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Customer service

How does someone speak to an Upwork representative?

Community Member

Good news!


If you have a question, you can ask it right here.


What is your question?

I would like to speak with someone before I commit to hire my chosen
Freelancer. I will be spending approximately $10,000.



**Edited for community guidelines**

I flagged this post requesting moderator intervention, to help put you in touch with customer service, and to delete the phone number from your post.


You may also edit your post in order to delete the phone number directly. You don't need to put contact information in a post in order to have somebody contact you.

Thanks. What will it take to actually speak with someone? I am anxious to
get started.

Thank you again.

Forum moderators are quite active here in the Forum. 

I would expect to hear from one here within an hour.


You could also go to the Help section and create a formal support ticket.


Depending on the available resources, live chat or direct phone support may be available from there.





You can ask all kinds of questions right here in the Forum.


You can ask general questions, about hiring, about successful strategies for completing large projects, etc.


There are many experienced Upwork users who can answer questions and provide advice.


There are many, many topics that may be of interest to you which Customer Service personnel simply can not answer or are not trained to discuss. Depending on the precise nature of your questions, you may well find faster, more comprehensive and more authoritative information by asking here in this public forum.

Thanks for that. At 70 years old, I am accustomed to some level of personal
contact in spite of the way the world is moving. I don't like to sit and
read, read, read to get a simple question answered...or to get a "feel" for
an organization. I don't know WHO judges things under the system and I need
some degree of control over a situation. Not just legal mumbo jumbo. I'd
like to know what other methods of hiring I can do other than complete
Community Manager
Community Manager

Thank you for reaching out to us, Andrew.


One of our team members will reach out to you directly via support ticket as soon as possible and gladly address any of the concerns or questions you might have.

~ Bojan

My account has been resubmitted since its not approved once and i resubmit it again but now i was under agency. And i didn't receive any information or welcome message that i was accepted
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Rhashne, 

I can confirm that your account re-submission has been approved. I would also like to share that you are an exclusive member of your agency. You may refer to this help article that compares an exclusive vs. non-exclusive agency freelancer in case it's helpful. 

~ Avery


My client just deleted two contracts without paying me after l completed her job what can l do?

1) It's not nice to hijack someone else's post. Start your own thread.

2) Clients don't "delete" contracts. They end them. I assume this is a fixed-price project which is not protected. If you dispute, client will likely win. 

Sorry l'm new to this
So what can l do

Sogbanmu M wrote:
Sorry l'm new to this
So what can l do

Read up on the resources available to new freelancers. Read threads on this forum. When you're ready, then apply for jobs. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

I'm sorry to hear about your experience, Sogbanmu.



It looks like the client deleted two milestones for your active contract. It is always good to communicate and politely explain everything to your client to avoid any misunderstanding. You can discuss the terms of the further engagement on contract and attempt to resolve the situation amicably.


When working on Upwork, please make sure that you have a fully funded milestone before doing any work, so that the work you do can be covered by Upwork Payment Protection


Thank you!

~ Bojan

I hired someone from Upwork to do a custom book cover for the total cost of $250.  I got an email from Upwork this morning telling me my account has been charged over $600!  He has not charged me anything near to this amount.  Why can't I talk to someone to get this solved quickly and with the ability to ask questions?  This type of customer service is virtually useless.  I went to the dispute directions, followed them to the letter but after going to Jobs, then the Contract room, I was told to look for Options.  There is no tab called Options on that page that I can see.  I've been trying to solve this for quite a few days.  I would appreciate a clear answer with an explanation of why I'm getting these charges and how to stop them.  Your help is appreciated, but I won't work with Upwork again.  It's too difficult to get help and solve problems.  I'm an author and this takes me away from my work.  Too complicated.  Thanks - Kay

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Kay,


I'm sorry to hear about this. Someone from our team will reach out to you via support ticket in order to assist you further.




Hi Preston - I filled out two (2) formal support/help tickets about 10 days ago.  Still no reply.  Do human beings with the ability to pick up a phone and call a customer exist at Upwork?  This is so frustrating.  Your help is appreciated.  Kay

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