent for a job are delivered to and viewable by the client. There haven't been any changes recently to the Proposal Manager. The client may need to scroll further down the list and click "Load more" to see all proposals but they can definitely access them.


Hi Valeria,

Some doubts.
If the image shared by OP says "All Proposals (1)", that means there is only 1, isn't that correct?
It is not a problem that the client did not click the "load more" button.


If, say, there are 2 proposals visible, but the total count is 10, why aren't all of them shown? Is it the client who chooses to see "5 out of 5", or "10 out of 10", or see all?


Besides this "load more", are there any other tags that hide/show part of the proposals?


And taking advantage, a question. Did the option to change the text color disappear or am I going blind?
I already asked this a long time ago but no one answered me 😒

¡Feliz Navidad!

Community Member

Hey there, please give me some advice how to get clients.Thank you

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