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Profile visit

Dear Esteemed Members of the Upwork Community,

I trust this correspondence reaches you in good health and spirits. I am reaching out with a humble request for your esteemed feedback on my Upwork profile. As a committed professional committed to ongoing refinement, I recognize the immense value of constructive insights from seasoned peers.

Should you find a moment to spare, I would be deeply grateful if you could review my profile and offer any insights or suggestions that may augment its appeal and effectiveness in attracting potential clients. Your expertise and perspectives are highly regarded, and I am keen to refine my presentation and service offerings based on your valued input.

Please find the link to my profile below:



Thank you for your time and consideration.

Warm regards,
Mahnoor Yaseen

Community Member


Unfortunately, the poetry market is pretty bleak. It doesn't pay much and poems are hard to sell.


On the other hand, your working title (Psychologist, Poetry Urdu English on demand, Essay writing) starts with the word "Psychologist." But you never explain what psychology services you plan to sell. I think you need to spell out what psychology services you plan to offer to people and explain how you can do that remotely. Do you plan to do testing? Do you plan to interview clients? Whatever it is, you should explain what aspect of psychology you plan to turn into a service and how you plan to do that on the Internet.


Moreover, the basic idea in freelancing is to pick one service and stick with that. There are thousands of other freelancers -- millions, actually -- and you have to compete with them. So, it's helpful to just pick writing or psychology and not try to do both.


A profile should also provide useful information up front, explaining why you are an expert in your field. Instead, you start with "Celebrate the beauty of the human spirit, for within each of us lies a story waiting to be told, a poem waiting to be sung, and a journey waiting to unfold. We illuminate the path towards understanding, growth, and healing through empathy, creativity, and resilience."


You should delete that quote or move it to the end. It's a nice quote, but it does not provide anyone with useful information about your servives. As such, most people wont even read that .... and it will stop a lot of people from reading further.

Also, when you get to the bottom, the onlly writing in your portfolio is a poem. But poems are not only not much in demand, but not many internet publishers want to hire someone to do any creative writing at all. They want writing that is informative, not creative.

I'm sorry, you have to rethink a lot of this. But that's the name of the game on Upwork. Clients on Upwork want concrete results, not creative writing.

Good luck.


View solution in original post

Community Member



I looked through your profile and there are several changes you must make to convince clients to hire you.


The first thing you should do is change your profile photo. The picture in your photo should be a close-up image of your head and shoulders that clearly shows your face. Your picture should not be a graphic, flowers, art, or anything other than your face. Read through Upwork's best practices for How to Choose A Good Profile Picture.


Next, you must focus your title and overview/summary on a specific skill category or related skill categories. Psychology, poetry and essay writing are unrelated, and will confuse clients. If you plan to provide writing services that focus on human behavior, that's great. However, I think your title should be something like: Psychologist | Writer


In your summary, I recommend removing the following:


Mahnoor Yaseen

Psychologist | Writer | Poet


"Celebrate the beauty of the human spirit, for within each of us lies a story waiting to be told, a poem waiting to be sung, and a journey waiting to unfold. We illuminate the path towards understanding, growth, and healing through empathy, creativity, and resilience.


Here's why you should remove these items: When clients search for freelancers, only the first 200-225 characters of your summary are shown. This means you have very little space (approximately two short sentences) to get their attention. You want clients to see their goals (your services and results) in this small space. You should avoid names, repeats of your title, or any unnecessary text. You can keep your quote, but it should appear later in your summary--not within the first two sentences.


You may want to add one or two Specialized Profiles that focus on specific services or completely unrelated services. Having a specialized profile can help increase a freelancer's searchability.


Also, use your employment history to list any jobs outside of Upwork. You should not write poetry in the employment history section.


Good luck!

Community Member

Thank you sincerely for your invaluable guidance. I will diligently implement the recommended changes and endeavor to excel. Your visit to my profile is greatly appreciated, and I am profoundly grateful for your time. Regrettably, I am currently unable to utilize my own picture as a profile image due to specific issues, the details of which are intricate and not suitable for sharing here. Although using my own picture is preferable, circumstances prevent me from doing so at this time. Nonetheless, I appreciate your understanding. Thank you.

Community Member


Unfortunately, the poetry market is pretty bleak. It doesn't pay much and poems are hard to sell.


On the other hand, your working title (Psychologist, Poetry Urdu English on demand, Essay writing) starts with the word "Psychologist." But you never explain what psychology services you plan to sell. I think you need to spell out what psychology services you plan to offer to people and explain how you can do that remotely. Do you plan to do testing? Do you plan to interview clients? Whatever it is, you should explain what aspect of psychology you plan to turn into a service and how you plan to do that on the Internet.


Moreover, the basic idea in freelancing is to pick one service and stick with that. There are thousands of other freelancers -- millions, actually -- and you have to compete with them. So, it's helpful to just pick writing or psychology and not try to do both.


A profile should also provide useful information up front, explaining why you are an expert in your field. Instead, you start with "Celebrate the beauty of the human spirit, for within each of us lies a story waiting to be told, a poem waiting to be sung, and a journey waiting to unfold. We illuminate the path towards understanding, growth, and healing through empathy, creativity, and resilience."


You should delete that quote or move it to the end. It's a nice quote, but it does not provide anyone with useful information about your servives. As such, most people wont even read that .... and it will stop a lot of people from reading further.

Also, when you get to the bottom, the onlly writing in your portfolio is a poem. But poems are not only not much in demand, but not many internet publishers want to hire someone to do any creative writing at all. They want writing that is informative, not creative.

I'm sorry, you have to rethink a lot of this. But that's the name of the game on Upwork. Clients on Upwork want concrete results, not creative writing.

Good luck.


Community Member

Thank you sincerely for your invaluable guidance. I will diligently implement the recommended changes and endeavor to excel. Your visit to my profile is greatly appreciated, and I am profoundly grateful for your time.

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