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Account Information

Hello! So basically I signed up using google (and my google account has my daughters name and profile photo, because she has to attend school on my account, so meanwhile the Gmail doesn't have her name in the domain, it does have her photo and name in the name) and now my account has her picture and name as well. How can this be changed? She's sixteen and I wish to change the name and picture to my own name and image, but I can't change these for some reason. Ps. I can verify her identity as well, but she is a minor and I don't want her picture or name on the site). I also can't verify my own account because well... I'm not her. Please help!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Anoushka,


Could you please try updating your profile picture now? Regarding your name, you should be able to change it in Settings > Contact info.


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