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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Hi New Upwork Freelancers!


Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The Community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!

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Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.


Thank you!


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Community Member

Hello, I'm a new Upwork member. And I created this account some months before. And some days I was inactive and my profile got private. As I haven't earned yet, this will not become public. 


I'm not getting enough responses so, let alone jobs. What can I do now? I'm bidding as possible, which meets the criteria. 




Community Member

Hello! I'd appreciate any feedback. Thanks!

Community Member

Could you check out my profile and provide feedback. I'll appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

Hello Jesse,

Your profile need to be imroved. first your profiles is dark, therefore it's difficult to see your face And try to smile. You dont have great portfolio nor profile video. Add more skills to your profile. Add testimonials and certification.



with all my respect. Could you check my profile and provide me with feedback. I will appreciate it!

You got 3 i's that should be uppercased in your "all work" bio. It's nitpicky but you should probably correct that. 

Community Member

How can I improve?

Md Suman M wrote:

How can I improve?

Friendly picture and lots of portfolio items. You can't offer anything visual without a portfolio. You said you have 10K pictures, so you can select your best work. (You need permission of your prior clients to publish.)

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Community Member

I sent so many jobs proposals, more than 80+ but didn't get any job yet. I also have a plus membership and verified badge, but still, people reject me. Would you please guide me?

Community Member


Since signup on Upwork I don't have any single serious clint (even for interview) after wasting of 150+ connects during last 1 month. I always received jobs after posting of 7-9 mintues, in between 50+ proposals has been sent to clinet and the client is already invite someone or start intervie, I am already working on other freelancing sites like Fiverr.com and very happy to work with them. Can any check my profile and give me some suggestions to inspire clients and get jobs.

yes!! Upwork isnotfor new freelancer.

Community Member

Awesome!!   Heart Starting my Upwork journey positively. 

Community Member

please guide me how i can get more jobs and invitations . here is my profile link. thanks 


Community Member

hi there everyone! I having trouble getting my first project on Upwork. Does it take a while to get 'traction'? I have a lot of experience and extremely relevant projects that match requirements and yet nothing coming back. Any tips?

Paul T wrote:

hi there everyone! I having trouble getting my first project on Upwork. Does it take a while to get 'traction'? I have a lot of experience and extremely relevant projects that match requirements and yet nothing coming back. Any tips?

Some tips to improve your profile: Make your headline more eye-catching and meaningful. Lose "freelancer". What kind of designer are you?

Your overview should be client-focused. What problems are you going to solve for your client? Make it less about yourself. 

As far as getting traction - some people get their first job within days, most never. 

Hello, Martina. I would quite appreciate a more objective, blunt assessment of my profile.

Good evening, all.


I hope you're doing okay. I've recently set up an Upwork profile, hoping to find freelance work. But I think I'm struggling with presentation, and with how to best emphasize key aspects of my work experience.


I have some experience as a freelance translator, with Portuguese/English as my primary language pairing. Yet most of my background lies in academia: I have a master's in English from the University of Sussex, and I am currently concluding a PhD in Comparative Literature at the University of Lisbon.


I am also a poet, albeit not in a professional capacity. A couple of projects of mine have been published in both languages, including individual works that are available online. 


I was hoping to emphasize my academic training as a vantage point, which converges with the freelance services I can provide. Especially so within translation, but also taking into consideration my skills in creative and critical writing. However, I suspect this has diluted my profile slightly, and made it less acessible.


Í'm also strugglint to set up a portfolio, as I lack records of more recent translation work, and it doesn't seem pertinent to upload copies of published academic writing or creative work.


I was hoping folks might have some tips, to repurpose the profile and portfolio.


Am I overthinking this? Should I shift focus? Should I rethink how I'm approaching the portfolio?


I'd really appreciate any tips or insight you might have!


All the best,


Daniel Lourenço





Community Member

Hello! Yes I'd love this advice and feedback. 

Thank you.

Kind Regards,


Community Member

Please Kindly Help Me For Growing My New Profile. I will be very thankful to you for this act of kindness.

Community Member

I would definitely use some help with my profile. Thank you.

Please give me feedback on my profile, and help me as an experienced upworker.
Thank You
Community Member

I've just created a post about this same issue. Would really appreciate constructive input!

Community Member

Hi new to uplink used all my connects 25,no message no interview ,no view.kindly review my profile 


Community Member

hi there!


I am Web developer currently working on fiver , but I have been trying hard to get work on upwork from past 3 months but no success. Can any experience upwork person visit my profile and let me which part can be imporved, however I can share my proposals as well but I assume that proposals are not the problem here.


Any help would be highly appreciated.


Best Regards

Community Member

Hi, I am Srajan and I have joined Upwork and started looking for jobs recently. Please review my profile and let me know any changes. I would be glad to hear any suggestions.



Community Member

Hi Mike,

Please could I have feedback on my profile, I amnot getting any work and it's getting frustrating.

Kind Regards

Kim Frost

Community Member

Hi Mike, again

Just to let you know I cannot link to my linked in profile becuase it is not listed as an option so my profile sits stubbonly at 70% and I cannot get past this.

Kind Regrads

Kim Frost

Community Member

Hi Everybody,

Just want to say I am so frustrated. I apply for work daily and do not get a bite. I was so desperate yesterday I applied for an erotic writing job which I have no experience in. Please help

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Kim, 

Don't lose hope just yet! I'll be happy to share some of the curated guides and tips our team has collected to help new freelancers get off their feet. 

I would also recommend that you update your overview with more information on how you can help your clients with their problems/projects. Pay close attention to the first two lines of your overview. When clients search for freelancers, they only see the first two sentences of a freelancer's overview in their search results. Make sure that you're able to capture your potential client's attention by working on the first few lines of your overview. 

You may also want to add portfolio items to your profile to show clients your experience in proofreading and editing. If this is your core skill, you may shift your focus to that. Also, please know that "erotica" is not allowed. If I may kindly request that you flag the job post as inappropriate, this will go to the team's queue for review. 

Kim, regarding your question about linking an account, this 10% is optional, and there are other things you can add to your profile to help you complete it to 100%. You may read more about it here for more information. 

I hope this helps! Good luck!

~ Avery
Community Member

Hi Avery,

Thank you for resonding. Firstly how do I show case proofreading and editing in my profile catlog?

I will go and flag the erotic thing so you can deal with that.

Secondly, How do I use other tools to get my Upwork profile to 100%, I know about the profile catlog and the video introduction. Do I write some articles and add to the profile? How do I showcase ebook and ghosting writing.

I will go away and read all the links you sent to me and lastly how do you think wold be the best way to rewrite the first two lines? Can I get someone to work on my profile physically with me?


Kind Regards

Kim Frost

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Kim, 

Would you like to focus on proofreading and editing instead? You can add proofreading and editing, and writing to your profile, and create Specialized Profiles so that you can adjust each profile with the specific skill you want to offer. 


"Firstly how do I show case proofreading and editing in my profile catalog?...Do I write some articles and add to the profile? How do I showcase ebook and ghosting writing."
The same question was asked before in the Community, and you can check out the discussion here. If you want to focus on writing, you may check out this great guide on how to create a great writing portfolio for your Upwork profile. 


"Secondly, How do I use other tools to get my Upwork profile to 100%, I know about the profile catlog and the video introduction."
Have you checked the link I sent on creating a 100% profile? You may choose which of the options you'd like to add to your profile to add to the percentage. 

Screen Shot 2021-10-21 at 11.45.29 AM.png

"...and lastlyhow do you think wold be the best way to rewrite the first two lines? Can I get someone to work on my profile physically with me?"
Think of lines that will help capture your target audience. I'm not a writer, but you may want to read up on tips on how to capture your target audience better. You can decide to hire an independent professional whose expertise is resume writing to help you create your profile. You may read this article for more information on hiring on Upwork. 

~ Avery
Community Member

Hi Mike,

Now I can find where to access the replies.

Kind Regards

Kim Frost

Community Member

Hi, This is Vivek.


I am facing some issues related to clients not replying to my messages. Once I bid on a project and the client messages me with some questions and I answer them. But after that, I don't get any replies from them. It has happened to me 4-5 times. I want to ask if this is normal or there is something wrong with my account.


Thanks in advance.

Community Member


I have been on upwork for almost a year and I have earned about $10k. I realized I haven't gotten any invite in about 4 months now and it is quite strange.

I feel at some certain point, after hardwork, there should be some edge from freelancers who have put in efforts and the newbies.

I have two ended contract of about $5k and $2k+ with 5 star in them and I still don't get job invite.

Please, what may be wrong?
Community Member



Good day to you all

I already signed up to Upwork since July'21, until now I haven't landed a single freelance job. Even I know I have the skill set.

I even did try to post more of my previous project or portfolio, but Upwork Admin rejected them.

In my proposal, I even finish the job in advance as just posted and share a sample with a client. But I still didn't get the job? Can someone please guide me as I really start to lose hope being a freelancer?

Kelvin C wrote:



Good day to you all

I already signed up to Upwork since July'21, until now I haven't landed a single freelance job. Even I know I have the skill set.

I even did try to post more of my previous project or portfolio, but Upwork Admin rejected them.

In my proposal, I even finish the job in advance as just posted and share a sample with a client. But I still didn't get the job? Can someone please guide me as I really start to lose hope being a freelancer?

Your profile is not public, you must change it so that we can see it.

Hi Maria,

Good day to you 

I have already requested Upwork admin to assist me with enabling it as public, Even before my profile went private due to no earning...I applied for a job. Also, no reply from the client too.


I know that being a freelance won't always be getting a project, but I never expected in 3 months I can't even get a single project.

Kelvin C wrote:

Hi Maria,

Good day to you 

I have already requested Upwork admin to assist me with enabling it as public, Even before my profile went private due to no earning...I applied for a job. Also, no reply from the client too.


I know that being a freelance won't always be getting a project, but I never expected in 3 months I can't even get a single project.

The first.
Those documents that you have in the portfolio, do they have real identification?
Because if so, you must remove them.

Community Member

Hi, Sufyan here!

I am a new Upwork freelancer and need reviews from old Upwork freelancers, I hope you help me for growing my account...

Kindly regards!

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