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Issue with client reply & connects

1. I already sent 30 proposals from my profile, but no one reply me.

2. Connects not refunded of 5 jobs closed by recruiter without hire or offering me.


Solve my two problems.

Community Member

Kirtibhai G wrote:

1. I already sent 30 proposals from my profile, but no one reply me.

2. Connects not refunded of 5 jobs closed by recruiter without hire or offering me.


Solve my two problems.

1. I will chase clients with a whip and make them reply to you.

2. Nothing that can be done about that.

Martina P wrote:

Kirtibhai G wrote:

1. I already sent 30 proposals from my profile, but no one reply me.

2. Connects not refunded of 5 jobs closed by recruiter without hire or offering me.


Solve my two problems.

1. I will chase clients with a whip and make them reply to you.

2. Nothing that can be done about that.


Community Member

Kirtibhai G wrote:

1. I already sent 30 proposals from my profile, but no one reply me.

2. Connects not refunded of 5 jobs closed by recruiter without hire or offering me.


Solve my two problems.

1. Write better proposals and a better profile. 


2. This is standard. 


As I said on another thread:


Your profile is really generic . What do you do that's different than everyone else? Why should I hire you versus someone else? What do you bring to the table that no other person in your field does? Why are you the expert that I need?


The litmus I use is: if I can substitute anyone else's name on your profile and it's still legit, then it's not unique enough to sell you above the rest. Your profile needs to make you stand out. If it says the same thing every other data entry person says, then you're just the same as the next person. What can you offer that others cannot? What skills do you have that others do not? 


Focus on what makes you better than the rest and sets you apart while also focusing on what you can do for the client (versus just talking about yourself). Think of it as a business ad, not a personal bio. 


Hope this helps. 


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