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Please, Review My Profile

Hey guys,

this is my first time posting here.
I am on UpWork for a few month now, and it starts to get a little bit momentum.
This week I will breach the 1000 Dollar total earnings. 

However, I am still pretty unsatisfied, how few of my proposals come back with an interview invitation.

Could you guys give me a short review of my profile?
What do you like?
What dont you like?
What would you change?

I would appreciate any Feedback!

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This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.


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@Sherry M wrote:

I just lowered it because I read here somewhere that I can not get what I would in the real world.

Don't buy into that mentality. The clients you want to work with recognize the value of the service you're providing and will see rock-bottom rates as a sign of low quality, not value.


Post a reasonable rate and focus on your proposals. Tell the client exactly what you have to offer them with regard to this specific posting rather than just your experience. Target proposals to jobs that are a very good fit for your background, and don't waste the first couple of lines with pleasantries...that's all that shows in the preview, so get to the hook right away.


And, don't get discouraged. It can take a little time to get traction. Plus, in your field clients aren't necessarily looking to hire overnight. You may still hear back on some jobs you think you didn't get. One of my first Upwork jobs came through an offer 3-4 weeks after I submitted my proposal. 

Whenever I see someone claiming that they are someone in a field that charges hundreds per hour in a standard situation and yet they claim 10 bucks an hour, I think they are a fraud.


Kinda like getting botox in someone's basement for cheap.

Community Member

Hi Upwork gurus,


I have created a profile and updated most of the details in the same.

The profile is in my company' name -  myself and another friend of mine is starting a company. We thought we can get some work using upworks. Upworks has not approved my profile yet. I have 2 questions


1) Does the freelancer profile need to be in a person name or can it be for a company? If it is in person name, would we need to create two individual profiles?

2) Any suggestions /changes to my profile that you can suggest to get me going


Thanks in advance.

Hi Ewayssoft,


Your freelancer profile name has to be your real name. It can't be a company name. Also, you need to use a real photo of yourself as your profile picture.


Check out this help article and the video linked to it for more information and tips about building your profile.

~ Valeria

Thanks Valeria!


Would that mean we as a company should create one individual's profile only? Can company bank account details be given for payment or that too has to be of an individual?



You are welcome. If you are planing to run a company on Upwork, you may need to create an agency and add members of your company to it. Check out this help article for more information.

~ Valeria
Community Member

Hi this is Tasha.

I am new to Upwork platform. I am a graphic designer and my former work I did marketing things all together.

With great hope, I have signed up for this website. However, I have not gotten any job yet. I would like to know the reason why. Can anybody check my profile and point out some false? I am rethinking about my design ability because of this current situation. 


Please, somebody help.

 We can't check your profile because you have it set to private--we can't see it.


I can tell you that it is against TOS to use a logo instead of your photo, so you will want to change that asap.

thank you for the advice ^^

your profile is private. turn into public, then anyone can see you.

oh~ thanks.

Community Member

Hello Everyone!


Please review my Upwork profile & suggest me to improve it. As a Top Rated freelancer, it's too hard a get a new job in last 8 months, even not getting any response from a client for a submitted application.Don't actually know where it goes or what is the issue with my profile.


Thanks in advance,



Hello Sherajum,

put in the first places Microsoft Excel, PDF Conversion, Data mining. Be more simple and informative.

I think most people do not understand what means Data Structures or Data Engineering, so they will never put it in the search box.

All the best.


Thank you for your valuable feedback! Already made some changes. Hope will get some more feedback from others.

Community Member

Dear All,


I am pursuing for new job from last two to three weeks, also I am sending proposals to related my profile jobs. But there is no any positive response. I know i will not be able to get first job too easy. But my concern is that, is my profile Ok or needs any procedure to be done? Shall i really able to send a proposal to new job?


If such things are cause to ignore, so its waste of time to me tries again and again. Kindly advice if I am in right way or not. 




Data entry jobs are ridiculously hard to get as there are often 50+ applicants. I am sure you have a vast experience, but it is highly unlikely that someone will hire you for $9.34 to do data entry when you have no feedback. There are thousands of people who do it for $3.33.


But, if you don't want to go lower, at least do some Upwork tests that are relevant to your skills (Microsotf Office) so that the potential client can have at least some proof that you actually know what you are doing.

Community Member

hii.. mam.. i ws facing problm.. i applied 16 jobs up to nw.. still. atleast i didnt get my interview also.. wts wrong.. i cant undrstand...

re: "hii.. mam.. i ws facing problm.. i applied 16 jobs up to nw.. still. atleast i didnt get my interview also.. wts wrong.. i cant undrstand... "



The clients whose jobs you applied to looked at your portfolio and felt that your art style wasn't right for their projects.


You need to spend less time applying to jobs, and more time intensely studying art and honing your craft. You really need to spend some time simply viewing high-quality art. Pick some artists you admire. Create artwork inspired by their styles. Work on developing your own style.


You are an honest, hard-working, intelligent person. I'm glad you are here on Upwork. But you need more practice before you will be hired.

Community Member


I will appreciate if someone can review my profile and give me some good advice about what I should improve.

I would appreciate grammar errors checking as well, since English language is not my native language.



Your profile page is currently set to private. We can't see it. And potential clients cant find it. Please set it to public.

re: "I would appreciate grammar errors checking as well, since English language is not my native language."


You can hire people on Upwork who can proofread, edit, and generally improve your profile page.

My profile visibility is set to public but the forum still display it as private?

Hi Igor, 


I was able to view your profile both when logged-in and logged-out of the platform. Were you experiencing any specific issue? Let us know so that we can assist you further. Screen Shot 2016-06-25 at 4.23.49 PM.png

~ Avery

I can see Igor's profile just fine now.


Your English is fine for a web developer in my opinion. You're not offering to write the next great novel. If you are having problems, I don't think that's the reason.


I am not convinced that your portfolio style is the right way to go. Instead of showing me that you are a web designer, you are saying to me: "I do not actually do any original web design work, but I know how to install Bootstrap onto other people's designs."

Thanks for the review.

Can you tell me more about how I can improve my portfolio?

Community Member

You look legit and over qualified for Upwork.

Lower your standards and take cheap jobs to build a work history.

Then as you gain experience raise your rates.

I did it and it worked. With not being able to see who you are bidding against and the higher

Upwork fees its alot tougher.


Get use to the no replies back, its common.

Don't take it personal. Must people have no idea why they are hiring you.

I get interviews all the time and i get no answer back after i reply.

Its an interview, your suppose to have a dialogue. Many times it wont happen.


Good luck to you!


Community Member



I am getting jobs on upwork regularly though not frequently. But I want to raise my income or give it a boost. Is there any suggestions regarding what are  the other ways to earn more.





Not applicable

Surely not with this picture. Moreover, this is not a topic for the Coffee Break.

Hi Kanwal,


Please upload a real photo of yourself in order to bring your profile in line with our ToS, and improve your chances of getting hired.

~ Vladimir
Community Member

Hi Fellow Freelancers,


I have just recently started freelancing again. In 2014, I stopped because I have not been patient enough to get clients to work with me. Now, I realize I need to work harder until I get my first client. I have completed my profile.


I just need a little help from you guys. I want to know if my profile is catchy and if I could convince a client to work with me by just going through my profile.


Thank you in advance,


Albert Z. 

I'm a client but I can give you some feedback:


1) Your education and employment history don't match your specialty at all. Do you have ANYTHING you can put in here that is related to your specialty?


2) Some of your test results aren't super great and are also not really relevant, or are outdated (e.g. PowerPoint 2007, Word/Excel)


3) The feedback you've posted is good. I don't think you necessarily need to specify that it's from non-Upwork clients but I guess it doesn't hurt.


4) Remove the bit about your baby. Clients don't need to know (and frankly, probably don't care) why you want to freelance.

Community Member

Finally I decided to put my picture on profile. But I am confused is it looking professional or not?

Can anyone please critique on it? or help me to improve..


Thanks in advance.


It is mostly a good photo.


But there is no reason for it to be tilted like that.


What I don't like is the edge of the photo showing up in the image. That causes your photo to remind me of some of the very amateurish contractors who post photos like that. You don't want to be compared to them.


Tighten up the cropping so that we do not see photo edges within your profile photo image.

Thank you Preston. Now Is it looking fine?


I like that a lot better, without that photo edge showing.

Community Member

Hello Community,


I have been trying for a while to get jobs under this category. I keep applying but no responses at all for my applications. This is really tiring. I was able to get one job but that was through direct referral meaning the client contacted me directly.


I have a lot of experience but haven't been able to break through.


Does anyone have any advice for me on how I can find my way easily around Upwork?






Community Member

I am a CPA. I have completed masters degree in accounting and I have few years of work experience. Please visit my profile and please give me a solution why I was declined for every job.

Hi Mithun,


I would suggest you remove all the test results that are below Top 10%.


Don't worry, you are only here for three weeks. Just remove the not so good test results, and apply for jobs that fit yours skills and be patient.


I started here 3 months ago. And I couldn't complain, I did one job after the other. Now for the past 2 weeks I get declined all the time. I guess, that's just what happens every now and again.



Hi Mithun,


You are well qualified, but you have to sell yourself.


There is over supply in the Admin Support area.


Another thing: you have portrayed yourself as a Jack of All Trades.


Instead, concentrate on one area, and clearly show you have something valuable to offer.


Don’t forget to mention your Skill Test scores in the Overview.


It might be best to remove cliché statements: I have the skills to hit the ground running from day one, along with the ability to provide valuable insight and contributions along the way.


Also, it might be wise to hide the Test Scores that are not great, as Daniela has suggested.


It can take a while to get your first job.


Keep at it; success will come.


Good luck!

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