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Not getting inivites

Hey! to all the talented people out there. I am new at Upwork. I have sent 16 proposals and haven't gotten a single invite. Is this an issue? I am not copying the proposals, but why I am not getting any clients. Can you please help me? 

I have been submitting customized proposals for each job.  I am on the verge of discontinuing. 😥


Community Member

16 proposals is nothing - some people send hundreds without a response. If you thought it was going to be easy to get work here, I'm afraid that you're going to have to adjust your expectations.


Hi Arooj,


A lot of factors come into play such as the demand for the field you're in. With more and more freelancers signing up, the competition gets tougher. But I suggest that you check your profile and update your skills, tweak your title, make use of Project Catalog, and of course, apply for jobs. The more you send proposals, the more you increase the chance of getting a reply from a client.


Here's an additional tip: try to filter your search by the number of proposals the job posting has received. You may want to skip applying to those that have more than 50+ proposals already as yours can get lost there. And make sure to apply for jobs that match your skill set and previous experience.


There's really no telling how the client selects their freelancer but focus on what you can control- your cover letter, your profile, your skills. Additionally, you can reach out here in the Community and look for blog posts from successful freelancers to help you out.

~ AJ
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