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Please, Review My Profile

Hey guys,

this is my first time posting here.
I am on UpWork for a few month now, and it starts to get a little bit momentum.
This week I will breach the 1000 Dollar total earnings. 

However, I am still pretty unsatisfied, how few of my proposals come back with an interview invitation.

Could you guys give me a short review of my profile?
What do you like?
What dont you like?
What would you change?

I would appreciate any Feedback!

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Hi every one,

would like to thank in advance all those who are going to take the time to answer me !


as you can see on my profile i'm a beginner here and would like to have some advices on how to get job and what's wrong with my profile!!!

I applied for several ones and get always a decline.

i'm applying for french translations or transcriptions and english arabic translations (i'm Tunisian and perfectly bilingual i mean i'm really good in french language) but my proposals are always declined.

can some one help me? is it about my profile? the fact that i didn't have any first job to have a first job (lol) or should i write my cover letter in a very formal way.

need your advices ladies and guys!



You seem to be offering many skills, so you need to build up a portfolio to back these up. Your overview has too many  errors to offer French to English translation as a skill. Unless you are completely bilingual you should only offer to translate into your mother tongue (s). So stick to English into French or into Arabic. You could add these languages to your profile, and also give use the boxes for your job and education history.


Your cover letter depends on the sort of job you are applying for. You need to strike the balance between too relaxed and too formal. Make it just long enough to cover the things that the client is looking for, and only ever apply for the jobs you know you can do - not the ones you think you can do!


Good luck!






i'm applying for jobs i'm sure i can do french transcription or english to french translation (never for french to english) i know what i can and can't do I don't want to loose my time and to desappoint a client.

for arabic yes i'm also applying for english/arabic translation and also never be hired (lol)

i'm going to update my profile and complete it and see if something changes.

thanks a lot for taking time answering me 🙂

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I am new here in UPWORK, I have tried to apply to jobs already many times have even run out of connects for a couple of months I guess, but I still haven't got a Job to work :(. Why is it so hard for new freelancers to get hired -_-.

Any suggestions how?. It will be much appreciated. Thank you 🙂



Community Member

Hello guys,

Sorry to bother but can somebody with experience give a review to my profile?

I had one job here a long time ago but I can't find anything nowadays.

Any criticism is welcome.

Thanks a lot!

Hi Pedro


Just my opinion:


Your title is too vague. Computer Scientist is a very broad area. Be more specific.


Pick something you are very good at, and focus on that.


Regarding your description, clients don't want to know what you are interested in. They want to know what skills you have, and what you can offer them. They don't want to pay you to learn more about something you are interested in. They want to have the confidence that you already know, and can complete their project for them.



I'd be a little more detailed with your skill set. Use bullet points to structure things a little and showcase specific talents, programming languages, etc. For example:


  • Full Stack Development
  • Mobile App Design/Development
  • Java, PHP, Ruby, CSS, SQL



Put real terms in there that prospective clients are looking for. Maybe showcase your education a bit more in the actual profile as opposed to down below. 


Try not to focus too much on the "hi, how are you. I like x,y,z and am interested in...." aspect of things. It's not really related to your work.


I'd choose a better headline than "computer scientist" too. That doesn't really tell a client anything. Focus on titles like Web Designer, Web Developer, Full Stack Developer, Front End Developer, Mobile App Developer, etc...  Most clients will be looking for one of these things. 

Community Member

It really does take a while to get going! You may spend what feels like a full-time schedule just getting to know the site, working on your profile, and bidding for a couple of weeks before anything happens. 


Don't give up! Also, when I posted a job and hired as a client once, I was suprised to learn that the freelancers with the best profiles wrote really short proposals-- no more than 4-5 lines max. 


One thing that helped me when I was brand new was to mention that I was new, right off the bat, and that I was offering a discount off my regular rate to try to land my first jobs. 



That's exactly how I started and I still work with that client to this day. 

Hey Kristen,


Yes I also heard of this, that some people wrote 4 to 5 lines of proposal rathar than 3 to 4 para. I get really confused sometimes because I use both methods sometimes very short and sometime with some detail. But I really get response on both methods so I was stilll confused which approach is better? Can you help?


Also can you please take a look on my profile & see how it is looking? Specially overview part?



Suleman 🙂

Community Member



I am quite new here, I am currently working on my first contract and applying for other ones.

I have not been successful in getting new contracts and I am not sure what I am doing wrong. 

Can someone please help me look over my profile and give me feedback? I am not sure if I put too much or too little.


I would also love if someone could help me look at one of my proposals and give me feedback. 





I think it looks alright. I'd break up that big long paragraph though. Try using some bullet points instead.


Try to focus on a few specific areas. Showcase what you can do. Don't try to tell clients you can do everything. Focus on one or two areas and hammer away at your skills there. For instance, your headline says admin assistant. Focus on those areas in your profile. When you start working with clients you can talk more with them about sales and marketing and process management. 


Also, your rate is on the cheap side of things so there will be clients who are attracted to that (typically bad ones, though not always), and there will be clients who will pass right by you thinking that your skills can't be too great if you're charging so little. Given your employment history and education you can easily be charging a lot more.

I like your profile.  Take out the part where you introduce yourself.  And you might want to use bullet points to highlight your various responsibilities for easier reading.  


I think I would add more to your title than Admin professional.  Leave that but maybe add something like Marketing Professional.


I'm sure others will give you better advice.  It takes awhile to really get the jobs rolling in.  Plus, it's summer in the Northern Hemisphere and jobs are slow because everyone is getting back from vacation, getting kids off to school, etc.  September should be better.  (Although US jobs may be slow until our presidential election in November).


Don't price yourself too low.  I found that when I raised my hourly rate, I got more and better jobs.

David - our posts crossed.  Great minds think alike!

Smiley Happy

Thank you! 

Thank you!
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I've been having quite a tough time choosing the best profile picture (Maybe I am thinking too much and am overcomplicating a lot of things here but I really want my profile to be in perfect standing).


I could not really decide which profile picture to keep. So I finally settled down to this current one. Now, I think that it looks slightly casual and seemingly does not reflect professionalism. But on the other hand, I also think it makes me look far more approachable. At this point, I would like to have suggestions from a client's perspective. 

Does not; take the hat or the red shirt out. You could use only one of that, also consider take out both. As client perspective I said.

I see. Thank you! 
Does this one look better? 

Shummas, I think in your field clients are probably a bit more relaxed. You could probably lose the hat but I think in general your photo is fine.

Well, I changed it again Robot Frustrated 
What do you think about this one? 

That is cool enough including the background seems to flowers so naturally.

That one is really good Shummas. Much better 🙂

Community Member

Hi Guys,


Please kindly assist review my profile. It is currently under review and I want to be sure I am not making mistatkes.


Thank you

Your profile looks fine; however, many of your logo examples show up as low resolution which you should fix. Also, graphic design is currently oversaturated and they are not accepting many new freelancers.

Thanks. I will replace the low res images immediately.


Peter, you should hide the result of your below average test. 

Thanks Melissa. My oversight.

Hello Peter,


I'm not a specialist in Design, but here is my opinion. I think your profile it's good except your overview.

First i'll start with the portfolio, i think the content is of high quality but in my opinion, this is for the design and copywriting area, i would add a light watermark in every content to avoid my work to be stolen by someone and if some client asked to provide one picture without watermark i would provide one without a problem, and this its just a trick to show the client that i'm a real content creator. Just a small trick for protection and it just shows to people that you care about your work. 


About the overview i think you should change your speach to be more business focused. You should focus more on the "you" than the "I", remember the client will only look to your profile the first 3 lines before clicking "more" so you should focus on having a killing 1st paragraph that grabs the client. To sum this up, just look at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yyfdcoocex8 and you'll understand what i'm saying.


After this you should tell what services you provide, what niche market you focus, you do logos for television shows? For books? For business corporations? Flyers for Pubs/Bars/Discos? How can you increase the sales of my company? You have a good portfolio so just use it as a tool to boost your credibility.


Sentences like 'I love this', 'This is my passion', 'I have X, i have Y experience', this is not effective in my opinion and a lot of freelancers write it but it's more apropriate for a facebook profile, not a business profile. Clients see hundreds of profiles, do you think it catches their curiosity reading "i have x, from y, i worked with j blah blah blah" ? When i go to a doctor i expect him to solve a problem that i have with my body, i don't care if he has x years of y, a title from Z place and so on.


There will be one point that when you have a lot of referals and reviews and a high job success score the overview will not be the most crucial aspect of your profile but right now it is, so this is what i think what you should work with. The profile photo and the rest i think everything it's ok. Take Care and have a nice day.


Thanks alot Pedro. This is very very helpful. You are the best.

Community Member

Can someone tell me what part of my profile do you like, what part should I remove.
"Not a minor"

Well, I think you can lose everything in your Other Experiences section. No client cares that you worked on a nameless project in school. Also, your overview needs some help. It doesn't communicate what you do. "I know stuff about Internet." You're offering tech support, but all you mention is that you have a YouTube channel and a blog.

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I am new here in Upwork.  It is almost 4 months that I am looking for a job and still can't find the right one.  I watch alot of videos in Youtube on how I can improve my profile and seems it is not helping me.  May I request for your inputs and what shound I do to improve my profile and land a job with Upwork.


Thank you so much.


Kind regards,





From the way you put your words together in sentences, it looks as if English is not your first language. For example,  you write "It is almost four months now that I am looking for a job . . ." A native English speaker would probably say "I have been looking for a job for almost four months now." Your other giveaway sentence is "looking for your inputs . . ." Input is always singular -- just one input, no matter how much material is "input."


I have not looked at your profile. For some jobs, the odd turn of phrase won't make any difference. For others, it will be a problem. Instead of watching YouTube videos, acquire a good English grammar practice book, and an answer key. Do the grammar exercises, then use the answer key to check yourself. 


You might also try Duolingo, an online language tutorial site. I am currently using it to study Spanish and German. It has an audio component that will help with pronunciation. 


Take the online quizzes offered through Upwork and score as high as you possibly can on them. 


Your problem might not be with your profile; it might be with your language skills. However, if you've hung in there for four months, I predict that you will find good jobs through Upwork. 

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I'm fairly new to upwork network. I have set up my profile as much I could. I worked on few real projects outside of upwork and presented them in my portfolio with honest project description and links.


My request to Great Authors and Members of this community, please take a look at my profile and give me some advice what are the weaknesses of my profile you think and how can I make it stronger.


Your help is vital for my survival.


Here's my profile link : http://www.upwork.com/o/profiles/users/_~01b3c9cc9c0fe793cc/


Kind Regards,


You need to remove the links to your external profiles immediately as this violates the TOS.

It is not a bad profile page. Your biggest problem is that you have zero job history. 

In upwork ? No, I don't have job history. I do have worked on projects outside upwork.


Seems to me I'm in a situation :


Owner : How many years of experience do you have working in MY COMPANY ?


Candidate : None.


Owner : In that case we can't hire you, sorry.




Thanks for Mam.

I have removed those links.


Could I ask for little more help?

When it comes to adding links, I have added real links to the projects I completed before. Some of them are links to clients page. Some are where I actually own the project. Do I have to remove those links as well or it's okay to remove the profile links only ?

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