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Alketa's avatar
Alketa H Community Member

Submitting proposals

Hi everyone, 


I am new here and I have applied to 10 job proposals so far but I have not received any response from any of them. I just wanted to ask: How many proposals did you send before getting your first job here? Anyone who wants to share their first time experience with Upwork? I am feeling a bit demotivated, I wish I could know why people are not responding to my proposals... 🙂

Tonya's avatar
Tonya P Community Member

Tonya's avatar
Tonya P Community Member

Supply and Demand.png

Alketa's avatar
Alketa H Community Member

That's an interesting graph. Maybe this is the case. Thank you :)))) 

Dr. Ashish's avatar
Dr. Ashish J Community Member

Great explanation in terms of economics. Liked it. 

Richard's avatar
Richard W Community Member

  • Tonya P wrote:

    Supply and Demand.png

That doesn't strictly make sense. You're saying that Alketa is in a place of high supply and high price! In reality markets tend to be roughly at the equilibrium position, where supply equals demand, i.e. where the dotted line is. The graphs represent the total market supply and demand as a function of price, and it doesn't make sense to locate an individual at any particular point.


Economics !ecture over. Thank you for listening.

Steve's avatar
Steve B Community Member

Also as a newbie I can say that its about 10% hit rate for me. 30 Proposals got me 3 candidancies. Not to mention 2 of the 3 took over a week to get a responce from the client. 10% seems to be the norm and acceptable.


Good luck

Alketa's avatar
Alketa H Community Member

Really? Ok, it's not just about me then 🙂 


Thanks for the honest feedback, I really appreciate it . I wish you good luck too! 

Miguel's avatar
Miguel L Community Member

Hi Alketa,

when I was beginning in Upwork I had to send more than 60 proposals before get hired by a client, so you shouldn't be demotivated,you only need to have more patience  

Alketa's avatar
Alketa H Community Member

Thank you very much, Miguel. I didn't know it needed such commitment. Thank you, thank you a lot! 

Zlatina's avatar
Zlatina G Community Member

Upwork requires a lot of commitment, this is actual work. Remember that there are hundreds of freelancers that apply for the same job as you and most likely most of them already have some experience which is great advantage.
Denise's avatar
Denise S Community Member

Your profile isn't public so I couldn't look at it and give you my suggestions on it - but here are things that helped me get work when I started.

1. I took easy jobs I could do in my sleep, for lower fees than I wanted, to get going and show some Upwork experience with positive feedback and ratings.

2. I chose jobs in which I had a niche - about subjects with which I had experience (i.e. executive summaries, resumes, meditation) and pointed out my experience in those areas.

3. Keep in mind the client only sees the first sentence or two of your cover letter (I've been told), unless they click to read more, so those first words should make them want to open the cover letter and read on.

4. Your cover letter should be customized to the job posting, and, particularly if you're a writer, impeccable.

5. I didn't learn this until later, but if you read the posting and your instinct tells you there's a problem, listen to that instinct. When I don't I end up with problem clients and problem jobs.


I hope this is helpful - good luck! Denise


Tom's avatar
Tom T Community Member

Great and elaborate


Tom's avatar
Tom T Community Member

Great and elaborate👌

Muhammad's avatar
Muhammad S Community Member

Search for jobs that match your skills and interests on the Talent Marketplace. Filter by category, budget, experience level, and other criteria. Look for jobs that have clear requirements, realistic expectations, and positive feedback from previous freelancers.

Tahira's avatar
Tahira P Community Member

It's not uncommon to feel a bit discouraged when you're starting out on platforms like Upwork and haven't received responses to your proposals yet. Many freelancers have gone through a similar experience. The initial phase can be challenging, but with persistence and a few strategies, you can increase your chances of getting a positive response.

Rihanna's avatar
Rihanna B Community Member

I am new here and I have applied to 10 job proposals so far but I have not received any response from any of them.

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