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Direct approaches without job listing

Hi Guys, 


Wondered if anyone could help me with some advice.

A potential cliant has approached me regarding some work and having discussed it they wouls like to hire me- problem is that there is not a job submission on here for me to accept?


I want to make sure the contract is conducted via here for my protection and the back that i am trying to build my profile.


The way i see it, my options are;

Have the client create a job detailing what we have discussed for me to make a proposal on, and for them to accept?

Looks like i can create a direct contract detailing the work thats been discussed?


Anything ive missed? any pointers would be a great help.












Hi Ben,


Direct contracts are not applicable to clients who are already registered on Upwork. You can request the client to create a job post and invite you or send an offer directly to start a contract. You can also request your client to contact us directly so that we can assist them further.


- Pradeep

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