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Please, Review My Profile

Hey guys,

this is my first time posting here.
I am on UpWork for a few month now, and it starts to get a little bit momentum.
This week I will breach the 1000 Dollar total earnings. 

However, I am still pretty unsatisfied, how few of my proposals come back with an interview invitation.

Could you guys give me a short review of my profile?
What do you like?
What dont you like?
What would you change?

I would appreciate any Feedback!

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@Maria T wrote:

Hi Mark,


Other colleagues, who are English speakers, they sure tell you something about your presentation.
I only can tell you that your work is very good but there are many people doing the same job. Also that only two days ago that you're here. Be patient because it can cost you a long time to get the first job. Even months.
Keep trying and do not despair. Selects carefully the work you submit proposals. At first, I fear that we all send proposals without measure.
Good luck!

Hi Maria,


thank you very much for your support. At the 20th of September (after 8 days and 18 proposals) I had received a great offer with easy-to-work-with client. And, moreover, I have completed it with 5.0 client's feedback.


What kind of conclusion have I worked out? There are four necessary things. Patience, faith, accurate estimation of own wishes and actual abilities (and restrictions) for choosing a niche and support lead to a success together. This is my current formula.


Kind wishes,



Hi Mark,



@Maria T wrote:

Hi Mark,



Maria, thank you. 


@Mark L wrote:



Please, check out my profile and give some suggestions to enhance it. What are the flaws? What are the advantages that should be saved?


I registered on Upwork 2 days ago, made 10 proposals but no one ever has revised my profile (due to Stats).



As Maria T says, it takes time to get a job on this site. Don't spend your connects so wildly. Take time to read the job posts and choose carefully.


You have a nice portfolio, but you must keep the gallery and  remove all your personal contact (including social medial links) information from your Behance site. This is against Upwork's Terms of Service and you risk having your account suspended.


However, you are allowed to put this information in your proposal letter. But you may not display it publicly.

thank your for your answer and cautions. I've seen. Exactly, today my profile has been being suspended (switched to the Private mode).
I do not understand what did you mean. Please, clarify your follow statement. 

@Nichola L wrote:


... you must keep the gallery ...

Did you mean I should save (do not delete the content except photographs that show nude body) my current Upwork portfolio (there are has links to my Behance portfolio), but I should alter the contact section at the Behance portfolio in the defined way?


I've seen your profile now is in "Private Mode".
I do not know if there will be any problems with your portfolio contains nudity, Smiley Embarassed but it does not have to contain is any external link or contact details.
Links to your portfolio can be written in your proposals, that it is permissible.

Have you opened a ticket with the support team to resolve this?

Maybe a moderator can help from here.


@Maria T wrote:

I've seen your profile now is in "Private Mode".
I do not know if there will be any problems with your portfolio contains nudity, Smiley Embarassed but it does not have to contain is any external link or contact details.
Links to your portfolio can be written in your proposals, that it is permissible.

Have you opened a ticket with the support team to resolve this?

Maybe a moderator can help from here.


I am revising my profile, have deleted external links from it and reworking the video presentation.


Yes, I have. I keep in touch with the support team.


Thank you.

Yes, by gallery, I meant keep the content, unless of course Upwork has objected to some of the pics. Absurd if this is so, one see far worse than that in public, on buses on billboards etc. - across the world.


But you must remove ALL contact information from your Behance site.


Have CS been in touch with you?

@Nichola L wrote:

Yes, by gallery, I meant keep the content, unless of course Upwork has objected to some of the pics. Absurd if this is so, one see far worse than that in public, on buses on billboards etc. - across the world.


But you must remove ALL contact information from your Behance site.


Have CS been in touch with you?

I have got it, thank you for your explanation. Yes, I keep in touch with CS. I am trying to make an arrangement with CS to leave the photographs that depict nudity in my Upwork portfolio, but to hide by black stripes the areas that depict breasts and genitals.


I have delete all links to my Behance portfolio from my profile and am reworking the video presentation that contains the contact information.


@Nichola L wrote:


@Mark L wrote:



Please, check out my profile and give some suggestions to enhance it. What are the flaws? What are the advantages that should be saved?


I registered on Upwork 2 days ago, made 10 proposals but no one ever has revised my profile (due to Stats).



As Maria T says, it takes time to get a job on this site. Don't spend your connects so wildly. Take time to read the job posts and choose carefully.


You have a nice portfolio, but you must keep the gallery and  remove all your personal contact (including social medial links) information from your Behance site. This is against Upwork's Terms of Service and you risk having your account suspended.


However, you are allowed to put this information in your proposal letter. But you may not display it publicly.

Hi Nichola,


thank you very much for your support and advices. At the 20th of September (after 8 days and 18 proposals) I had received a great offer with easy-to-work-with client. And, moreover, I have completed it with 5.0 client's feedback.


What kind of conclusion have I worked out? There are four necessary things. Patience, faith, accurate estimation of own wishes and actual abilities (and restrictions) for choosing a niche and support lead to a success together. This is my current formula.


Kind wishes,





Hi Mark, I have just looked at your profile again, and I think it is fine, and I like your portfolio.


I just have some doubts about the video. I am not in any way a specialist, but there are a couple of things that I find a bit jarring. I don't think you need to repeat your profile in the video, and I don't very much like the control buttons (or whatever they are!) showing on the left-hand side. I'd rather see a full-screen pic. of your work, and I also find the movement a bit jerky. But this criticism is only my $0.02, and I am sure others will give a much more professional opinion too.


Good luck with finding that first job - you will get it, even if it takes a little time

Nichola, thank you for your time and ideas about the video.

Community Member

Thanks !

            i am new freelancer having 6 year of experiace with experties but strugguling to land my first job till now.

I have read guidline and trying to duild my profile form two months, every time i learn somthing new to improve my

profile and my skills. I am adaptive so please if you can, visit my profile and sugest me any improvement to upgarte my knowladge

                                                                                        thank you!

                                                                                  have a good day!

Rakesh - remove any tests where you scored below average.  Change your English to "conversational" as you are clearly not fluent.


Take out the introductory sentence.  The client does care WHO you are, they want to know WHAT you can do for them.

Community Member

Hi everybody,


I know it's a very common issue but....could you please take a look at my profile and tell me if it's ok, according to your experience? I've only been on Upwork for 1 week and made only 5 proposals and I know I must be prepared to wait for months before landing my first job...I've read other related posts in the forum and I think I've learned how to apply correctly, anyway the lack of experience and feedback is an obstacle I don't know how to overcome...


Another question: I usually add a different hourly rate on every proposal, because each job is different and I think it requires a different amount of time/skills...so it's always different from the hourly rate that a Client finds on my profile...would it be an issue?


Third and last point: I try to write short proposals, because I don't want to bore the Client with useless information that might be confusing...what do you think about that?

An example of proposal is:


Dear Sir/Madam

Reading your job posting I've thought I could be a right fit for you since...and I explain the reasons...

As you can see on my profile, I have done....and I write the relevant activities I've done in the past

Then I ask some questions, such as (for example) how many articles a week are supposed to be delivered (if it's a writing job) or I ask other details that were not specified in the job description

For any further information you can contact me at ...

I'm looking forward to your feedback!

Thanks in advance

Have a nice day


What do you think about that? Have you got any suggestions?

Thanks a lot and good luck to everybody for your job search! 🙂

Sounds like you're targeting farmers. They really don't care about quality. They care about price.

I don't understand. . . what do you mean?

When you say that you talk about "number of articles needed a week" it sounds like you're targeting the low rent outsources generating junk content. Those people just care about the lowest price so you'd probably do well to just tell them you'll work the cheapest.

I'm still new on upwork. But one thing I understand about applying for job is.....you'll need to proofread every proposal you send.
Make sure you're well skilled enough for jobs you apply for.
And you need to look out for keywords the clients emphasis on in the job post, apply those keywords when you're submitting a proposal.


@David T wrote:

lol you were right the first time. It's just a forum though so it don't mattah.  

@ Jennifer & David --

@Jennifer M wrote:

@David T wrote:

lol you were right the first time. It's just a forum though so it don't mattah.  

 Well, if we are now getting into errata and proofreading, then, well, actually :


the clients emphasis on in the job post :  the clients emphasize in the job post  ("emphasise," if you are British) (or "client emphasizes," if it is truly just a single "job post")


Jennifer is, however, correct on the level that truly matters:  "It's just a forum."  No harm, no foul.

I would say emphasis is right here. Emphasize sounds wrong. 


"pay attention to the client's emphasis on the job post."

@ Jennifer --


As you have re-phrased David's posting/sentence, you are correct. However, in David's original phrasing, he wrote: "And you need to look out for keywords the clients emphasis on in the job post..." In his sentence, "the clients emphasis on/in the job post" is a clause that describes "keywords." (I believe it is a subordinate clause. There is an implied "that" before the phrase "the clients...") Within David's subordinate clause, the grammatical subject is client[s]; the transitive verb is (or should be) emphasize[s]; and the direct object of the verb "emphasize[s]" is keywords. (The client emphasizes keywords. You need to look out for these keywords.)


As you, Jennifer, have re-written David's sentence, the word form "emphasis" is, indeed, correct. You wrote: "[P]ay attention to the client's emphasis on the job post." The grammatical subject of your sentence is an implied "You"; the intransitive verb is the interesting noun-verb phrase "pay (attention)"; and the indirect object of the intransitive verb is emphasis. Indirect objects are, of course, nouns. ("You! Attend to the client's job-post emphasis!") Your phrasing includes no pesky subordinate, dependent, adverbial, dangling, modifying, qualifying, non-qualifying, traditional, Roth, or Santa-like clauses.


Sorry this took me a while. The dog was misbehaving. She is always a pesky subject and a very annoying dependent.



Ah ok Jennifer. ..so I guess I'm wrong with the target because I really want to do quality job but I thought it might be a good idea starting with "low profile" jobs to gain experience and feedback. ..maybe it's not a great idea after all..
Community Member

Yeah! Go for the low price jobs. Once you get your first job and your feedback is a great one, then you're on the right track to landing lots of jobs.

Chiara - I think your rate is too low and will only attract the bottom-feeders.  Raise your rate a bit and see what happens.

Community Member

Hi all,


I joined earlier in September and been applying for couple jobs and no luck (as yet?). The sector am aiming to get back into is design as as I really enjoy it over other areas I've worked in. However I have a gap in my design work history because for past two years I worked in education. So to spruce up my portfolio, I've been doing some practice design briefs as thought best apply to jobs with new work rather than old stuff.


I wondered if anyone could have a look on my profile and see if there is anything else I need to add or tweak or change or take out?



Many thanks,


The portfolio section shows what you can do, but I think you should work on your text. Public speaking and leading groups is nice, but what does it tell a prospective client about your skills in design? Try to tailor the text more to your prospective client. What do you offer in design that others can´t? 

Thanks Gerald!


I rejigged it now, can see it on my profile. Hopefully it reads a lot better and steers clients in the right direction to how I want them to see me as, potentially, the designer they would want.


Thanks again!



Below is the old text that was on my profile.

Old Profile Overview:

Young. Fresh. Eager. My working experience currently spans over 3 years. During those years, I have worked with children as a mentor and teaching assistant, led the communications for a cultural event, hosted art clubs and managed design content. Those experiences sharpened my skills in: working under pressure; being creative with limited resources; public speaking and confidence in leading a group.


Community Member

Hi I am new to upwork and haven't got any offers yet. Can you please suggest me on how should I proceed.
My profile link is https://www.upwork.com/o/profiles/users/_~010cbdcd0e49e37f52/

I'm no expert, but I had a look at your profile and you repeat the same information twice - once under overview and once under employment history, you could write something different for each.


And also, there seem to be a lot of words but not much information about what you can actually do, if that makes sense?


And there are a few mistakes in the text which should be corrected.


As I said I'm no expert, but when there are dozens of people all bidding for the same job, those things can make all the difference.


Hope that helps.


Plus, you have only been a member for 8 hours? Have you been bidding on jobs? 

Thats probably cause it's a copy cat account-at least the description...just search on a few of the items and Google will pop up with the relevant links.


I suggest Poster you go back to basics and create your own profile and don't copy from some Business analyst cover letter.


>just sayin'<

" The bond with a true dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth will ever be "
Community Member

Hi there! 


My problem is I am struggling to get new job offers. 


I use my bids all the time, try to write strong cover letters, being very attentive to client's job posts.

  Even lowered my hourly rate for some time just to try if it will change the picture


But still such a low response! 

Can someone please go through my profile, maybe I've made some mistakes filling it? 


I'm really tired guessing what my problem is. 

I see your profile that is very great. You have one job in progress, also you got 8 jobs, your jss is 77%. and I can't understand your post, because you have a great opportunity already available.

the job in progress is not closed for ages becouse client wants it to stay this way. I am worried becouse job proposals decreased extremely and I am looking for a reason. 

Be patience, Just wait and see, You will get more new job

Dear Ms. Kryvenchuk,

I am a top-rated freelancer here at Upwork. I have had a lot of success and might be able to help you.


I looked at your profile overview. Since you are not a native English speaker, you have made a few grammatical mistakes, and some of the sentences are very confusing. If you want to attract English-speaking clients, you need to exress yourself clearly in English. I have corrected the mistakes (see below). If you want me to help you to with writing a job proposal, I would be happy to do that for free just to be nice, maybe one or two times.


One thing I did early on was to watch the job openings and reply as soon as possible and with a low rate. I would write that I was new and wanting to have good ratings, and therefore willing to work for lower rates in order to build my profile.


Your edited profile overview is below (I added a cheerful introductory sentence, which might help). Please remember to give me Kudos if you found this helpful!


Thank you!
Sally Casey



**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Hello again!

In addition to what I recommended about fixing your grammar, I thought of another great idea.


One thing that really boosted my activity and ended up landing me a very desirable, ongoing job, was to add a video to my profile. People like to see that you are a real person and see your personality. As a designer, you could also show some of your beautiful work. If you go to my profile, you can see that my video is very simple and amateurish, but that is what I wanted. I just wanted to show that I'm a real person. As I mentioned, it helped a LOT and now I receive several job offers each week.


Thank you and good luck! Please let me know if you have any questions!


Sally Casey


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