Aug 17, 2020 03:30:04 AM by Hritul P
Hello, I am new to Upwork and I placed bids on the jobs that I want to work on, but I didn't get any client yet, all my connects are used, it's frustrating and stressful to get any client, so can someone help me out, please. Also, I am not able to buy new connects using my debit card, so help me out regarding this as well.
Aug 17, 2020 03:47:49 AM by Goran V
Hi Hritul,
To learn more about getting started on Upwork check out our resources Here. Regarding purchasing connects, I would suggest checking with your bank if your account is enabled for international charges, or adding another Billing Method. Thank you.
Aug 17, 2020 09:33:21 AM by Michael J
Hi Hritul,
Thank you for your message. I reviewed your profile and have a suggestion. The beginning of your profile overview displays in prospective client search results. So, your first sentence should include clear, relevant information about your primary skill sets and expertise.
Here are some additional tips for writing a great Overview.
Aug 17, 2020 09:54:08 AM by Ross J
If it was that easy, everyone would be on UpWork. Just keep at it, enjoy the process. You'll land jobs, remember, sell your personality, then the product / service.