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Hello Is a 3-star or a 4-star review from your first client deadly for your freelancer carrer?


I`m scared, like I can`t sleep scared. I want to join Upwork as a Customer Service representative. I`ve got 6 months of experience in 2015, but only with Facebook customer service.


What my problem is that I want to charge 8$ an hour, meaning 6.4-7,2$ an hour. But I`m scared even though i will do a job to the best of my ability I will get a 3-star or 4- star review.


If I look for companies that have their payment verified and see that most of their freelancing work they have reviewed it as a 4-star or 5-star then I go in for the kill.


But If they give me a 3-star or a 4-star review of my work. How damaging is that? Will I be then be able after 1 year to increase my rate with 50-100% ? Will I get re-hired by another person here on upwork if I get such a low star review?


What are your toughts how bad is it for your general reputation to get a 3-star or a 4-star review. What exactly does a prospect want from me in order so I can get a 5-star review with them.


What I guess I can do is ask them in the interview stage what will a 5-star job will look like in their mind. And if I feel that is something that I can do I jump forward, If not I look somewhere else


Thank you

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It's perfectly normal to feel anxious about your initial reviews when starting out on Upwork, but remember that a single 3-star or 4-star review won't define your entire freelancing career. Client feedback is important, but it's also about your overall performance and how you grow from each experience.

Having a slightly lower rating from your first client doesn't mean you won't be successful. Here’s why:

  1. Overall Performance Matters: Clients look at your entire profile, not just individual ratings. Having a comprehensive profile, good communication skills, and a clear demonstration of your abilities can outweigh a single less-than-perfect review.

  2. Opportunity for Improvement: A 3-star or 4-star review is an opportunity to ask for constructive feedback. It helps you understand what areas you may need to improve upon. Continuous improvement can lead to better reviews in the future.

  3. Rate Adjustments: Increasing your rate by 50-100% after a year depends on several factors, including market demand, your developed skills, and the success and growth of your reputation. It's not solely dependent on one review.

  4. Re-hiring Potential: Clients don't just look at star ratings; they consider your work history, communication, and professionalism. So even if a client gives you a 4-star but writes about your strengths in their review, that can be very positive for you.

  5. Communication: Asking a client what constitutes a 5-star service in their opinion is a fantastic approach. It sets expectations right from the start, and as long as you meet or exceed those expectations, you’re on the right track for a high rating.

In summary, while aiming for the highest reviews possible is important, getting a 3-star or 4-star review isn't the end of the world.

Thank you very much, Sunil. It means a lot to me. Thank you.

Especially the part that starting from 8$ an hour and not 5-6$ will not be considered as an important factor as 8$ for my needs is more than decent.

I also liked the fact that one review doesn`t mean my whole career is down the toilet


So what you mean by 3- star is also the fact that even if i get a 3-star review at 8$ an hour I will still be able to fish and get another job here on upwork? Am I right?

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It is bad feedback but not a critical. Collect more good feebacks and your JSS will be alligned.

Everyone have bad feedback. Deadly if you will have many back feedbacks one by one.

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So you are saying I have 4 jobs and 1 is a 4-star, and the other 3 are 3-stars. Like that ? That would be deadly for my freelancing career.

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I mean that you have only one bad (not 5 star) feedback. It's ok, dont worry.

Someone else have many such feedbacks. He have problem.

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