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Profile views zero

Hi Everyone,

I am looking for an expert here who could please answer my question. The question is that I have turned on the BOOST PROFILE and BOOST PROJECT CATALOGUE options on Upwork since a month or more. But I am getting zero views. I want to know if is there a specific technique to be used in using boosting tools. Will anyone here please help me to get views on Upwork? 

Thanks a bunch.

Community Member

Boosting your profile and project catalog on Upwork can be a helpful strategy to increase visibility, but it's important to keep in mind that success with these tools can vary. Here are some tips to potentially improve your visibility and profile views:

  1. Optimize Your Profile:

    • Ensure that your profile is complete, professional, and well-optimized with relevant skills, a clear headline, and a comprehensive overview.
  2. Use Relevant Keywords:

    • Include relevant keywords in your profile that potential clients might use when searching for freelancers in your field.
  3. Clear Specialized Profiles:

    • If you have specialized profiles, make sure they are clear and focused on specific skills or services. This can improve your chances of being found for specific projects.
  4. Targeted Proposals:

    • When sending proposals, tailor them to each job and showcase how your skills and experience match the client's needs.
  5. Regularly Update Portfolio:

    • Keep your portfolio up to date with your best work. This can attract clients and make your profile stand out.
  6. Adjust Boost Settings:

    • Consider adjusting your Boost settings. You can experiment with different durations and budgets to see what works best for you.
  7. Check Your Category and Skills:

    • Ensure that your selected category and skills accurately represent your expertise. This helps Upwork match you with relevant opportunities.
  8. Seek Feedback:

    • Ask clients for feedback after completing projects. Positive reviews can enhance your profile's credibility.
  9. Explore Upwork Community:

    • Participate in discussions in the Upwork Community. This can increase your visibility and potentially lead to profile views.
  10. Review Boost Analytics:

    • Periodically review the analytics provided by Upwork for boosted projects. This can give you insights into the performance and effectiveness of your boosts.

If you continue to face issues or have specific questions about your Boost settings, it might be beneficial to reach out to Upwork Support for personalized assistance. They can provide insights into your account and help troubleshoot any issues.

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