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I am fine with being patient but would like to know if the proposals were even open or viewed.  I would rather be rejected than ignored completely! 🙂

Community Member

Hello Christian,


I'm sorry to hear that. Please note that there are other freelancers who bid for the same job too. Clients sometimes forget to leave response to your proposal or they might have hired someone else already that's why they didn't had the chance to view or respond to your proposal. I could only recommend that you should just keep on bidding to those job postings that suit your skills and write your proposals quickly. You may read the following articles to help you land more jobs here on Upwork:


Enhance your profile

Submitting a winning proposal


Thank you and good luck!


Nice post Ryan
Community Member

Christian, this isn't any different than what occurs in the brick and mortar world.  Generally these days in the b & m world applicants are only contacted if hiring authorities have some interest in them.  However, I'm old enough whereby I do remember applicants receiving initial rejection; alias flush letters which very rarely happens anymore.  Perhaps it's because companies receive such a greater # of applications, perhaps it's because public relations skills are more lacking...  Regardless, it is what it is.  Follow Ryan's advice, and you'll do just fine.  Best of luck to you in the future, Christian!      

Community Member

Hi, I'm a translator of English/Spanish and offer good rates. I have 3 English Language university degrees and I do find it impossible to compete with the rates offered by translation agencies which, in general, do not pay reasonable rates to their own freelancers.

So, at least, an "ALREADY SEEN" tag in our proposals would be a nice improvement for all the freelancers who are still waiting to get a quick reply.

Thank you!

Hello Maria,


Thank you for sharing your suggestion here with us. I will share this with our team so they can take a look at your suggestion. Thank you!

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