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The client closed the contract 3 weeks ago after paying the escrow amount and leaving good feedback. But now he's asking for the money to be refunded. He said he doesn't liked the work and I am cooperative to make the necessary adjustments.

What are the rules that applies in this scenario?
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Seyum,


The client requested a refund of the money they'd already released to you. You'll see the request in Messages. Please communicate with the client directly to try and resolve any issues amicably. If you agree to refund the money, you can issue a refund directly from the request in Messages. If you decide not to refund, the client may seek mediation assistance from Upwork. If that happens, Upwork team will reach out to you directly.


Thank you!

~ Bojan
Community Member

Dear Bojan

The client is requesting for refund and doesn't won't any other solution. And he is threatening me for bad review, which he already gave me good review, and reversal of payment by Upwork. Can he do that? I value my reputation and rating more than the money.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Seyum,


I'm sorry to hear about your experience with this client. I'll be sure to share this with our team for their review. If the client already provided feedback for the contract, they won't be able to change it without you enabling them to do that. Feedback can only be disputed or removed in a few cases. Please see this Community post for more information about Upwork feedback system.


Thank you!

~ Bojan
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