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Request for Profile Review - WordPress Developer

As a WordPress Developer, I'm reaching out to kindly request a review of my Upwork profile. I would highly appreciate it if a skilled member could assess my account comprehensively and offer any feedback or suggestions for enhancement.

You can access my Upwork profile through the following link: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01c6d6ea7e3c03b08e

Thank you very much for your time and assistance.

Muhammad Umar

Community Member

Muhammad Umar,


I looked through each section of your profile and I think it looks good. A few minor suggestions:


1) Change your title from Word Press Developer --> WordPress Developer


2) The information listed after "Why Me?" should be more specific. For example:


  • Quality services (Everyone says they provide quality services. I recommend mentioning something specific.)
  • Support after work ("After work" means different things to different businesses. It might be helpful to clients if you say something like: "Support after business hours.")
  • Best support 24/7 ("Best support" should be more specific, and almost no one provides 24/7 support.)


It might be best to offer services you can quantify or accomplish. For example:


Why Me?

✶ High-Quality Layouts/Designs

✶ Unlimited Revisions
✶ On-Time Delivery

✶ Support After Business Hours

✶ 100% Satisfaction Guarantee


3) Unless you worked for a company named Global, you may want to revise your employment history. It appears that you are using a profile summary as a job description. The jobs and their descriptions should be jobs you had with an employer, as a business owner, or freelance jobs.


The other information in your profile looks fine.


Good luck!

Community Member

Thank you for the review Clark, I will work on the points you mentioned.

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