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Issue with "Add extra layers of security" page. Error: "This field is required."

Some users may experience issues with "Add extra layer of security page". Once you select "'I understand my account will be locked if I am unable to answer this question" the error "This field is required." will show. 


Screenshot for reference. 





We would like to let you know that we shared your reports with our engineers and they are working as fast as possible to resolve this issue. We will update this thread once we have more information. 


While this issue is being resolved we would like to let you know that you can use the following workaround so that you can add your withdrawal method earlier. 

Go to Settings Password & security > Security question and toggle that option. Here is a screenshot for reference. 

This should allow you to set up your withdrawal method.


Edited to update information. 2/11/2024


We would like to let you know that this issue in now resolved


We appreciate your patience. 

Status changed to: Resolved

Hi All, 


I would like to let you know that this issue is now resolved. 

Community Member

Hello Support

I also have the same problem.

Please HELP.




Community Member
  • It is not resolved, as I am facing the same situation right now. As I am just trying to update my surname yet the problem persist even if I entered the security phrase and ticked the green boxes. Please help.
Community Member

Hi LuiggiR,

I have a same problem regarding "Add extra layers of security --This field is required."
Please help!


Community Member

I am facing the same issue now. I was trying to update location then this extra security layers window popped up. 

Also added answer to security questions and tried multiple times but still stucked. Could not get my location changed. 

Community Member

I am facing the same issue now. I was trying to update my name then this extra security layers window popped up. 

Also added answer to security questions and tried multiple times but still stucked. Could not get name changed. 


Community Member

please help me i have same problemupwork.JPG

Community Member

upwork, no team support for solve this problem?